switched from ffof to roots organics!


Active Member
i recently bought a bag of roots organics..the garden store guy insisted i try it instead of the ffof i always buy from there.he said it was better because of several reasons..but 1 being its not as hot..!ive noticed wen transplanting some take a lil nute burn in the ffof on certain strains i grow..but not on others!so ill be trying roots on them..to see if they do better!anybodys opinion on this soil and results wud be great!thanks!


Well-Known Member
I will be using RO 707 as my medium, with a healthy nute schedule. I was told by my friendly neighborhood gardener this is the best scenario for new growers on a smaller budget.

Once I get my beans, I will be posting a journal.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure your question is specific enough. Besides, there is a lot of information on soil throughout this site, you just need to look for it.
I have been testing with different soils and coco mixes. I have found the roots and FFOF drainage kinda sucks. Nothing like watching your plant pee out as fast as you put it in. Sunshine mix #4 is a great mix, but I think so far, Promix with worm castings,perlite,vermiculite combo has the properties I look for.


Well-Known Member
i recently bought a bag of roots organics..the garden store guy insisted i try it instead of the ffof i always buy from there.he said it was better because of several reasons..but 1 being its not as hot..!ive noticed wen transplanting some take a lil nute burn in the ffof on certain strains i grow..but not on others!so ill be trying roots on them..to see if they do better!anybodys opinion on this soil and results wud be great!thanks!
I don't know how good roots organics is but I know FFof is great! I mean look at that he just told you its not as hot, which means its not as awesome! ;) And its only with some strains (those that are more sensitive)


Well-Known Member
I use Roots and its awsome stuff.... using this soil eliminates the need for Veg nutes all together. I do not use nutes at all until i switch to flower and they are a dark perfect green. You do not have to use Veg nute with this stuff....its great and saves me money! I can say that it has given a little burn on some of the babies but just on the first set of leaves, after that they take off and stay a dark rich green.


Active Member
I use Roots and its awsome stuff.... using this soil eliminates the need for Veg nutes all together. I do not use nutes at all until i switch to flower and they are a dark perfect green. You do not have to use Veg nute with this stuff....its great and saves me money! I can say that it has given a little burn on some of the babies but just on the first set of leaves, after that they take off and stay a dark rich green.
Sweet!someone that has used it!!great man thanks for the info!


Well-Known Member
I say if it ain't broke, don't fix it. I use FFOF with 8 quarts of perlite per bag of soil. Comes out to about 20% added perlite IIRC. I have great luck with this. I put seeds straight in it with zero problems. I get good drainage with this mix too. Frankly, I think the FFOF on it's own without the perlite would be okay even though I've never tried it. I've been using a regular organic (no added nutes) perlite (Hoffmans brand), but might try the Big and Chunky Perlite from FoxFarm next time if the hydro store has it and they don't want an arm and a leg for it.


Active Member
I say if it ain't broke, don't fix it. I use FFOF with 8 quarts of perlite per bag of soil. Comes out to about 20% added perlite IIRC. I have great luck with this. I put seeds straight in it with zero problems. I get good drainage with this mix too. Frankly, I think the FFOF on it's own without the perlite would be okay even though I've never tried it. I've been using a regular organic (no added nutes) perlite (Hoffmans brand), but might try the Big and Chunky Perlite from FoxFarm next time if the hydro store has it and they don't want an arm and a leg for it.
ffof was giving my rocklock problems wen transplanted..thats y i decided to try this!it has everything ffof has plus more..its lighter..not so dense..and its not all clumpy..which creates hot spots.its worth a shot!


Well-Known Member
Made a visit to the grow shop to buy some soils. I like Bio Bizz, but it's $25 a bag (1.5 cu ft) so I add 50% Fox Farms O.F. ($9.50 1.5 cu ft) to stretch the Bio Bizz. I was talked itno trying Roots Organic at $25 for a 2 cu ft bag (maybe it was 3 cu ft) I'll give it a shot,.....the bottom line is that the Bio Bizz / Fox Farms combo blew the Roots Organic out of the water. growth rates were double after 4 weeks.
I'll stay with the combo mix, in fact I traded the 2nd bag away to a fellow grower....hehehe
My 2 cents...


Well-Known Member
9.50 for Ocean Forest? Must be nice. I've never seen it for less than 25 around here. You must live right in Humbolt County or damn close.


Active Member
Like I said..I bought it for a reason..my rocklock strain didn't do good in ffof..my other strain did good.like I said ill give it a try!


Well-Known Member
ALSO, I wouldnt blame FFOF for any issues with Seedlings or transplanted plants. MOST LIKELY its the Growers fault, temp swings, bad water.. before the Soil. FFOF has never let me down, and when you see some type of Nute Burn or Defic. I dont think ppl should look at the SOIL 1st.