The religion of peace strikes again!!

i'd post picture of mutilated civilian muslims in iraq by the hundreds of thousands, but it wouldn't change anyone's mind.

muthlimth ith bad.
if another one of my posts gets erased im going to behead u at sunrise..... in the name of Korean jesus.... :p
I am trying to keep up.

ISIS is beheading and frying people, taking slaves, fucking children, threatening to behead the president in the white house and running rampant through the mideast. Al Qaeda is actively trying to murder westerners, hijacking airplanes, bombing subways, and plotting murder and mayhem against infidels. Muslim clerics in western countries are preaching jihad against infidels and are in cahoots with ISIS and providing a steady stream of western jihadis.

The progressive response to this is that I am supposed to worry about WWII era Nazis? I am supposed to put this current threat on the same level as the Christian crusades? No wonder you guys have lost the confidence of the American people.

2016 can't come soon enough.

Couldn't have put it better!! But We mustn't Rock tha Boat eh....I mean We might offend em init...
A new video purportedly distributed by the Islamic State on social media appears to show militants burning alive Lt. Muath al-Kaseasbeh, a Jordanian pilot that has been held since December.

We can wait while muslims yet again tell us how peaceful they are and if we just learned about Islam, well and converted, we would have nothing to worry about. Just look how happily the sunni's and shites have been living together in mutual peace for hundreds of years.... Oh wait...

Beheading wasnt good enough so now they are burning people alive. Bet that victim would have rather been waterboarded...

it's shame beheadings don't rate enough "shock value"..only a long, drawn out torture-murder will now do..i hope ISIS isn't listening to the same polls that told romney he's a winner.
Dude, where`s the lie ?

I said the story is out there and now I`m showing you and still you bitch, again, If I show you the story I spoke about, where`s the lie ?

Fuck`n troll (and I don`t say that often)
So, the Government released a report that quietly 35,000 refugee`s from Syria are being let into America this year,
from you usatoday source.usat-2015-01-28-refugee-resettlement.jpg
If I tried to show you how keeping it away from the radar/press so you and I can`t see it, wont believe that possible either. But you would wonder why you didn`t see it on the news....Right ?
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