The Great RIU LST Thread. Low Stress Training


Active Member
I was thinking of doing an LST on one or a few plants. Is it better to do this to an indica or sativa? Wouldn't a sativa have a bigger stem because its taller which means its easier to bend and go around the pot? Also, do you tie down the new shoots from topping it? Lastly, are there different patterns to train your plant? I've only seen the circle around the pot diagram.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking of doing an LST on one or a few plants. Is it better to do this to an indica or sativa? Wouldn't a sativa have a bigger stem because its taller which means its easier to bend and go around the pot? Also, do you tie down the new shoots from topping it? Lastly, are there different patterns to train your plant? I've only seen the circle around the pot diagram.
All lot of this is completely up to the grower. Would a sativa have a bigger stem? No. A sativa probably will have a smaller weaker stem than an indica. (taller and lankier) If you're doing it right, the stem will be plenty soft enough to bend, you wont have to worry about breaking it. Regardless of strain. People who break their stems were too late with their LST attempt and the stem already hardened. The very top part of the plant (the newest growth) that you bend to do LST will always be soft and bendable. you should start when the plant is small and the whole stem is soft. The patern you choose is completely up to you and should depend on pot size, growing space/shape, and how long you want to veg it.
You CAN top a plant and then ties down the tops. That's basically what i did with my mother plant, which was 2 headed branch segment clone.
The idea is to keep a level canopy, and have all your tops the same distance from the light. Whatever combination of LST and topping it takes to accomplish this is all good. It really is easy, and a lot of fun. Do a couple plants slightly differently and see what works best. Thats how I roll! :joint::peace:


Active Member
I plan on training a greenhouse cheese plant. I'm gonna have 4 plants hopefully, 3 cheese, 1 arjans strawberry haze. So do you think I should train cheese over strawberry? I plan on training 1 to test it out (1st grow, been reading here forever). I only plan on vegging for 1 month as I don't want my plants to be real wide and take up lots of space. Most LSTs make the plants super wide like Screen of green.
Also does anyone use those flower pots that prevent over watering with the extra space at bottom? I use those currently, thinking of switching to 5 gal home depot bucket


Well-Known Member
I plan on training a greenhouse cheese plant. I'm gonna have 4 plants hopefully, 3 cheese, 1 arjans strawberry haze. So do you think I should train cheese over strawberry? I plan on training 1 to test it out (1st grow, been reading here forever). I only plan on vegging for 1 month as I don't want my plants to be real wide and take up lots of space. Most LSTs make the plants super wide like Screen of green.
Also does anyone use those flower pots that prevent over watering with the extra space at bottom? I use those currently, thinking of switching to 5 gal home depot bucket
If you've got more than one cheese, tie down the cheese for sure. That'll be the perfect opportunity to compare a tied down with a not tied down plant. i use those pots you mentioned for some of my houseplants but not my "special" indoor plants. Transplanting OUT of those pots can be a bitch, and they're too small to flower in so....
The bigger your pot the better! A month long veg sounds real good for you. you'll probably tie it down about 4 times then i'd guess. Tie her down and then about a week later (ish) she'll be ready to tie down again.
Best of luck!:peace:


Active Member
WI've been trying hard to avoid overwatering so I'm trying to get a feel how much to water it. Since its only 5 days from sprout I been using a spray bottle and poland spring water. I don't have a ph tester kit for water but I got a 3 way meter for soil. Its the hydrogarm brand. When I test the moisture it says its still in the dry section. I don't know whether to belief the meter and water again. Any advice on good watering techniques? Also what should soil PH be in fox farm ocean forest?


Well-Known Member
water your plant till water comes out the bottom, then lift your pot. notice how heavy it is. Don't water again untill you lift your pot and its light. Water is heavy, there a very noticable difference between a dry pot and a wet one. Another thing that people do is water the plant well, and then wait till the plant begins to droop (it will droop when it gets dry). Note how many days have passed and then water a half a day (or a day) before it droops again. Its actually good to have your plant go through a wet spell and a dry spell at some point during veg. The thoery here being that whatever don't kill you makes you stronger. Also keep in mind it will get more thirsty as it grows bigger.
Another thing you can do is add hydrogen peroxide to your water.
Hydrogen peroxide is essentially water with an oxygen atom attached to each molecule. Its chemical formula is H2O2. The extra oxygen can help protect you from overwatering, by adding oxygen to the root zone. I use 1 tblsp per gallon when flushing, and 1 teaspoon per gal when watering. (i'm conservative)
Fox farm soil should be PH balanced to about 6.5 i assume, but not sure.
She is over 6ft wide and is growing well. She should pull about 3lbs but we will see.
3 lbs from an indoor plant? Very impressive! What size container do you have her in? How long has she been vegging? and to keep this thread on topic, How many ties do you have on her?

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
3 lbs from an indoor plant? Very impressive! What size container do you have her in? How long has she been vegging? and to keep this thread on topic, How many ties do you have on her?
Yeah about that and indoors. Shes in a 15gal pot. There are many ties and they get moved every few days to help spread the plant out and grow her so big/wide.


Active Member
M blaze may I ask how long you veg for? I have 10 gallon grow bags and Im doing some nirvana white widow. Ive staked them out as much as I can and would like every node to think its a top, but my bushes are nowhere near yours. How long do you veg and what is your trick? I admire your work brotha