upstate ny outdoor grow, 5 indica/sativa hybrid and one sativa dominant, all bagseed!


Well-Known Member
bagseed indoors vs bagseed outdoors... which do you prefer? btw the pics look killer... got to let us know how they turn out...

Will do. I will be taking pics in about a week when I get to the site. It's out in the middle of nowhere!!


Active Member
upstate grower here too...look good for potted plants..i can tell they are sativa influenced..maybe a skunk phenotype. I would get em in the ground if it were me...if thats possible for you to do...the days are growing shorter and they will start flowering very soon...i would hate to see em get rootbound halfway thru flowering.......great job...keep up the good work and good luck.


Well-Known Member
Would putting them in the ground so late shock them into hermie? They are all just starting to bud now, they showed preflowers two and a half weeks ago. I would need to dig huge holes and I just don't have the time lately, not to mention the lbs of soil I would need to transport to the site. The huge sativa is in a 5 gallon bucket with good drainage holes, she gets watered every five days or so. The two Diesel are in 5 gallon pots, not buckets. The others are in at least four gallon pots. I just watered today, it has been 5 days and they just started to droop and the soil was very dry. So my question is as long as I keep up the watering and now the temps have cooled off, is it too late? Last year I got away with the 5 gallon buckets, we had so much rain I hardly had to water at all and I got some killer herb at the end of september!


Well-Known Member
Hey all, some updated photos of my ladies. It is early morning, they are soaked and top heavy, did some maintenance with bamboo to keep them straight till they get some sun, which was hitting them as I left. Found some leaf-hoppers and a couple slugs, picked em all off and checked PH, which was 6.8 in all pots. Gave them a dose of BIG BUD from Advanced Nutrients two days ago, full strength. The very tall sativa doesn't like nutes, she looks like a mexican sativa, she is gotta be seven to eight feet tall. Have two more beautiful plants I didn't get pics of, will get them another time. Whaddaya think, nice looking ladies? All bagseed!!!



Well-Known Member
Hey all, some updated photos of my ladies. It is early morning, they are soaked and top heavy, did some maintenance with bamboo to keep them straight till they get some sun, which was hitting them as I left. Found some leaf-hoppers and a couple slugs, picked em all off and checked PH, which was 6.8 in all pots. Gave them a dose of BIG BUD from Advanced Nutrients two days ago, full strength. The very tall sativa doesn't like nutes, she looks like a mexican sativa, she is gotta be seven to eight feet tall. Have two more beautiful plants I didn't get pics of, will get them another time. Whaddaya think, nice looking ladies? All bagseed!!!



Well-Known Member
Here are a few pics from my upstate grow. Thinking I have 1 plant that is going to be done soon. These plants were all tied down continuously. Only about 4 feet high, but 8 feet long. LOL


Well-Known Member
You need input? Here's some input for ya......Smoke it with me!!! LOL I had to LST my 2 in the backyard so no one could see them. I wish I could have let them go like yours! As it is they are about 8 fet long and 4-5 feet high/wide, maybe volume wise they are the same. Sure do like the looks of tall christmas trees though. I see leaves changing in the background, here too. I am way upstate (Lake George area) and nights are already getting very cool. 1 of my plants is being flushed and with the rain/clouds last week or the week before I am wrestling with bud rot. I tried pulling off dead leaves and the bud started to come with it. I chopped that whole bud this morning. SUCKS big-time 2.6 oz wet and trimmed. I am drying it now, but think it might only be good for hash or some oil?


Well-Known Member
cola.jpgbud close 7.jpgjacky white 1.jpgbud close 11.jpgbud close 4.jpgbud close 10.jpgboth.jpgbud close 1.jpgbud close 2.jpgI am thinking it is so hot the trichomes on the leaf are melting??? Every morning I go out and my WW cross is covered with trics, but by the evening the leaves look smeared and sticky. Temps are in the 90's all week. I have gotten some but rot on my Biddy Early, but I have been chopping the bud or cutting it way below the mold. Last couple of days I haven't seen any new mold or blackening leaves. I think I am going to put a tarp over them in the case of any more rain and just hand water. I only have a week or so before cutting one of the plants, maybe a little longer, but it has been 68 or 69 days since I notice popcorn buds which should make it 79 days or so since they budded. Supposed to be 55 days according to breeder info. I grew it indoors too and it went beyond 6 weeks too.


Well-Known Member
I know and it is dank too. Buds I didn't notice buds until July 1st. I hadn't looked at them in a couple of weeks, but the buds when I saw them were developed to about the size of the tip of a finger. I'd say probaby 10 days earlier than July 1st.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Biddy Early isn't an Auto flower but it will flower by itself so you can't veg it forever. I tried cloning but they never vegged, just kept on budding under 24 hr MH. I guess once it starts it is hard to stop. The White Widow cross is on a normal scedule. First time with WW, I am amazed at the trichome covered leaves already!