SG's 2008 Outdoor Purps and White Russian Breeding


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Ok I am back. Things are still moving right along. The breakdown of the first 4 plants into 12/12 is as follows:

SnS clone- female
WR #1 - female
WR #2 - unknown
WR #3 - unknown

I should be able to sex the last 2 WR later today or tomorrow I am guessing. I have found a couple of green worms eating the leaves of a couple of the plants. I will do another inspection later and I might spray them down with neem again tonight to keep them all pest free going into flower.

Some of the other plants that are vegging are getting pretty big, so I may have to start sexing them soon. A couple of the WR in veg are up to about 15" tall. I will probably water again today with just a gallon of water as the weather is still very warm.

That's it for this update, I will be posting again later tonight with tonight's update for the 18th.

Shame :peace:

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Watered Today. Temps are still very warm, so I am not complaining. Here are today's pics. I will be posting more details of what is going on with everything in my 5/19 update coming up in a few:

Here are the 4 plants that have been in 12/12 for almost a week now. The 3 plants on the ground with them are more white russian that are now big enough to join them.

Here are the rest of the plants - 3 Purps, the last White Russian, and the Bubba Kush clone.

And a closer picture of the flowering plants:

That's it for this update. I will now post the update for 5/19 with the sexing results from the first wave of flowering plants.

Shame :peace:

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Ok, first off here are the sexing results from the first wave:

SnS clone- Female ( duh )
WR #1 - Female
WR #2 - Female
WR #3 - Female

All females...nice - but we still have 7 more plants to sex, as well as the BK to flower. As I mentioned in my last update, I am adding 3 more WR of good size to my flowering group. I marked the already sexed pots with brown tape just to keep it simple. It took exactly 1 week for the WR to show sex by the way.

So as of tonight we have 7 plants in flower mode and 5 left in veg. .I picked another green worm off of one of the plants. They are big and slow enough to just pick them off instead of spraying. I am checking the plants a couple of times a day though.

Shame :peace:

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Just a quick update for today - the plants are doing well. No water or food today. Here are today's pics:

The vegging group:

The flowering group:

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Watered today with just 1 gallon of PH'ed distilled. Temps have been much cooler today. I am noticing that the Purps are just not bouncing back. After 6 weeks of veg, they are still pathetic in size. I will have full pics up tomorrow.

Shame :peace:

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Ok, here are some pics of the flowering plants in their nighttime home:

The weather has been cold,cloudy and windy for the last few days wth no signs of letting up. No water or food today. The Ocean Forest should just about be out of gas, so I will most likely feed some veg nutes to everything with the next water.

That's it for today.

Shame :peace:

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Ok I am all caught up now with my entries. I have been very busy the last week or so. The weather has been terrible. Today it is cold, cloudy, and VERY windy. The winds here have been getting up to about 40mph. and have been beating the crap out of the plants. Now I know they can take a beating, but I moved the flowering plants into my flower room and they are now relaxing in a much better environment than they would have outside. I will move them back outdoors once the weather calms down, tomorrow hopefully.

Also, the plants I added to the flowering group just a few days ago have all shown sex. 2 males and a female. I now have a couple of males to choose from for breeding. There are still 5 plants in veg to deal with.I will take some pics of the plants in the flower room and post them tomorrow.

Shame :peace:

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Well I took some pics of the flowering group at lights on this morning before I put them back outside now that the wind and rain have stopped. They are looking very healthy overall:

White Russian about a week into flower:

And the sage x sour:

And here is a new pic of the veg group. The Purps are finally growing out of their past problems and are looking fairly decent. The three on the left are the Purps, then the last WR, and the BK clone on the far right:

I will be watering tomorrow, and feeding some veg nutes to all the plants as well. The last White Russian left in veg is now up to about 17" tall and it is ready to flower. I topped it a few days ago and I want to give it some more time to recover before flowering. The Purps and the Bubba Kush still need some veg time before they are ready, so I will keep the whole group in veg for another 4-7 days.

That's it for today.

Shame :peace:

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Holding off another day for watering. The weather is getting warmer again. I am watching the two male White Russians trying to learn what the flowers look like as they mature for the first couple of weeks.

I will probably choose one male over the other tomorrow, and will kill the loser off. I am trying to decide the best way to keep the remaining male separated so he doesn't seed everything in the garden.

Shame :peace:

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Today I gave them a heavy watering with a medium dose of GrowBig. I am hoping the good weather holds out for a while. I also picked a few more of the green worms off a couple of the plants. They were pretty large and had nibbled a good chunk of a couple of the leaves off.

Tomorrow I choose a breeding male. I am also hoping the last WR i have in veg turns out to be a female. It is recovering from the topping I gave it a few days ago.

Here are some pics for today.

The flowering group - they are being blown around by the wind so they look a little wierd:

And the veg group- I am trying to straighten out the BK, that's what the shoelace is doing hanging from it's pot:


That's it for today.

Shame :peace:

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Just a really quick update before I post today's 5/28 update with lots of info and pics. The plants have been getting alot of sun the last couple of days, and are almost ready for more water.

My big update for today should be up in a few.

