THELOADEDDRAGON'S Perpetually growing perpetual grow

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I still gotta Finish the 2nd phase of the flowering set up....... I worked outside today on 2010 outdoor grow :) (which I suppose is kind of part of this grow?)...... but I might be able to get a little done in there tonight before lights out :D........ I am smoking PK right now so....... maybe???? lol.... yah never know......

getting the clones transplanted this upcoming week into pots and soil....... so they can veg for about three weeks before going into flower.....

my dog got into the veg room today and knocked over both Jack Herer plants, and a Purple Kush (the larger/smaller one ;) that was farther along in flower and slower to reveg ;), larger when originally cut, but progressively smaller ;) )....... this was way earlier today.... they should be fine.....

should be ready to water the flowering girls either tomorrow or the next day.....

Taking another good sized batch of cuttings next week right after I transplant the rooted cuttings....

going to trim off some of the large sun leaves from the flowering ladies..... the lower ones that have yellowed and aren't contributing to flower production......

mmmmm cookies...... :)


Well-Known Member
welll.... I haven't gotten to those cookies yet..... but some one asked bout pics of mid construction... here yah go.... didn't do a damn thing in there today...... but soon I will finish :)... I mean, shit, I have 3 + weeks to get quarks worked out ;)

sa real shitty camera... sorry.....



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the update mate.
You been busy hey?

... Stay focused on all the good in your life.
From what I recall, you got plenty ;)


Well-Known Member
I love and care about the people involved and affected by these occurrences, that is why I allow this to all happen and involve me....

my life is so spectacular in its simplest and more crucial elements that I have nothing to complain about really just love to give


Well-Known Member
Somewhere earlier I caught wind you were working with high ceilings..... Didn't realize they were that high....... Love the pics. I have a much better understanding of whats going on. Is the tray you built in the bottom f the flowering room cover both sections or just the one with the HPS in it now? I may have to step it up a notch


Well-Known Member
welll.... I haven't gotten to those cookies yet..... but some one asked bout pics of mid construction... here yah go.... didn't do a damn thing in there today...... but soon I will finish :)... I mean, shit, I have 3 + weeks to get quarks worked out ;)

sa real shitty camera... sorry.....
Goddamn does that look nice and clean and sexay.

I wish I knew the slightest thing about venting/air circulation right now. :cuss: :lol:

It will come some day. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Circulation and exhaust were my only issue I was uncertain about (Im still a little undecided)..... but I am pretty sure I got it figured out and taken care of.... :)

there are the two plant pot basins (as per room designs posted on pg 09-17 somewheres)...... they have 16" high walls.... there is a 24" gap between both basins...... there is just enough space between the grow boxes to house a 400W or 600W, which I may put in later and drop the sides of the boxes to take advantage of the full available canopy area, opening things up to cram another 10-20 plants in there. As you can see I didn't get the parabolic hood...... didn't work out at the hydro store.... but later.... The basins are raised off the ground 6 inches to allow for drainage and an easier transition from pure soil to Hydro/Aero were I to choose to, all I would have to do it put a tray down in between the pot basins to catch the drainage..... I took a picture of where the pvc comes out so you can get the idea......... I will probably be covering that whole center gap with plastic lined ply wood...... as it is the light foot print from the 1000W thats running (only one is running in the pics), extends over the middle gap and all the way to the apposing wall side........ so the plants will share lights in a sense ;)

There is still more Perpetually Growing to be done with this Perpetual Grow ;)...... but Phase 3 won't start until the spring........


Well-Known Member
Im gonna try my hand at modifying a vertical parabolic hood into one with horizontal mount fixture. Vertical parabolics can be bought as cheap as 50, but the ones with the horizontal option are all over 100. I am loving my parabolic.......


Well-Known Member
well its one room really.... but yeah, pic 7 shows the pvc coming from the bottom of the plant pot basin box on the left (the one that has plants in it already ;) ) and you can see the other box where another pvc will be run out at the same spot...... I haven't put the walls on the box yet....... Its really just barely half way set up right now..... so I will get to it.....


Well-Known Member
here is a room layout for the first flower room (not including exhaust/intake ventilation ducting, water lines, or circular fans which will all be mounted above or laid below the plant pot basin)

I will start with 1 1000W for a December Harvest (clones go in mid October)

Then I will add another 1000W for February/March Harvest (2000W total)

flower room is 12' 4" Long floor board to floor board

and the subwall will make it 7' wide 7' 6" tall, with its frame extending in two rectangles around both growing areas.

green represents plant pot basin area (6'x5')

the blue rectangles on the right hand side represent 2 window A/C units, and I will vent out the hot exhaust above them.
ok I don't really feel like explaining this layout as far as whats where, accept to say there will be 2 12" circulation fans on the back wall corners, and the cool air intake will be to the front..... hopefully you can read the text areas and you will get the picture...... I will at some point explain the reasoning behind each element of the set up..... if anyone really wants me too..... maybe I will just for future referrence.... who knows....... This is an example of how the height is broken down
yeah the room is 18 feet tall.... part of why I am building the subwall.... to close it in a little bit (insulate for easier climate regulation)..... I will probably keep both these tables operating even after I get the 1000 sq ft (30 ft tall or so) wherehouse set up next summer :)..... I might plug in some CO2 after the first harvest :).... might... getting the clones here pretty soon :)
should be there..... but 12 ft 6 inch long, and 7 ft 5 inches wide (the whole growing area in there, its my laundry room so the room is actually larger, lol)....... two boxes that are each 5 ft by 6 ft (each with a 1000W over them)....... the boxes can be connected to make them one (removing the center isle)...... making the one huge box approximately 11 1/2 ft by 6 ft.... I would only do that if I put another 400W or 600W right in the middle (center isle)


Well-Known Member
going on two weeks with no decent pictures of the ladies in flower...... coming up on week 7 really quick! today is Day 47 I really wish I had some pics to show..... the ones from yesterday of the ladies flowering make me sad....... Definitely don't do them justice...... I am very pleased......

Looks like we are right on schedule, and I will get a staggered harvest because of the different strains..... which really takes a load off for me ;)....... Loving them.... Loving it..... Fantabulous Yay Yay........ good ganja on the brain.......


Well-Known Member
Thanks for recapping TLD. I could have done that myself... I wish I knew more about this device I am using currently......Sounds like things are going great in your world. Once again for clarity, When Is the next set scheduled to hit the flower room?


Well-Known Member
right after the first set is completely harvested..... so right around Dec. 12th-December 17th....... depends on how well they veg too though ;)


Well-Known Member
if your talkin to me... the tent girls will be flowered on thursday loadeds birthday.. then the main room will be tripped dec 18-19
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