T.Boone Pickens


Well-Known Member
What do you guys know about T.Boone Pickens, sounds like a good plan, but I don't know anything about him/his past, outside of being an oil-man.

Info, opinions, please.:peace:


Well-Known Member
We can't keep sending all our(USA)money to other countries, If USA was a business it would have been belly-up a long time ago.

We need to start doing something NOW.


Well-Known Member
Pickens has been successful at damn near everything he has ever tried. He is an American genius. He has been described as an oil man, an insurance man, a restaurant owner, and I guess a couple other things as well.


New Member
Although, a misplaced faith in alternatives, fostered by Pickens, among many many others, (I'm not singling him and his wind/solar farms out), are going to put a choke hold on the American economy, that is if your not already wheezing.....



Well-Known Member
He's a complex man, Pickens is. On one hand, I find him to be kind of an asshole. Sponsoring the Swift Boat attacks on Kerry, that was bad. Offering a million bucks to anyone who'd come forward to dispel those Swift Boat stories and then *not* paying it when someone came forward, that was just lame.

And then on the other hand, I have to admit that he's right about our energy policy. We really do need to push hard for domestic sources of energy, and to transform our transportation sector to use electricity, or really anything other than oil. We need to get our oil needs down to where we can keep ourselves readily supplied via our own and Canadian resources, and preferably just our own. I just hate hearing such accurate information and a realistic plan from such an asshole.


Well-Known Member
I just hate hearing such accurate information and a realistic plan from such an asshole.
That was my take, I love your guys opinions.
Never really cruised the political forum, heard the fur really flies sometimes,LOL.


Well-Known Member
We built Hover(Boulder)Dam, the Interstate system, all the cities, and some people say its to much work to build to transmission lines,I don't get that argument.
They use helios to string high voltage transmission lines.


Well-Known Member
T. Boone Pickens Lives about 50 miles from me.
In some ways he does good, but most around my part of the country would like to cut his throat. He seems to think that he owns the Ogallala Aquifer.
Since he has set the pumps on his land, he is trying to sell our water table down state.
He is currently going through litigation over this.
In the mean time our water is being sold down state.
My opinion T. Boone Pickens is a piece of shit.


Well-Known Member
In the mean time our water is being sold down state.
You should see what's going on here in California. Water diverted from NorCal to SoCal. Owens Valley, once a fertile valley, now desertified and water diverted to SoCal. Mono Lake depleted as water is diverted to SoCal.