Take An Hour And Watch Something That Could Save Your Life

You should also read the stand, its great...a little long but its worth it, if your to impatient to read then you could watch the movie, it's only 6 hours
To be perfectly honest...when the shit hits the fan...and the county is in ruins and people are fending for themselves...your "investments overseas" aren't gonna mean shit when there isn't enough food and water for our county. Violence exists....even in the most basic of cultures. It's part of the driving force of human nature. So when people are trying to steal my food and water...my big ass gun will put an end to that.

Completely short sighted. Because there are millions of people who will lose their savings and retirements as a result of another large economic catastrophe. I'm not worried about 5 years from now. I'm a young man. I'm worried about 30 years from now when I don't want to be living in my squander. This isn't... The Road... Or... Fallout... This is a modern great depression. Maybe you went to High School and read some books and you know that during this time there were people who still made a lot of money and did just fine.

Roughing the storm isn't all that big a deal. It is the rebuilding process that takes time and money once the storm is over. You can be on the right side of it all if you're smart. Or you can stay buried in your basement with your guns and your own paranoias.

I live in the real world sir.

NFW!!! Me too! What a coincidence... Huh? That both of us exist in the "real world." I have a feeling there will be several obvious statements to follow.

I'm not worried about my money because I'm not some greedy scumbag that perpetuates the typical American rhetoric of "money, money, money" I don't know what you think is going to happen when our country collapses but expect violence, looting, and burning whatever money you have left to stay warm. I survive. Period. Money isn't required for survival. And that's all we are going to be doing is surviving. You think once America collapses and all those awesome Caribbean countries supported mainly by European and American money is gonna hold onto yours when shit goes bad? And with a county in ruins how do you expect to access and spend your "investments"? You make no sense. And about the video? He is insane.

I'm just trying to protect myself and my family by providing them with the ability to attend college in 2050, or go on a long trip to Europe when my kids are in school, and all the other things possible desired. I hope only to protect the savings of myself and anyone with a head about them. If you have a savings... You should probably consider moving it off shore until the economy stabilizes. Switzerland. China. Belgium. Diversify, that's what they always say.

You don't understand what I'm talking about because you don't know a damn thing about real life, despite living in the real world, and in real life the ability to trade for goods is a standard humans have been adhering to for a long time, and will continue to do so. America isn't the whole world. They will move on. And my money isn't in the Caribbean.

So is it safe to assume you aced micro and macro Economics in college? Or would I be jumping the shark on that one?

I never said anything about a tent or a sleeping bag and differently not a shopping cart.

Ringa ding ding ding! Really? You didn't? Oh, I though I quoted that... oh, wait... I just made it up. Wow. Who've thought that you wouldn't share with us about your shopping cart. Still working on that wobbly wheel?

I'd post a face palm picture but that's too much effort.

What's dumbfounding is that you posted an audio tape onto a stoner forum that is an 1:16 long and expect everyone to jive and jump on your paranoia bangdwagon...sorry you thought you might change something by posting it.

Keep working on that telepathy man. You're getting better.
It could be audio. It could be a text document. And that'd be fine. But because it is both you have a problem? You're sitting around, typing on the forum, and it would be too hard to have the audio playing in the background? Really?

See... That's all I expected. I wasn't looking for fan fare. I saw this, I wanted to share it, and discuss it.

Up to this point I haven't been able to discuss the thing with someone who'd seen it. Simply people who are sooo arrogantly closed minded that they not only choose to opt out they also feel the self-important need to declare their independent superiority for no other reason than to posture and conflict.

And if you were even remotely more arrogant you could have written all that in a foreign language too. Just for posterity.

It may as well have been. You're obviously not winning any reading comprehension medals around here.
Haha. It was fun. ;)


I know right? Some people don't get it...he expects America to last another 39 years! Lol..

5 years is pushing it. If you think money or lack thereof is our only problem...you've got to wake up. I could give a single fuck about money...because it isn't going to matter. Who made money during the great depression? Sure as fuck wasn't the guy with "investments" and his college fund.

All this transcends far past investments...I'm talking a real life modern day revolution.

I don't think I'm missing anything. Your just over thinking way to much...and in the wrong direction.

Now is the reason why no ones watched it because its a waste of time or because your pompous as fuck and trying to tell us what we should believe for our own benefit? A little of both I'd say.

welp Im coverd and Kodank is welcome to join my family when the shit hits..............kids in college thats a laugh...........Im haveing a blast in life and enjoying whats left.........when shit hits Ill be ready and when its time to die Ill be ready then too.........if ppl think there is a future left for the general populas they are crazy..............hell even the Prez has a underground place to live for a couple of years but it wont bring back the power government once had even if everyone doenst die...............get a big gun and lots of ammo if you dont have somewhere to go................WATER will be worth a ton............trade for pussy I bet........LOL
You must have missed the part about it being like the great depression and not like Mad Max.

