So I finally tried water curing

polo the don

Well-Known Member
Curiosity got the best if me. I just had to try it. I have a perpetual grow and I harvest every two weeks, so I said, fuk it and tossed a few smaller buds in a butter bowl for this experiment. I'll tell ya it is a very strange feeling to pour water on the buds you have carefully grown and normally carefully dry and cure, but I did it. 7 days later they were done. They dried quick, in one day they went from soaked to bone dry.

I have mixed emotion about the smoking experience. The smoke was smooth, thick, and pretty much flavorless with very little smell. The high was great, more than it would be if smoking the same weight of air cured, but it was missing something. TASTE! Without tasting or feeling the smoke it's like I wasn't getting the full experience. Terpenes are water soluble that's why it has no taste. Even still I wished I had done more water cured. It has it's time and place. I feel like I could get away with smoking it in public.

Here is the simple process I did. Sorry but I didn't think to take pics.

Toss fresh buds in container( I used a butter bowl)

Cover buds with distilled water. The buds will float for the first 2 or3 days so I used another butter bowl with a lil water on top of them to push them down.

Put in a dark spot at room temp.

Change water everyday for seven days.

After seven days, remove from water and dry. With water curing it don't matter how fast they dry cause all the chlorophyll dissolves into the water. I have read of guys using food dehydrators with good results. I simply hung them in my drying closet with a small fan blowing softly on them.

When dry, smoke!

It really is that simple. I suggest you try at least a lil bit and form your opinion. You just might like it.

If you try or have tried it please share your experiences with us.

Happy Smoking,


bud bootlegger
yeah, i have tried water curing once.. i think that says it all, lol..
same deal for me, not only did the bud look very odd imo, had this weird brown hue to it rather than the lovely green colored nugs that went into the jars, but it also majorly lacked in the flavor dpt as well.. and like you said, flavor is such an important aspect of the smoking experience imvho.. if i wanted to smoke tasteless bud, i wouldn't spend all that time it took me to grow the good stuff to begin with..
but yeah, live and learn, i tried it once, and won't be going down that road again.. :(

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I would never leave green bud in water for a week or any amount of time.
The way I do a water cure is put the shoots in RO water for just twenty-four hour. The average shoot will suck up about 1/2 litre in that time span and IMO is good enough.
I do mine in the budding room but you're taking a chance if one or more of the snips go dry while the hps is on. To be safe this can also be done in a closet without light and the temp doesn't have to be any more than 65F.
I just feel better knowing I've done all I can to deliver the cleanest product possible and knowing that my bud is dried with purified water over res water.

polo the don

Well-Known Member
I would never leave green bud in water for a week or any amount of time.
The way I do a water cure is put the shoots in RO water for just twenty-four hour. The average shoot will suck up about 1/2 litre in that time span and IMO is good enough.
I do mine in the budding room but you're taking a chance if one or more of the snips go dry while the hps is on. To be safe this can also be done in a closet without light and the temp doesn't have to be any more than 65F.
I just feel better knowing I've done all I can to deliver the cleanest product possible and knowing that my bud is dried with purified water over res water.
I don't think I understand. Shoots in water? Please explain.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
When you cut the plant off or a part of the plant from the roots it becomes a snip or shoot because it no longer has roots

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Just the cut end of the shoot in the RO water so it can take up the RO water.
This is good for doing outdoor also. As many as twenty at a time with fans pruned can be done in a five gallon bucket.
It is truly the simplest way to flush.
I don't do organics anymore. Everything is sterile. Clean weed gets you by all that health and safety crap if you get popped.
Like I posted, IMO 24 hours is sufficient, be sure you remove them to trim after at least 12 hours of darkness if done in the budding room.


Is anyone able to explain any logic behind water curing. Maybe im just high, but ive been thinking for about 20 minutes and i cant see how anyone on earth thought that was a good idea ever. Im not trying to be a jerk or sound rude... I am seriously trying to see the logic behind doing this... What does leaving the bud in water do to "cure" it. I was lead to believe "curing" is basically a fermenting process. How does simply putting wet weed into water cause this to happen? The only possible outcome I can see is the repeat pouring in and out of the water damaging your trichs and basically rinsing off the other essential oils.


bud bootlegger
i just copy and pasted this from the old interwebs, not my words, but here you go.

