SG's 2008 Outdoor Purps and White Russian Breeding


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Watered today. Threw in 1 Tblspn. of molasses. 6/26 update coming later today with pics.

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I was pretty busy yesterday, and I didn't get a chance to get this update done until today. Everything is going well. I am going to harvest the next WR on Monday. It will be ready. After that it will be 2+ weeks before the next plant is done. I am still drying and curing the harvest from the first two plants. They aren't done yet, but I am estimating the yield from those two at about 1.5 ounces only. Lower than I wanted, but at least the mold didn't ruin the two plants altogether.

I also found a couple of seeds in bud from them so far. A little pollen must have found it's way to that plant during my pollination phase. The good news is the seeds are mature and healthy. This tells me that the outdoor time for seed maturation is no longer than indoors. These seeds only had 30 days to grow, if that. Hope this info. helps someone, as I have been reading some people posting that it takes months for seeds to mature outdoors...

And now for today's pics:

The topped WR:

The Purps:

The OG Kush:

The Sage n Sour ( Taking her sweet time...):

And the seeded WR:

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Not much to report. I will have today's 6-28 pic update up shortly ( for sure this time :mrgreen: ).

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I was looking for split seed sacs today. I didn't see any. The two seeds I found in the harvested WR seemed to be pretty much fully developed, or very close. They certainly looked viable. I had to squeeze them out of their sacs. I will look into this and see what the deal is.

That's all for today. I will be watering and feeding tomorrow.

Shame :joint:

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Watered today with a medium dose of TigerBloom.

Shame :joint:

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I found some split seed sacs on the seeded plants. Just a few here and there. Some of the seeds were lighter and some darker. I am just going to leave them alone, and check the pots for dropped seeds.

I chopped down a third WR early this morning. I am just going to put all the cured bud pics from the whole grow up at the end of the journal. There is now a little Bubba Kush in it's place. The BK is also seeded with the WR pollen, at least a lower branch is.

So everything you see in the journal from now on should all be ready at pretty much the same time, between 7-14 and 7-21 ( 2-3 weeks ). Tomorrow they get more water and molasses.

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Watered today. No additives. Pic update coming later today.

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I noticed that many of the trichs on the sweet leaves are now amber on a few of the plants. This does not mean they are done. I think it is the long hot days of full sunlight that is doing it. The bud trichs are still cloudy on all the plants. One of the perks to growing outdoors is that you can often see the trichs' status pretty easily with the naked eye.

I think this Purps may not be ready until the very end of the month.


Bubba Kush

White Russian

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Performed a mini-flush today. Added 1 Tblspn. molasses to the second gallon.


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I didn't have time to update yesterday due to the festivities. I Hope everyone in the states had a great Independence Day.

I sampled the little bit of my SnS that I plucked off the bottom of the plant a few days ago. Even though is has a little ways to go, It is good smoke. Already very potent with the Sour Diesel experience. I got 4 seeds out of the two tiny buds I plucked.

White Russian x Sage n Sour F1

And now for the plant update pics. All the plants except for the Purps still seem to be on schedule to be done by 7/21 if not a little sooner. The Purps has 3-4 weeks left by the looks of her. I will hit everything with a medium dose of TigerBloom next water, which might be the last feeding for most of them. Most of the plants are showing a ton of new growth lately:

The Purps getting some help from from nature:



White Russian:

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Not much to report, no water today. New bud growth is everywhere. I am going to let them dry out another day or two before I water them again.

7/6 pic update coming later tonight.

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I kind of ran out of time today so I had to snap a few pics of the gang right before I put them to sleep for the night. They are looking good and still showing a ton of new growth. The pots were very light when I brought them in tonight so I will be watering and feeding first thing tomorrow. The buds are getting so heavy that I will have to stake up a few of the plants soon. And yes, I know I need to vaccuum the space. :mrgreen:

Purps- she is looking to be a good producer so far. She is still 3-4 weeks to harvest:

Our topped WR is maturing nicely:

The sage n sour:

That's it for today.

Shame :peace:

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Watered and fed lightly. Pic update later tonight.