Also, not like you should care. It was your generation that did this to the world, and left it in our hands to clean up. The planet will be a better place when that day comes Mr. 1000 posts a month. Shouldn't be long probably, judging by the pile of empty 2 liters in the corner.
and I did it jsut for you............you have no future and Im proud of it..........so go off and play with your paper money and cry............and your are most correct I really dont give a shit if you die............or your kids or your mother........you mean absolutely nothing to me..........but a fun plaything on the internet............you cant harm me and I cant harm you........but the world can lol by hahahahhhahaa
You must have missed the part about it being like the great depression and not like Mad Max.

Also, not like you should care. It was your generation that did this to the world, and left it in our hands to clean up. The planet will be a better place when that day comes Mr. 1000 posts a month. Shouldn't be long probably, judging by the pile of empty 2 liters in the corner.

dont forget the 1000 reps a month lets get it out there you are jealous cause you cant spend your money to save the world so you want to sucker ppl with fake videos from a con artist who is under indicment for all kinds of shit.........your cute sweety pie.......lets hug and make out words dont mean a thing honey bunch ........gay gay gay gay ROARSEY ROARSEY
Accept unlike you pony has actually done something for this country(Vietnam) and sacrificed a hell of a lot for your ability to push your college education in the face of others.

You'll learn the hard way. Most like you do. Your education and opinion doesn't make you better then anyone.

You talk a lot but do nothing to change it. Just like me. But insulting a vet and blaming him because we elected bush and ended up in a 10 year war is a little ridiculous. We did this to our country. All of us. But go ahead and blame people for your problems.
A. You don't know what you're talking about. You sure talk like you do... but you just keep making an ass of yourself. I could say many things in response. But the short of it is you make many statements about who I am and what I do and the long and short of it is you couldn't be more wrong.

B. Education actually does make one person "better" than another. You know, better at medicine, better at finance, better at computer programming. Ironic how a person who knows more is "better" than who they were before hand isn't it? Like how you are "better" now that you have been educated on how to read than you were just a few years ago when you could not read. But I suppose you were just born with the know-it-all gene. If only we could all be that lucky. You know that old saying: Ignorance is bliss. You are the personification of that phrase.

C. You're changing the subject and making this some political tirade against veterans. Like somehow now I'm not a patriot. You sir, class act. Grade A. Really, years of honing the trolling skills have truly paid off. You almost got me with that one.

And with that, I'm done with you, shredded. You have no ground to stand on regardless of how loudly you shout. Come back when you have something relevant to the purpose of the thread and can act like a big boy.
A. You don't know whiat you're talking about. You sure talk like you do... but you just keep making an ass of yourself. I could say many things in response. But the short of it is you make many statements about who I am and what I do and the long and short of it is you couldn't be more wrong.

B. Education actually does make one person "better" than another. You know, better at medicine, better at finance, better at computer programming. Ironic how a person who knows more is "better" than who they were before hand isn't it? Like how you are "better" now that you have been educated on how to read than you were just a few years ago when you could not read. But I suppose you were just born with the know-it-all gene. If only we could all be that lucky. You know that old saying: Ignorance is bliss. You are the personification of that phrase.

C. You're changing the subject and making this some political tirade against veterans. Like somehow now I'm not a patriot. You sir, class act. Grade A. Really, years of honing the trolling skills have truly paid off. You almost got me with that one.

Dense as lead.
A. You don't know what you're talking about. You sure talk like you do... but you just keep making an ass of yourself. I could say many things in response. But the short of it is you make many statements about who I am and what I do and the long and short of it is you couldn't be more wrong.

B. Education actually does make one person "better" than another. You know, better at medicine, better at finance, better at computer programming. Ironic how a person who knows more is "better" than who they were before hand isn't it? Like how you are "better" now that you have been educated on how to read than you were just a few years ago when you could not read. But I suppose you were just born with the know-it-all gene. If only we could all be that lucky. You know that old saying: Ignorance is bliss. You are the personification of that phrase.

C. You're changing the subject and making this some political tirade against veterans. Like somehow now I'm not a patriot. You sir, class act. Grade A. Really, years of honing the trolling skills have truly paid off. You almost got me with that one.

And with that, I'm done with you, shredded. You have no ground to stand on regardless of how loudly you shout. Come back when you have something relevant to the purpose of the thread and can act like a big boy.


