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Active Member
hi flamingo ak47 niceeeeeeeeee you can find many a deals on the net that supply ya with good seeds my freind so take a look i use the seed emporium myself

thanks moroccanblack also where can i buy the best nutirants (this is the hardest thing im having problems with) ? im goin for a hydroponics setup.


Active Member
id wait till 12 inch high flamingo m8 you get a better harvest from them and wont take much longer to reach that height on lights on 24/7 m8


Active Member
Down n dirty—boomer who wants to grow her own grass. Now the kids are gone, we can, Been lurking for a couple of weeks, but based on our past experiences of trying to clone, it should’ve been MONTHS. Great site, good humor & info. Tu, ct


Active Member
I have four different strains growing. 1 bubble berry clone, which is all colas, but the pistils or trichomes (not sure which term applies) are barely turning color. I have three other strains that were grown from seed. One of the strains (an indica) is flowering, but already has blazing hot pink pistils or trichomes and is nowhere near cola(ing) yet. Lastly, I have a couple sativas that seem to be the slowest growing out of the lot. This is the first time I've grown personally, and the plants are beautiful...I'm just not as knowledgable as I'd like to be about the gardening part.

My questions are:
What causes the colors of the pistils to turn?
How do I know when to pull?
How long should you cure for?...Does it depend on the bud itself?

If I could get any insight, I'd appreciate it!



Active Member
hi queen coulor comes with maturity i harvest when pistols are 3/4 red or brown as for curing hang upside down in a warm dry dark space and leave untill the stem snaps easy then its all the way to cloud 9 bongsmilie a pic of a bud from my last grow which wa bagseed but a nice smoke :bigjoint:



Active Member
Hey everyone, I'm "LostInValium" and I'm totally new at growing cannabis. I've been reading this message board for a few days now and finally decided to join and order some seeds. This seems to be a great site full of helpful info on growing MJ.


Active Member
Hey folks....thanks for clearing up my cofusion on 24/7 question....Im getting ready for my 1st grow and wan't to start a journal....how do I start 1? Do I need to be elite member?


Active Member
How reliable are seeds that are sold as "femanized? I am planning on ordering from Nirvanaordered regular seeds from them and was impressed
with the regular seeds I bought from them. My plants were doing well but I had an accident which made it impossible to get to my indoor garden so I had to kill off the plants. I am getting ready to order new seeds and just wanted to know if the extra expense is worth it to get only female plants.


Well-Known Member
Hello...im new to this site and just throwing it out there that im setting up to grow hydro when i come home.(im deployed next 3 months....army)I got jsut bout everything running in my head how im gonna do this.I was gona do it in a grow tent.What would be the best way to control odor this way.I know about the carbon filter adn the inline fans.But how to hook it up to the grow tent itself and and ozone generator will be in there to.But its hard for me to figure this out when all i have to look at is pictures and other peoples work.