Sinema Leaves Democratic Party

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Apparently you missed the memo
And Kinzinger like any centrist has been branded as one

Branded by the extreme right but 2022 proved that the extreme right can't win elections. Candidates like Kinzinger can win elections if they're not primaried by the trump boot licking clowns. I think we'll see a move towards saner candidates in the GOP. At least they'll try. It might be hard to put that mess they made back in the box. It might actually be too late. The monster they created might refuse to die.
I'm a former life long Democrat who removed myself from any political party affiliation several years ago. As an independent I voted for Biden in the last election. So, I guess you'll have to tell me which group you'd like to define me into.

Are you 100% all in with everything no questions asked? If you aren't then you're one of "Them". Welcome to the club.
Oh well
Just keep kickin RINOS
Its a great way to lose elections
No, it does make a lot of sense that so many former RINOs and now Dems, as the Dem party is now nothing like what it was prior to Trump. I do still think your numbers are off though.
No, I disagree with them from time to time, so they have set me aside as being against them.

You misunderstood. "Them" is the enemy. They have the motto "Us vs Them". You being the Them because you don't tow the party line 100% all the time.
Oh well
Just keep kickin RINOS
Its a great way to lose elections

It's amazing how fast the idiots that infected that party had ostracized lifelong conservative Republicans and they did it so easily. They were all afraid of being labeled RINO by the likes of sarah palin and other know nothings that they never defended each other and allowed themselves to be picked off one by one. Then the process sped up extremely rapidly as trump went through the ranks basically giving a yay or nay based off of things as petty as he didn't like the way someone looked, didn't feel that they kissed his ass enough, or just wanted someone else he liked more because they were on TV or played football. It's not been pleasant to watch and it's been extremely detrimental to our democracy and country as a whole.
It's amazing how fast the idiots that infected that party had ostracized lifelong conservative Republicans and they did it so easily. They were all afraid of being labeled RINO by the likes of sarah palin and other know nothings that they never defended each other and allowed themselves to be picked off one by one. Then the process sped up extremely rapidly as trump went through the ranks basically giving a yay or nay based off of things as petty as he didn't like the way someone looked, didn't feel that they kissed his ass enough, or just wanted someone else he liked more because they were on TV or played football. It's not been pleasant to watch and it's been extremely detrimental to our democracy and country as a whole.
Right? It's quite amazing to retrospectively see how fragile the GOP of the RINO's was, for them to just turn tail and run so easily. I always thought that they self-projected as fighters, but apparently that was just a pose.
Are you 100% all in with everything no questions asked? If you aren't then you're one of "Them". Welcome to the club.
I never meant to imply that your views were invalid, or that there was anything wrong with being an independent. I do, and will continue to take exception to your both sides arguments, because i think they are invalid. I would vote for someone with a sane, manageable, platform that guaranteed personal rights for everyone, regardless of gender, race, or personal preference. If such a person ran as an independent, i would have no trouble voting for them. If such a person ran as a republican, i would vote for them...after i checked them out as thoroughly as it is possible for someone to do outside of the intelligence service.
The point being that I, at least, am not particularly enamored of the democratic party, but right now, their competition is either laughable, frightening, or non existent.
Comply 100% or hit the road. That's how many Democrats treat their own. They're not as bad as the Republicans but they're going that way.
Both parties take queues from each other in terms of how to gain control of their constituents. When Dems saw Repubs actively gerrymandering, their response was "let's do it too", and now it's become a cat and mouse game of redistricting, with politics in mind over people.
I never implied they were doomed for failure. I made a single example of one House race that was lost because they tried to run a far left candidate in a Congressional district that is not as far left as the rest of the state.

Oregon is not going red.
That's right. You found a single example to justify your arguments against Democrats. The thing is, most people in Oregon voted for Democrats. Compared to the majority in this state, YOUR support for the status quo is extreme.

Oh this is a reminder that you said Democrats "are racist too". I'm still waiting for you to tell me which Democratic Party leaders are racist and explain why you say so.
I never meant to imply that your views were invalid, or that there was anything wrong with being an independent. I do, and will continue to take exception to your both sides arguments, because i think they are invalid. I would vote for someone with a sane, manageable, platform that guaranteed personal rights for everyone, regardless of gender, race, or personal preference. If such a person ran as an independent, i would have no trouble voting for them. If such a person ran as a republican, i would vote for them...after i checked them out as thoroughly as it is possible for someone to do outside of the intelligence service.
The point being that I, at least, am not particularly enamored of the democratic party, but right now, their competition is either laughable, frightening, or non existent.

My name should show up on this list pretty soon. I hope I can count on your vote. :mrgreen:

It's amazing how fast the idiots that infected that party had ostracized lifelong conservative Republicans and they did it so easily. They were all afraid of being labeled RINO by the likes of sarah palin and other know nothings that they never defended each other and allowed themselves to be picked off one by one. Then the process sped up extremely rapidly as trump went through the ranks basically giving a yay or nay based off of things as petty as he didn't like the way someone looked, didn't feel that they kissed his ass enough, or just wanted someone else he liked more because they were on TV or played football. It's not been pleasant to watch and it's been extremely detrimental to our democracy and country as a whole.
i really think that the "lifelong conservative republicans" thought they knew what they were doing. they've had a long term plan for decades, and made no real effort to hide it. they were looking for a way to force some of their judicial candidates through, state attorney generals, governors, and they found it. but the monster they built to steal people's attention turned on them, and now those "lifelong conservative republicans" are just as eager to kill the monster as they villagers they turned him loose on. every single one of them that has refused to censure mtg is guilty, everyone who refused to impeach trump is guilty, know some of them knew that something big was happening leading up to Jan. 6th, and not a single one of them spoke up, gave any warning. it has been unpleasant to watch, and it has been detrimental to our country as a whole.
That's right. You found a single example to justify your arguments against Democrats. The thing is, most people in Oregon voted for Democrats. Compared to the majority in this state, YOUR support for the status quo is extreme.

Oh this is a reminder that you said Democrats "are racist too". I'm still waiting for you to tell me which Democratic Party leaders are racist and explain why you say so.

I don't have to explain anything to anyone. I made a statement. Some Democrats are racist. I believe that to be fact. If you don't then don't. I have no doubt that there were high profile Democrats dropping the N word behind closed doors when referring to Obama. To think that just because someone is a Democrat means they can't be racist is naive. Hell, there were Democrats that voted for McCain because they wouldn't vote for a black man. Some from southern states are rooted in racism. They don't come out and say it openly and they hide it well. It's pretty unrealistic for you to expect me to just name names. It's also unrealistic to pretend that it doesn't exist in the Democratic party.
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