trouble identifying issue.


Active Member
Hello, said plant in this photo, is a Pineapple Chunk from barneys farm. In week 2 of flower, using fox farms tiger bloom, calmag, bud candy, and just picked up fox farms big bloom liquid fertilizer w/ trace elements.(not applied yet). Its under a 600 watt m.h./h.p.s. conversion bulb. At 12/12 and in happy frog potting soil. I can usually figure out things pretty good with the right amount of research, but this has eluded me. And even worse its spreading fast. At first appearance it looks like a Nitrogen deff. But the way it only effects 1 half of each leaf tip is crazy. Anyone with the time knowledge and patience, I would be ever greatful.



Well-Known Member
Curious what others think. I've seen it 3-4 times, and ironically I have a leaf like that which emerged 2 weeks ago. It's just one leaf discolored and gangly looking. (Older and newer growth is ok.). I think it was water got on a young growth tip or (leaf unfurling), burned it (magnifying light, or the nutrients in the water, and this is the enlarged result.

It could be genetic. Like, how some people have a mole on their left arm and some don't.

I lean toward the enlargement process. I've had insects nibble on new growth. I don't see it until the leaf is larger, at which point it looks like a mammal took large bites.


Active Member
Im still a newb myself, but I remember reading somewhere that if discoloration takes place from bottom to top its a defiancy, if it takes place from top to bottom it is over nute.

Maybe someone can confirm or deny?


Well-Known Member
I have a whole plant thats grown with funny colouring and leaf shape but its happy enough. I was told its genetics so may just be susceptible to that as the plant changes priority of growth, take a clone or grow a clone and see if it does the same. Not sure its a deficiency at all


Well-Known Member
Its broad mites. they cause a mozaic pattern on the leaf and often times cause curling of leaves as well. a good miticide should do the trick. BTW, this was once thought to be tobacco mozaic virus, recent finding proved it to be broad mites. Easy fix


Active Member
I believe it to be nutrient related do to formality. It began on older growth in middle/bottom of plant, and has uniformly progressed up and out affecting 1 of every 2 leafs and only in that odd formation. I dont use clones and mites are unlikely. But apparently ive been supposed to be using both tiger bloom and big bloom together. Im hopeing this new regimen will fix it.


Well-Known Member
mmmk. nutes dont do that. I been using FF for years. I had this mozaic leaf pattern and treated it and gone. Had it on a nice batch of plants, some had curling, and some had just the mozaic leaves and some had both. GL to you