SG's 2008 Outdoor Purps and White Russian Breeding


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Ok our pots are finally dry after a couple of very warm days. I will be watering and feeding today. First I gather all the things we will need.

I like to feed a weaker solution more frequently as opposed to a stronger dose less often. It helps me keep burning under control. I don't mind slightly burned tips. I will be force feeding these plants all they can handle throughout their lifecycle. For today's feeding I will use a starter dose of one -quarter capful of Growbig.

I throw it into the gallon jug and shake well for about 5 seconds. Then I Ph my water as described previously in this journal and watered each plant with one twelfth of a gallon, which comes out to 315ml. This isn't all that much water but after waiting a week for the previous water to dry out I want to see how this goes.

I will be feeding at least once or twice a week with stronger doses from now on. The plants may get white or slightly burned tips at some point. Nothing major and there is no reason to worry.


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During yesterday's feed + water, I noticed that a couple of the plants had some very tiny nibble marks on the leaf margins. Nothing major, but enough to notice. So I broke out my Safer spray. I have used many products including various Neem formulas to fight pests, and personally I have found this Safer Brand Fruit and Vegetable spray to be the most effective while being completely organic and extremely safe. It is about 6 bucks a bottle in most home and garden stores.

You cannot be afraid to use plenty of this stuff. Do not worry, it will not hurt your plants. Be aggressive when fighting pests or they will give you major problems. I spray each plant until it is dripping with the solution, sometimes to the point of bending over due to the weight of the fluid. They will dry out and bounce right back.

The other important thing we need to do is to spray every inch of the plant. Every nook, every cranny. Every node, every inch of stem. Of course we also need to hit the tops and bottoms of every leaf.

I spray each and every plant completly with the solution. They are dripping wet.

I used about half the bottle on this run. I will use the other half in 3 days just incase any eggs are on the plants. Tomorrow
I will mist them with Ph'ed water to rinse them.

Overall they are looking pretty well. The next few days will be cooler and they will be back into full sun all day. That's it for today.

Shame :peace:

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This update is for 4-29.

I checked the plants today. The little spots are worse on some of them. I haven't seen any mites yet, but I have seen some single strand webs. I will spray them again tomorrow. I will also water tomorrow.

Shame :peace:

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The spots and blemishes on the leaves are a little worse. I sprayed again this evening with the Safer spray. I still have not figured out what is eating the plants. I looked over them very carefully and saw nothing. I will give it a few days and see if it gets better. If not, I may try another product. I watered lightly again today, using 1 gal. for the whole lot. I added a half a tsp of Epsom salts to tap water instead of distilled water to help with magnesium and calcium levels just incase.

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I gave all the plants a good rinsing with Ph'ed water this morning. I may go grab some neem today just to keep it around. Whatever is/was eating them is still a mystery. Many of the Purps are so bad that I am condsidering starting new seeds and destroying them. The WR are doing better. I also may spray the whole backyard with something organic this weekend.

Well, I am off to the home and garden store to look for some poisons.

Shame :peace:

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The WR are growing and still doing better than the Purps. Of the twelve, seven are still growing fairly well. I will give the weaker, more damaged Purps a little time to bounce back. If they don't, I will pull them and I have an option on some clones.

I do not feel like starting any more seeds this season. Tomorrow I am going to clear out some of the garden plants in the backyard and spray everything down with neem to help make the yard more MJ friendly.

Here are today's pics:

White Russian- some pest damage and a little nute burn:

One of the more damaged Purps:

That's it for today, hopefully the plants will keep growing well, and the bugs stay away from them. I will keep spraying them regularly for the next couple of weeks.

Shame :peace:

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I sprayed everything down with Neem. The pest damage seems to have halted for now. No water today.

Shame :peace:

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Along with the Neem concentrate I bought, I also got some pest strips to put around my plants. I will put them out tomorrow. I have a feeling whatever was eating my plants has wings and flies around.

Despite the recent problem, the WR show lots of new growth. The Purps are not so lucky.

Here you can really see the size difference between the two strains:

...And the obligatory close-up:

No water again today...

That's today's entry. If the Purps do not perk up by Wed. or Thurs., I may pull most of them and replace them with some other strains.

Shame :peace:

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I cut up the pest strips and placed them around the plants today. No new pest damage. It was very cold today, and is suppossed to be the same over the next 2-3 days. There is a small chance of rain tonight so I moved the plants under my patio cover.

I decided not to water today. They are getting pretty dry but it has been cool and I wanted to make sure they are dry before I water again. I will throw some molasses in the next batch of water to provide some carbs to hopefully jumpstart them back up.