Shame :peace:

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Ok. I now have everything sexed and sorted. I will be giving away a couple of my clones and a female Purps to a patient friend of mine to flower out since I am already at my limit. But he is moving in a month or two, so I should be getting them back just after I harvest some of my plants from the first wave :blsmoke:.

So for right now this journal will be covering:

5x White Russian
1x Sage N Sour

The WR male I kept for breeding will only be around for another few days until I milk him and dump him. He has tighter node spacing and a more complex branching structure than the one I killed off. Here is a pic of the male from today:

And a close up of one of the WR females about 1.5 weeks into flower:

Here is a shot of the flowering group ( my dog is patrolling ) :mrgreen: :

And a shot of the BK and OG clones and Purps we won't be seeing for a while:

Now I am really loving it. From here on out it's nothing but buds, buds, and more buds. Stay tuned, the best part is coming up!

Shame :peace:

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I watered today, and threw in a tblspn of molasses. I did some measuring today also. The plants are all over the map height-wise. They range from 13" to 18" right now. I have a feeling most of them will wind up a little shorter than I first estimated. Having never grown these strains before, I guess I should have seen that coming. Most of the plants should still wind up 2-2.5 feet high.

For yield, I usually figure on 1/2 - 3/4 of an oz. per foot of plant height. This has been very accurate for me so far. I have decided not to stagger harvests as much as I first thought as well. I will be force flowering everything. My harvests will be about 2-3 weeks apart this year.

The weather for the next week should be rockin'. I will have new pics up tomorrow as well as a picture tutorial on harvesting pollen as well as it's application to the selected female. Thanks to FDD for his help on this subject. By the way, my Journal-Matic is now accurate for the entire grow again. The night time numbers are indoors and controlled so they won't move much.

That's it for today.

Shame :peace:

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The male still isn't ready to milk yet. But I have chosen the female I will be seeding. It's the biggest and the most vigorous of the females. Fairly well balanced between the Indica and Sativa bloodlines that make up the strain.

Tons of new growth lately, which is to be expected during early flower. The plants still have alot of growing to do over the next 7-14 days.

Here are today's pics:

White Russian:

Sage n Sour:

That's it for today.

Shame :peace:

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Not much to report today. I may spray some of the plants down with neem again while they are still early into flower. I have noticed some new nibble marks. Nothing major, but I do not want it to be an issue close to harvest.

I may water tomorrow, and if I do I will throw in a tiny amount of Tigerbloom for some added P and K. That's all for today. I will have some pics coming up in my 6-1 entry later today.

Shame :peace:

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Watered today. I did not throw in the TigerBloom. I Will wait until the next water before feeding again. More great weather this weekend. The plants are starting to fill in a bit. The smell is starting to get pretty strong, particularly from the White Russian. Serious Seeds warns about the amount of smell, and they aren't kidding. Crystals are starting to show up now on all the WR but not the SnS yet.

That's it for today. I am off to the beach.

Shame :peace:

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Hello again, I am ready for today's update. The male plant is still taking his time in giving up the pollen. Only one flower has opened so far, and I didn't get much out of it. I am checking a few times per day to hopefully catch some sacs just as they are ready to open. But, this is my first time keeping a male this long so I am feeling my way through the dark here. The sacs are maturing and I think in another couple of days I should have all the pollen I need for seed production.

The females are growing rapidly still, and the plants from the first wave are really starting to explode. Hopefully you will see a noticeable difference in the next set of pics coming tomorrow. So things are still rolling along.

That's it for today.

Shame :peace:

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Welcome back.

Let's start off with some new pics from today:

White Russian:

Sage n Sour:

Now for today's update.

I was able to gather up a few pollen sacs from the male, and made a first attempt at seeding one of the lower branches on the chosen female. I didn't have enough pollen ready to use a paintbrush, so I just took a few pods and opened them up over the selected branch. It seemed like plenty of pollen fell onto the bud sites, but as of today the hairs still have not turned red, which is suppossed to be a sign that the pollination took.

I will make another run to pollinate the same plant as soon as I have more pollen ready. I will also take some pics of the process.

The pots are getting dry, so I will probably water and feed tomorrow.

Shame :peace:

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Quick update for today. I will have my 6/5 entry up in a bit with pics. I held off from watering again today. It was cold and cloudy. Water and food tomorrow for sure.

Shame :peace:

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I gathered a few more ripe pollen sacs from the male and opened them up over the same WR female and the Sage n Sour. I marked the branches I pollinated by tying a red ribbon around the base of each branch. I still see no change in the previously pollinated WR. No red hairs or anything showing me that it has been seeded.

I watered heavy and fed medium today. I added 1/4 capful of Tigerbloom to both gallons of water. The next feed will be veg. nutes again ( Growbig). I will probably alternate veg. and flower nutes over the next few feeds, and then will stick to the Tigerbloom and molasses for the rest of the grow. I usually feed veg. nutes to my plants to some degree until they are about 3-4 weeks into flower. This covers the constant new growth that takes place over the first 2-4 weeks depending on the strain.

White Russian:

And our delicate little Sage n Sour:

That's it for today. I need to look into the hairs not turning red after pollination to see if this is indeed a sign of proper seeding. I will have answers in my next entry. Thanks for stopping by.

Shame :peace:

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