Senator Al Franken accused of sexual harassment

Have you ever actually defended anything you support without just being a child and throwing all your toys around?

Everything in the previous post is fact and you won't discredit it because you can't.

And you wonder why people still support Trump?
Too funny. Cenk, the head of "Young Turks" and the face of Justice Democrats recently announced 20 million dollar investment from assorted firms in his internet video business. He quite easily dismisses the potential conflict of interest argument that is exactly the one he pounds the drum about regarding legal campaign contributions and established media groups:

Progressive media outlet The Young Turks has raised $20 million in venture-capital funding and plans to double its staff

Uygur dismissed the argument, saying he was "greatly amused by the lack of reason" among his critics.

He said the network would remain committed to removing big money from politics, adding that he didn't see the investment as corrupting the network's political coverage or bent.

"Getting money into your company is a completely different concept — it has nothing to do with money in politics," Uygur said. "It's a preposterous statement. How could anyone ever build a company if they didn't have investments? It doesn't make any sense. I don't know how to address it when it's not based on logic."

Imani “I Smell Sex and” Gandy‏Verified account@AngryBlackLady
What was it Nomiki said? Follow the money. | Left-Leaning Political Video Network The Young Turks Raises $20 Million

Ronald Klain


I hope they raised it in $27 increments, otherwise, it's shocking
corruption. …

6:52 AM - Aug 8, 2017

Rob Flaherty@Rob_Flaherty

Beholden to No Corporate Interests Except The Good People At 3L Capital …

3:59 AM - Aug 8, 2017 · Washington, DC

His site's fans and anybody who supports Justice Democrats have been had.
Last edited:
Too funny. Cenk, the head of "Young Turks" and the face of Justice Democrats recently announced 20 million dollar investment from assorted firms in his internet video business. He quite easily dismisses the potential conflict of interest argument that is exactly the one he pounds the drum about regarding legal campaign contributions and established media groups:

Progressive media outlet The Young Turks has raised $20 million in venture-capital funding and plans to double its staff

Uygur dismissed the argument, saying he was "greatly amused by the lack of reason" among his critics.

He said the network would remain committed to removing big money from politics, adding that he didn't see the investment as corrupting the network's political coverage or bent.

"Getting money into your company is a completely different concept — it has nothing to do with money in politics," Uygur said. "It's a preposterous statement. How could anyone ever build a company if they didn't have investments? It doesn't make any sense. I don't know how to address it when it's not based on logic."

Imani “I Smell Sex and” Gandy‏Verified account@AngryBlackLady
What was it Nomiki said? Follow the money. | Left-Leaning Political Video Network The Young Turks Raises $20 Million

Ronald Klain


I hope they raised it in $27 increments, otherwise, it's shocking
corruption. …

6:52 AM - Aug 8, 2017

Rob Flaherty@Rob_Flaherty

Beholden to No Corporate Interests Except The Good People At 3L Capital …

3:59 AM - Aug 8, 2017 · Washington, DC

His site's fans and anybody who supports Justice Democrats have been had.
He's selling tee shirts too, damn near Alex jones status now.
Have you ever actually defended anything you support without just being a child and throwing all your toys around?

Everything in the previous post is fact and you won't discredit it because you can't.

And you wonder why people still support Trump?
Plenty of times. I'm not surprised you missed them, considering that you're here to shit talk, instead of serious discussion.
Too funny. Cenk, the head of "Young Turks" and the face of Justice Democrats recently announced 20 million dollar investment from assorted firms in his internet video business. He quite easily dismisses the potential conflict of interest argument that is exactly the one he pounds the drum about regarding legal campaign contributions and established media groups:

Progressive media outlet The Young Turks has raised $20 million in venture-capital funding and plans to double its staff

Uygur dismissed the argument, saying he was "greatly amused by the lack of reason" among his critics.

He said the network would remain committed to removing big money from politics, adding that he didn't see the investment as corrupting the network's political coverage or bent.

"Getting money into your company is a completely different concept — it has nothing to do with money in politics," Uygur said. "It's a preposterous statement. How could anyone ever build a company if they didn't have investments? It doesn't make any sense. I don't know how to address it when it's not based on logic."

Imani “I Smell Sex and” Gandy‏Verified account@AngryBlackLady
What was it Nomiki said? Follow the money. | Left-Leaning Political Video Network The Young Turks Raises $20 Million

Ronald Klain


I hope they raised it in $27 increments, otherwise, it's shocking
corruption. …

6:52 AM - Aug 8, 2017

Rob Flaherty@Rob_Flaherty

Beholden to No Corporate Interests Except The Good People At 3L Capital …

3:59 AM - Aug 8, 2017 · Washington, DC

His site's fans and anybody who supports Justice Democrats have been had.
You may be confusing the financing of a news and political opinion channel with a political party.
God damnit man...there's an intelligent guy in there trying to break out but you keep stuffing him back with ideology.