Shame :peace:

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So today I killed off 2 of the most beat up Purps and replaced them with sage and sour, and bubba kush clones. Based on size, I will be throwing the first wave of plants into flower as early as this Saturday.

Once the first wave is sexed ( and the sage and sour is flowering ) I will sex the rest of the grow and get the bubba kush going.

Here is the S.A.G.E. and Sour clone. A little leggy but lots of new growth. Hope she does well:

Shame :peace:

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Not much going on today. The cold and cloudy weather has slowed growth somewhat. I still haven't watered this week. I will check the pots tomorrow.

Shame :peace:

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Well today we actually are getting intermittent sun. I checked the pots again today, and they are still moist a couple of inches down. I will just wait another day. I am also going to spray everything down with neem for good measure tonight so the first wave should be clean going into flower.

The first wave will officially be:

1x s.a.g.e. x sour clone
1x white russian that I suspect is male
2x white russian that I suspect are female

The SnS will be about 12" going into flower, so I am guessing it will wind up at 3 ft.+ since it is has heavy sativa traits.The WRs will be about 10" going into flower. They should end up 2ft.+ .

And now for today's pics:

White Russian

White Russian 2

Shame :peace:

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A little more sunlight today. I looked at the extended forecast, and it shows another week of cold and cloudy days. The June gloom has come early once again.

I am holding back on watering again today. I Want those pots dry before I get them wet again. We are still on track to start flowering some of the plants, but it may not be until Monday depending on the weather. The plants are looking happier lately. Lots of new growth, even on the tore up Purps that I left alone. I may see some purple bud yet...

Not much else going on. Flowering about to commence. I am getting excited.

Shame :peace:

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Still no water needed today. 13 days since the last watering and they aren't droopy yet. Amazing. Anyhow, they are looking pretty well for the mostpart.

Tomorrow we take the first wave into flower. I am guessing the rest will be ready to join them in 7-10 days if the sun holds out. And now for the pics:

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I decided to give them one more day before I flower the first batch. I watered today with just Ph'ed distilled, and brought out the little bubba kush clone and sprayed her down with neem and put her with out with the rest.

Tomorrow will definitely be the day.

Shame :peace:

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So, I put the Sage and Sour and the three White Russian into 12/12 today. Their nighttime home is a spare closet with a heater and a fan circulating the air. There is passive ventilation which I have never had any problems with.

Until everything is sexed and flowering, Please use the Journal-Matic figures for the plants I have in the veg stage ONLY. The hours of light will be 12/12 for all my plants in flower.The nighttime temp. will be kept right around 68 F for now. The humidity will be around 55%. Once everything is flowering the Journal-Matic will again be accurate for the entire grow.

Here are the 4 after their first night in 12/12. The difference in new growth compared to the rest is noticeable.

And the rest of the grow, hanging out doing what they do best...

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Finally a full day of sunshine! I spent a couple of hours out in the yard today, cleaning things up and making space for my soon to be flowering females. I did an inspection of all 12 plants and found no pests or new pest damage. I hope this sun holds out, if so the rest of the garden will be ready for flower in a week.

No water or nutrients again today. Hopefully I will have the first 4 sexed in the next few days. I should have some really nice pics tomorrow, all but two of the plants are really blowing up.

That's it for today.

Shame :peace:

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The stems are starting to thicken up a bit, especially the plants that are on 12/12. The pots are getting dry, but I am going to wait another day at least before I water again. The next time I water I will add some molasses and soak the pots completely since it appears that the sun will be out in full force for the next week at least.

Here is the newest addition to the family, a small but healthy Bubba Kush clone that has been under shop lights until yesterday. She will need a couple of weeks at least before being ready to flower. I might put her in a big pot:

The sage and sour clone after her second day of 12/12:

One of the White Russian, also in flower mode:

And a shot of all the plants. They are still on the patio for now. Later on when they are bigger I will put them in a more out of the way part of the yard. My sunflower sprouts are in the big pot on the left:

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No water today. It was very warm but I'll wait until tomorrow. Still moving along. I am hoping to see some flowers on the first wave tomorrow or Saturday hopefully. That's it for today.

Shame :peace:

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Update for 5/16:

I watered today. 2 gallons of distilled with a spoon full of molasses in the second gallon. The weather has been amazing, and the plants are loving it for the mostpart. Temps could be a little cooler.

Here are today's pics:

The sage and sour:

This is one of the White Russian I have on 12/12. It is one of the ones that I guessed would be female so I put it into the 3 gallon pot. I verified today that it is a girl:

I will be doing the backlogged update for the 17th now, and it will be up in a few minutes. Thanks for stopping by!

Shame :peace:

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