THELOADEDDRAGON'S Perpetually growing perpetual grow

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Well-Known Member
so anyways.... about half way done framing :D...... will probably be done tomorrow night :D....... things are going very smoothly indeed......


Well-Known Member
time to give the cuttings some Thrive Alive B1 right now..... some roots barely poking out the bottom of a couple.... I will wait to transplant into pots until almost every single one has roots well established....... three weeks and round 1 phase 2 gets under way using these cuttings (as they should have vegged well enough long by then) :D ...... I have heard that Jack Herer is a small yielder of fantastic smoke..... and details regarding the Silverback strain remain elusive, however, besides her knack to harbor spider mites, she seems very resilient, vigorous, and healthy/stable.....

The flowering girls got fed as earlier described (1st feeding of last three) I will report how the respond to it tomorrow :D


Well-Known Member
Prison doesn't sound like a fun place....... good to keep it legit....... Fed for the last time on my Wonder Woman and Hashplant.... Hashplant needs to get cut as soon as its flushed. Flushing will start when it dries out..... bone dry....
Would love to see some whole room pics, especially of the new work, Im having a hard time picturing what your doing here.......
What medium for clones TLD? or Aero?


Well-Known Member
I would get pics..... maybe the shitty camera will work....... its a hell of a mess in there right now (the flowering room)..... did work on 2010 outdoor grow today though, nothing indoors..... haven't made my rounds for this grow quite yet.... about to go check things out.....

rock wool, and soil media for cuttings and clones ;)


Well-Known Member
Alright, I have had near 100% with rockwool, roto rooters, and peat pellet dealies. But rockwool took the longest........ Once they had some roots they were drying out within hours. in a humidity dome. I have been placing them in a bed of hydroton, and keeping the water level below the rockwool. water from the top, and then gently shake to get some water out and get some oxygen into the cube.... Roto Rooters I put in a 1/4-1/2 inch of water. Any good tips for rockwool.

Ph the RW
soak in solution(thrive Alive)
weigh out to 30 gs (1.5" RW cubes)
Dip cutting in rooting gel (Olivias, Rootech, or Vita Grow)
Stick in RW cube
place in tray described above under humidity dome

Anything you do differently?


Well-Known Member
I dip and swish away air bubbles and hold in 75 degree water (or there abouts) water before applying root hormone..... and split the bottom tip ;)


Well-Known Member
I dip the tip into water and swish it around slowly, and the air bubbles that are stuck to it come off, then while it is still under the water I split the tip, hold it there for about 15 seconds or so, and pull it out and immediately dip into rooting hormone, where it is lightly swished through and stuck in a pre-soaked ph'ed rock wool cube and misted with cool water.......

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Wait, TLD you root clones in rock wool and then transfer them to soil after they root? Am I understanding that correctly?

If so, I don't understand...:confused::eyesmoke::dunce:

I like your seed starting method though of 1/4 light warrior atop 3/4 ocean forest. I'm going to copy it when I start my next round of seeds.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
well..... the rock wool goes into the soil with them ;) ..... what is it you don't understand?
I never real thought that was an option. I guess I don't understand what the advantage is of doing it that way.

What's wrong with cloning directly into the soil? Did you not have as good success doing that compared to this new method? I'm intrigued by this...

What happens to the rock wool once it's planted it in the soil? Nothing, it just blends in with the soil?

Sorry if I seem so dumbfounded by this, but I truly am. Maybe I'll try thinking about this later when I'm less stoned...whenever that is...:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
cloning in rock wool allows me easier manipulation of the media...... easier movement.... more control of nutrient/oxygen/moisture exposure etc. until the cutting roots........ I have had way better results in rock wool than in strait soil. Nothing happens to the rock wool when you put it into soil..... the roots grow out into the soil, and thus the rock wool and soil are one as media. Says right on the rock wool cube packaging that they can go into soil :) ..... cuttings in soil are typically just as successful, but they take longer and a little extra care...... though I have been neglecting these last few batches of cuttings..... I still haven't given them the Thrive Alive B1 like I said...... so much to do, and so little of me to go around..... I will get to it all..... Maybe I will actually go do it right now......

But part of my recent lack of follow through, I am sure, is all this Purple Kush and Sensi Star I am smoking :D


Well-Known Member
sometimes I feel so overwhelmed and its depressing...... feel lonely, surrounded by people......
I know the exact feeling man, just no one around to share those feelings, that's what makes ya feel so alone.

Keep your chin up, you've got a great op and have some diggity dank.

When I have days like these, I wish I could smoke, but usually don't cause I'm broke and have no nugs flowering yet :cry:


Well-Known Member
its more that there is SOOO much to do! And...... your right, I can't share things with people.... not even on here........ sucks.... but dank is nice...... :D
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