Water Curing is done by cutting down your buds and removing the fan leaves. It's optional to do further trimming, but note that cured trimmings always make better hash. Place them in a bin of Reverse Osmosis water and keep below above 65F and below 75F. Use something to gently weigh them down. Once a day for 3-7 days (depending on personal preference) change out the water with clean fresh RO water. Because there is a high concentration of chlorophyll and salts in the buds and none in the water, Osmosis will naturally occur, drawing it out of the plant until the levels are equal. The water is changed out to keep the osmotic pressure at its highest: day old water will not have the same osmotic force to suck out everything. After the 3-7 days, hang and dry the buds like you normally would. Done!
-Less bag appeal
-The smoothest bud you'll ever smoke
-Bud is more potent, but only because the total weight is reduced. IE- where you may get 1.5g air curing, you'll only get 1g with water cure: a much purer product
-Using them method allows you to pump in nutrients all the way to the end, with NO 1-2 weeks of flushing. That could increase yields significantly.

Remember that nothing we want to smoke is water soluble. That means it will not leach out into the water. The only thing that can happen is trichomes can break off if you treat the buds roughly: be gentle.


Well-Known Member
i just copy and pasted this from the old interwebs, not my words, but here you go.

Water Curing is done by cutting down your buds and removing the fan leaves. It's optional to do further trimming, but note that cured trimmings always make better hash. Place them in a bin of Reverse Osmosis water and keep below above 65F and below 75F. Use something to gently weigh them down. Once a day for 3-7 days (depending on personal preference) change out the water with clean fresh RO water. Because there is a high concentration of chlorophyll and salts in the buds and none in the water, Osmosis will naturally occur, drawing it out of the plant until the levels are equal. The water is changed out to keep the osmotic pressure at its highest: day old water will not have the same osmotic force to suck out everything. After the 3-7 days, hang and dry the buds like you normally would. Done!
-Less bag appeal
-The smoothest bud you'll ever smoke
-Bud is more potent, but only because the total weight is reduced. IE- where you may get 1.5g air curing, you'll only get 1g with water cure: a much purer product
-Using them method allows you to pump in nutrients all the way to the end, with NO 1-2 weeks of flushing. That could increase yields significantly.

Remember that nothing we want to smoke is water soluble. That means it will not leach out into the water. The only thing that can happen is trichomes can break off if you treat the buds roughly: be gentle.
I've done this with a couple of mids last year, it is a smooth smoke but you lose heaps of weight and the high felt like it was missing something, I used a coffee press to keep the buds down (not pressed to the bottom, just enough to keep it under water). It's a good way we have cured bud to smoke while you wait for the rest of the crop to cure properly in jars.


bud bootlegger
I've done this with a couple of mids last year, it is a smooth smoke but you lose heaps of weight and the high felt like it was missing something, I used a coffee press to keep the buds down (not pressed to the bottom, just enough to keep it under water). It's a good way we have cured bud to smoke while you wait for the rest of the crop to cure properly in jars.
yeah, i know what you mean, a french press for making coffee, has that screen and a plunger thingy on it, that's a really good idea to use tbh..
and i agree, the taste takes too big of a hit for my liking.. sure, it was smooth smoke, but the price the taste has to pay is too large for me to do it on an entire crop. i only tried it on a few buds when i did it.. even just the looks of it are a bit much to get over ime..


Thanks Racer - That actually made it make some sense.

Using a cup of water to flush like bird said makes alot of sense, never thought of that but for a Flushing mechanism that seems pretty smart.

I think ill stick to hanging an jarring. Anyone tried making hash out of "water cured" buds? or bho maybe?

If you think about it, based on what racer posted, you might be able to make some super strong BHO... May have no taste... idk... maybe good for turning trim into that propoleyne glycol crap people put in Ecigarettes


Well-Known Member
It might seem weird to pour water on fresh buds... however, they won't absorb more water as the material is already filled with it.

Once it loses the water molecule, it will act like a sponge... Also, you're taking out all of the chlorophyll which gives it a smoother smoke.


Well-Known Member
sometimes I water cure my personal, just so I don't stink like weed.
maybe I'm in the minority, but I don't really give a shit how weed tastes. I just want to get high. I'm utilitarian to a fault.

polo the don

Well-Known Member
Yea, the taste, or rather lack of taste, is really the deal breaker for me. The lack of smell is the only reason I'll do it again, but only do a small amount. It is great for stealth smoking.

Water cured buds would be good for someone who " really don't smoke" cause of the smoothness. Or a new smoker that can't handle the expansion.

I would NOT do any I plan to sell cause bag appeal goes out the window.


Well-Known Member
IMO, the only time it makes sense to water cure is if you had pests like spider mites and you want to salvage the bud. By submersing the buds in water you will remove the vast majority of bugs, their droppings/eggs, and any residue left over from insecticidal sprays or whatever you used to combat them. The chlorophyll being removed from the bud does make for a smooth smoke, but the loss of terpenes/flavor outweighs that so it's not really worth it.