So what you are saying is, an extortion type action by you or I, magically becomes "not extortion" when some other person(s) who happens to be wearing a government hat does it.

Coincidentally, murder becomes, not murder ("collateral damage" ) when they do it. Etc.

That is one amazing magical hat you feature in your ideology.
So what you are saying is, an extortion type action by you or I, magically becomes "not extortion" when some other person(s) who happens to be wearing a government hat does it.

Coincidentally, murder becomes, not murder ("collateral damage" ) when they do it. Etc.

That is one amazing magical hat you feature in your ideology.

So what you are saying is that a rape-type action by you on a 12 year old girl magically becomes "not rape" when you've managed to convince her to let you touch her genitals in exchange for a puppy and some candy.

Coincidentally, statutory rape becomes not statutory rape when you do it to a young child who has 'given you consent' to touch her.

That is one sick, predatory hat you feature in your ideology, Abe.
So what you are saying is that a rape-type action by you on a 12 year old girl magically becomes "not rape" when you've managed to convince her to let you touch her genitals in exchange for a puppy and some candy.

Coincidentally, statutory rape becomes not statutory rape when you do it to a young child who has 'given you consent' to touch her.

That is one sick, predatory hat you feature in your ideology, Abe.

No, that's not what I'm saying. But the puppy was a nice twist. I mean who can resist a puppy?
Fake news...
wait a moment .. apparently all he did was slip his thumb up her ass while she was sleeping. He also stated that he was unaware that she had been roofied. Also that he "new nothing" about the herpes she claimed to have contracted. Trump says it was no big deal and the feminists are blowing things out of proportion.

did you happen to catch that little dirty dancing of rubbing her ass (apparently enjoying) on another guy during a show? she didn't ask him..she just did it..but the guy was a handsome country singer not an average looking comedian sooooo there's that- frankly i find her a disgusting disgrace to the women who are real victims of sexual assault.

did anyone notice during her new conference she never looked up into the camera once? she's the worst kind of stinking cunt and a reason why women aren't taken seriously.

Last edited:
Too funny. Cenk, the head of "Young Turks" and the face of Justice Democrats recently announced 20 million dollar investment from assorted firms in his internet video business. He quite easily dismisses the potential conflict of interest argument that is exactly the one he pounds the drum about regarding legal campaign contributions and established media groups:

Progressive media outlet The Young Turks has raised $20 million in venture-capital funding and plans to double its staff

Uygur dismissed the argument, saying he was "greatly amused by the lack of reason" among his critics.

He said the network would remain committed to removing big money from politics, adding that he didn't see the investment as corrupting the network's political coverage or bent.

"Getting money into your company is a completely different concept — it has nothing to do with money in politics," Uygur said. "It's a preposterous statement. How could anyone ever build a company if they didn't have investments? It doesn't make any sense. I don't know how to address it when it's not based on logic."

Imani “I Smell Sex and” Gandy‏Verified account@AngryBlackLady
What was it Nomiki said? Follow the money. | Left-Leaning Political Video Network The Young Turks Raises $20 Million

Ronald Klain


I hope they raised it in $27 increments, otherwise, it's shocking
corruption. …

6:52 AM - Aug 8, 2017

Rob Flaherty@Rob_Flaherty

Beholden to No Corporate Interests Except The Good People At 3L Capital …

3:59 AM - Aug 8, 2017 · Washington, DC

His site's fans and anybody who supports Justice Democrats have been had.

what a moron..VC's are investors NOT donors.:wall:

you have easily got to be one of the most stupid members on this site.
No, that's not what I'm saying. But the puppy was a nice twist. I mean who can resist a puppy?
that is what you are saying when you won't acknowledge the age of consent. What other reason can you give for an 22 year old fucking a 12 year old.

Rob Roy - " Your Honor she looks very old for her age and she is very mature. I asked her if she cared to stroke my puppy and allow me to play with her pussy cat and she said yes. You are forcing your laws on me and making me a slave. Your Honor, it is my right and duty to disobey a law I feel is unjust. I will now use memes to show and prove my point, because yes I will be representing myself against this raping...oops I mean misunderstanding ".

Judge- No Bail
so a donor expects nothing in return, moron?:dunce:
I'd tell you what you don't realize but you've made it clear that learning anything is not part of your skill set, Stinkydigit.
Are you two idiots trying to tell me that an investment means nothing (when it's literally selling control of part of your business) and we should ignore it... but donations are selling your soul?
You may be confusing the financing of a news and political opinion channel with a political party.
You might be but I'm not. If you are into Justice Democrats then you are playing into Kratzenberg's hands. Cenk is not beholden to anybody but his investors. His "free" videos have an audience of 3 million chumps.

If you pay for a product on the internet, you are the customer.

If you access content for free, you are the product.

Cenks product is sold to somebody. You don't think Katzenberg is buying into his company for selling ads, do you? LOL
