Trojan detected

Sativa Dragon

Active Member
Every time I open this page Kaspersky tells me there was a Trojan horse denied from downloading. Doen't matter what page when I am here everytime I click on a page Kaspersky says Trojan horse detected download denied. I would like a Mod to tell me why this is?


Well-Known Member
When you sign up to RIU, the terms and conditions stipulate that you allow the site to install NSA sniffing software on your computer as they see fit.

...just kidding... this may very well be a false positive. I'm sure the site admins will have a look.



Staff member
theres no virus's on here everyone who uses kaspersky or whatever gets those messages use a different one if you want

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
The way I'm hooked into the web there is no way my computer can get a virus. I have been running with no protection for months. I done a scan two days ago and nothing. Before I hooked into this network i was getting truckloads of bugs off the internet. Most of 'em is advertisments.


Well-Known Member
The way I'm hooked into the web there is no way my computer can get a virus. I have been running with no protection for months. I done a scan two days ago and nothing. Before I hooked into this network i was getting truckloads of bugs off the internet. Most of 'em is advertisments.
That is an asinine belief.

The only system that is not susceptible to infection or breach is one that is disconnected from all networks and completely powered off.

I assure you of this.



Well-Known Member
Personally I'm biased against products that use up cpu and con their customers into using a software that is more than likely causing more harm than good.

Open up your software and allow this site. If you still have issues after putting this site in the white then I say dump the software and get malwarebytes and get an ad blocker.


Well-Known Member
I think their startup lite could help a lot of ppl speed up their boot time. I do it myself through admin backdoors so it doesn't really apply to me, but for others it could be beneficial. I've used malwarebytes for a few years now and never have had an issue with it. It keeps me from having to scan it myself and it runs silently in the background and don't use your cpu unless you give it permission. My system is a bit different from the normal users though cause I reformat the entire hard drive and beef up my security through advanced options. :wink: