Welcome New Members!


Active Member
hey guys how ya doin sexing plant is quite easy males are like uside down grapes where the leaf leaves the main stem if they are female they are like a pod with 2 hairs protruding out of the top


Active Member
hi to all i am growing in soil and can use all the info and advice possible. i have already posted a few threads in the newbie central forum and could use some feedback asap. thanks.


Active Member
hiya bluesmoke5
how are you u growing inside or outside and what advice do u need im no expert but have picked up loads of info from forums etc im on a grow in soil myself


Active Member
Hello fellow growers, LostraliaN here from the land down under, just found ur site after lookin at some aero systems...nice site ! Been growin down here for the last 10 yrs and just lookin for some new and interesting ways to get results...So hi to you all !


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This is CannaJew from Los Angeles. Picture me as your favorite Jewish Stereotype.

I recently got a Doctor's Recommendation for medicinal Marijuana and decided to try growing my own to save some cash (I fit the stereotype already, no?).

I purchased SeeMoreBud's Book Marijuana BUDS for Less:

I plan on the following the general plan in the book with some modifications. I have the Grow plan written out, but I just know it is full of holes and mistakes. That is why I am joining this forum. When I've read and become more acquainted with the forum rules I will post my grow plan and have it ripped to shreds by professional growers, hopefully to be rebuilt as something decent.

To the Admin who runs this wonderful site, thanks for helping me (and everybody else) out!


Active Member
I just signed up.
I've been reading a lot.
hopefully, it'll help me get good results on my first grow...


Active Member
wish u all the luck sootron theres lots of help and advise around here keep us informed on how u go on and feel free to shout for any advise u need


New Member
hi this is my first plant that i will be growing and have no clue what to do! i have put the seeds in this starting kit that my friend told me to use. after they start growing what do i do?? how much water, what kind of soil, i really need help asap. thanx


Active Member
cool once they start sprouting s032 just fill your pot with gd quality soil use a pen to mk a hole in the middle of soil about an inch deep and place the seed in shoot down and cover with soil then place under your lights n watch it grow what lights are you useing i myself use 600 watt high preasure sodium


Active Member
i myself have never grown outside m8 but have read loads about it on forums but basicly u need to mk sure the soil is of gd quality mix some chicken pellets in the gtround where you planning to plant ya babies and only water them every other day if the ground is dry make sure you plant them where they will get the most sunlight i live in the uk its not exactly the right climate for growing outdoors but growing outdoors u must protect your plants against pests n deseases but thats easy anough to sort m8 theres lots of advice around here about outdoor growing good luck m8 and if i can help more please feel free to shout me


Active Member
thc is made in darkness m8 the darker in the night the better but there is allso nutrients that help out here i use bigbud flowering for growth and bigbud flowering to get bigger buds obviously the better quality of seed u have used the better the smoke on harvest