Well it is like this....the only metal that may save one's ass with what I see coming is lead...if one has enough water to last until someone attacks you for it.... it is not going to just be an economic disaster it will be physical...preview JAPAN...just the tip...stay tuned...LOTS MORE ON THE WAY...so go hide in your gold bunker and see how much it is worth when you have no water....And I hope with all I am that I am wrong...but....

And Stoned Pony and any other vets...thank you from the depths of my being for what you have done for me....hopefully more of your kind are in our forces now...but I doubt it....

Well it is like this....the only metal that may save one's ass with what I see coming is lead...if one has enough water to last until someone attacks you for it.... it is not going to just be an economic disaster it will be physical...preview JAPAN...just the tip...stay tuned...LOTS MORE ON THE WAY...so go hide in your gold bunker and see how much it is worth when you have no water....And I hope with all I am that I am wrong...but....

And Stoned Pony and any other vets...thank you from the depths of my being for what you have done for me....hopefully more of your kind are in our forces now...but I doubt it....


ive stressed many times water will be the gold of the future................without it you have 3 or 4 days..........food takes longer to die .....couple of weeks if careful......but in the end you die...............and I do have a source for water.......if I run out or contamited the whole world is fucked then............who knows........Im getting high and haveing fun till then.........if something happens Im covered or dead.......humanity has gone so are we cant save ourselves not.......its not IF.......but WHEN.......and very soon...........
Thats where I've gotten with all this.

I got into all the NWO shit for a while...paranoid and constantly look for the "signs"....LOL

YOU arent going to do shit about any of it, so stop worrying about something you cant and wont control. Just live for the moment..

I dont even care to get the facts anymore. I KNOW this worlds fucked up. i can see the differences between my gen and my fathers gen(SP's age)...and its not something to be proud of.

The people putting all this shit out there are probably just as greedy as the people that have hurt this world with greed already.

This is why I believe I came to be a stoner. Because we as stoners appreciate. And its not in the material objects, its in the essence of being, and striving, and ultimately.....SURVIVING.

See you on the battle field OP, or wait............
That guy sounds like adolf hitler did in 1929. All propoganda B.S. covering a hidden agenda of the author. That video litterally scared me. It made alot of sense the way he explained it. If i heard that shit every day i'd become a paranoid stoner. More like a crack head peeking out the window shades. I don't like crack heads...they steal. And another thing. I recently went to england with 1k american dollars. I thought that was enough to have alot of fun. I handed over my chrispy green cheddar at the Int. airport in Boston and got $636.00 of play money and a few cool coins. OUR MONEY IS ALREADY DEVALUED. I don't know how anyone else would feel butt my asshole hurt for the entire flight. When i landed in Paris, France i bought a Red Bull and a Coke with a stashed american $20 bill.....i got $9 back. Another crack in the nuts. Once in England i bought cig's called lambert&butler for the equivelant of $7 a pack u.s. currency. Needless to say on my long journey home i had only 40 pounds to get me alll the way to America. The fukin Pope was in Birmingham and my GD train got canceled so i had to take a taxi. another 27 pounds. I was so broke i couldnt afford to take one of my bags on and had to leave it. Arabs everywhere! Some political Arab dude that lived in England that was exiled from his own country or kicked out/on the run I dunno, was murdered like 4 days earlier. So naturally his family/friends/believers/political members were there. Here i am leaving a bag in the bathroom. Holy shit, a passerby thinks, thats a bomb. Thats all it would take and i'd be fucked more than likely. But that was better than telling somebody at bag check in that i can't afford to pay for it's flight back because my countries money is like dirt weed...an Oz is 30 bucks. So i've personally felt the impact of how shitty u.s. currency is and i don't believe that if our creditors decided to make our currency dog shit it would sink America. In closing, Yes i am scared about the fall of my government. Yes I think our time as World Dominent Big Brother looks shady at times. Yes i know that oil is gonna fuck us in the end. Yes I know brittany spears is a man. Yes i'm just making sure your paying attention. BUT. Just because I'm worried and can feel the ugly beast thats gonna fuck shit up. I won't be paranoid by a youtube video. In the end, if the "facts" of that video come to pass.....the gestapo will have to look down the barrel of my gun to look me in the eyes. I won't follow suit. Whats the worst that could happen? I die for what i believe is the best country in the world? Because if those things happen, this won't be the real America anymore and hopefully "that" government will be overthrown by another revelution. I'd be happy to give up my life if i had to live in those days.
Snow Crash.... The name suits you. Crash and burn. Stop listening to Glen Beck and Fox Noise.. get away from the dark side, step into the light..