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I pulled my plants out this morning only to find that the SnS was infested with bugs. I have to look into it a bit to ID them for sure, but I think it is aphids. I saw some mature black bugs with clear wings here and there, and allot of what looked like eggs, or another type of bug. The infestation was too bad to be treated properly this late into flower.

I cut off the leaves that were infested the worst and threw them in the sink and ran hot water over them. I saved a leaf in a sealed bag so that I can look at it with a loop to see what is going on. I can't spray anything this late into flower. At just under 8 weeks of flower she isn't quite done...

I couldn't risk this spreading to all the other plants, or the total loss of the buds so I cut her down. She had another 10 days to go, but the bud will still be good smoke, and her seeds are fully matured and ready for my picking. As an added bonus, I found 3 little green worms in the buds as I manicured them. I really hate finding worms in buds. But I inspected everything meticulously and I should wind up with a clean 1/2 ounce off of her, plus 50 or so seeds.

After dealing with the Sage n Sour, I of course checked all of the remaining plants for anything and everything. I pulled a few leaves off of a couple of the other plants because I found eggs on their undersides. This problem may or may not spread to other plants.

Everything but the Purps should be ready for harvest between the 14th and the 21st of this month - I hope they last that long. During my inspection of the Purps, I found 2 spots of powdery mildew. I plucked the leaves off, and am just going to watch all the plants closely until harvest.

The Purps is on lockdown due to mildew. She needs to last another 2-3 weeks to finish:

White Russian - these should be done in another 7-10 days:


The OG and Bubba Kushes - the Bubba will be done soon as well, but the OG has to survive another 2 weeks if possible. They won't yield all that much, The seeds were my main goal with these clones.

So between the Mildew and the bugs, I am getting pounded this season. I have never had this many problems in a single grow in 4+ years. It would figure that the first time I do complete journal I get hit hard. But we keep on truckin' and our plants are almost to the finish line.

Shame :peace:

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Not much to report. The bug problem seems to be in check for now. I am carefully inspecting all the plants every day when I pull them out and put them into their dark room. I also sprayed down the room with a light bleach solution.

The seeded WR will be at 8 weeks and 2 days into flower as of Monday morning. She will be getting the axe.

Pic update later today.

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Flushed again today. 2 gallons total with 1 Tblspn. of molasses. The seeded WR is definitely getting the axe Monday. Her buds are rock hard.

I was checking on the SnS I have drying, and squeezed out another 20+ beans. They look healthy and mature.

That's it for today.

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Funky weather today. Pic update tomorrow, as well as a 3x flush.

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Lots of stuff happening this weekend so I didn't have time to update yesterday. I did a 3x flush, which simply means I flushed by watering the plants with 3x as much water as they would normally receive.

I saw some split seed pods on the seeded WR, so I brought her in to get a good look. I pulled a few seeds out by hand, and picked a couple up that had fallen into the pot. She still has some leaves left on her, but her buds are rock hard, and turning purple/blue on some of the tops. She dies tomorrow. (#1)

The rest of what's left. (#2)

The Purps has really started to fill in and harden up. She smells just like sugary sweet grape candy or soda. (#3)

The OGK is doing well, with giant sparkling crystals. I think I might be ready to harvest before this bitch. (#4)

The topped WR is yellowing up quite a bit. She just needs some time to fill in a bit more. (#5)

That's it for today.

Shame :peace:

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No water today. 7/14 pic update coming later.

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Welcome back.

I went through the plants tonight before taking the pics. There is some thrip damage on a couple of the plants; nothing major though. Tomorrow I will be doing a 2x flush with molasses in the second gallon. New bud growth all around but it is slowing down.

The little Bubba Kush is still hardening up. She won't give up more than a quarter ounce, maybe 3/8 tops. But I seeded her lower branches well so I should get plenty of seeds. (#2)

The White Russian is coming right along. She is starting to harden up now. Another week or 10 days and she should be done. (#3)

Even though she is only 12" tall, she is getting so top heavy I may have to stake her. She might be ready by the 21st. For such a small plant she has produced a ton of bud. I cannot wait to start growing out this cross. (#4)

The Purps is getting heavy and is starting to bend almost to the point of snapping even in modest winds. I finally staked her up, which I should have done a week or so ago. (#5)

Shame :peace:

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