What do you guys do with all your trim?

The dude grows a couple tiny plants in a 3x3. Do you blame him for throwing away his whole 3 grams of bubble hash he’d get?
I grew 1 plant in a 3x3 and scored 3/4lb. Made 8 cups of infused cannabis oil. Granted it's not a huge grow, but I wouldn't waste any of it. I would've gotten way more than 3 grams of hash had i went that route.
1) 3 oz of 1 year old dry buds busted up with 1 1/2 cups of coconut oil 3 cups of water 10 hours on low in a crock pot, add a cup of water if necessary if the level gets low, stir every couple of hours.

The strong smell while cooking (not necessarily pleasant) will remain for most of the 10 hours.

2) Separate oil and water from plant material then after a night in the fridge separate block of hard oil from the water.

3) Run the block of oil again with 2 OZ of bud and 2 1/2 cups of water.

4) Separate the refrigerated block from the dirty water melt and add 1 1/2 of cups of water and throw it back in the fridge to get a clean finish.

I've not yet done a 3rd run to see how much can be infused into the oil but I doubt I hit the peak.

All I can say is the buzz with a 5 mg dose is probably good for a heavy user. I would not give it to a novice. A 15 mg dose is to potent to enjoy. The high is hard to explain, I was afraid to fall asleep on it as I felt I would forget to breath. I've experienced the intense buzz 4 or 5 times maybe more IDK. I could never get that high smoking.
It's actually harder to dose at this potency. It's easy to take to much so I really don't have a desire to see the results running it a third time.

My plants are generally sativa hybrids with very little trim that I don't collect so the buzz will be different from an indica strain.
I used to toss it but now I dry sift it and press the hash into rosin.

Everything I used to make with trim is now made with hash rosin.
I can put a dab on some toast with some butter and it's rip city in no time.

Smoking IT is way better than doobies. Shit, rubbing it on a paper makes any killer grass, KILLER grass!

Adding it to a hot dog is the bomb and homemade burgers for the grill. Cook the burger or dog and rub in a dab. Ribs are good too.

45 second fried egg....
Put a pad of butter and a dab in a micro safe bowl and heat for 15 seconds, remove and mix a bit and swirl it to coat the bowl.
Add a whole egg and break the yolk. Heat for 30 seconds on high and blam! Best egg ever.

Next time you make a birthday cake, use hash rosin butter or oil and really make it a party.
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Sometimes I reveal myself to be the simple minded person I am unintentionally :) I never even thought to simply increase the volume of material going into the mix. The wife always makes it for me, so it just didn't cross my mind to change the recipe. I've never processed such a large batch, but would like to do it just the way you suggest. What size pot do you reckon I'd need to simmer in? I only ask because I know I don't have one big enough for that much material and probably need to go buy one at wally world. I want to make sure I don't short change myself on capacity. One of those big chili sized stock pots?
I actually use mason jars. First I decarb, then I grind the material or break it up as much as possible, after that I put the material and butter (in my case coconut oil) into mason jars, fill about half way (I melt the butter down first). Then I place the mason jars inside of a big pot, the same one I use to boil my pasta, and I bring it to a light boil. When I see the water start rolling I dial it in so that I can see it roll but it doesn't actually boil/bubble. Then I let it sit for a couple hours. I use my IR temp gun to monitor temps, making sure it doesn't go too high (~210-220F). This also makes for easier separation, I just strain the mixture through a 200 micron nut milk bag. I squeeze the shit out of it and then stick it into this potato masher I have, and give it one last squash, usually get it all out pretty good. Not only does this remove one of the steps when using water, but it greatly reduces the chance of any water staying in the budder, which prevents any chance of mold from occurring. I freeze most of it, as I usually make pretty large batches. If you let it thaw at room temp without breaking the seal, you'll be good for quite a while. Just keep the moisture out.

Since doing it this way I've been able to create edibles that are less couch locky. Everyone seems to love them. Sadly I can't really partake as edibles are almost always a ticket to bad anxiety for me lol.
Does anyone just dry sift with screens? I recall using three screens to do it many years ago, and I'd like to do that again. Any screen recommendations? I don't have access to dry ice....or even a freezer at the moment LOL, otherwise I'd look into the bubble hash bags.

If I had to pick two - The 110 and 86


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Does anyone just dry sift with screens? I recall using three screens to do it many years ago, and I'd like to do that again. Any screen recommendations? I don't have access to dry ice....or even a freezer at the moment LOL, otherwise I'd look into the bubble hash bags.

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I make hash with trim as well as gummies,butter I usually do about 2 0z trim to lb of butter can also make body cream as well as infusing cooking oil
Gummy recipe?
One package of jello
Two packages of gelatin
1/2 cup water
1/4 sunflower oil/peanut oil etc
Small scoop (if that much) soy lecithin powder or oil
I use thc oil, as much as you want, I use a couple of grams.
Bring water, soy to a boil. Let the powder dissolve as best you can.
Add Sunflower oil.
Add jello and gelatin and let it bloom for a minute or two, mix the powder into liquid.
Add thc oil. Allow to bloom for about 8 minutes or so until it’s all mixed up. Looks like slime but a little thicker.
I use the instrument that came with my gummy molds to transfer liquid into molds. Looks like a miniature turkey baster.
Refrigerate until solid.
I use crushed organic cane sugar to cover them, otherwise they seem to stick together. For me anyway.
There are a bunch of recipes out there. I just typed up what I do.
Okay, so 190 proof Everclear is illegal to buy or sell in Michigan so I can't make my green dragon tincture as soon as I'd like. I found a solution though. Of course I can have one of my redneck relatives in Missouri ship a bottle up to me, but that's overly complicated and what if it breaks in transit? Why not just use 200 proof food grade Ethanol that is stronger and isn't illegal to buy or sell in my home state? https://www.laballey.com/products/b...roof-100-non-denatured-acs-usp-grade-tax-paid $70 for a gallon (128 ounces). Cheap compared to $28 + tax for a fifth (25.3 ounces) of 190 proof Everclear + shipping and packaging costs I would have to pay a relative to hook me up through USPS. It will take me years to burn through the whole gallon of ethanol, and at 200 proof it's as strong as god himself can make.
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Okay, so 190 proof Everclear is illegal to buy or sell in Michigan so I can't make my green dragon tincture as soon as I'd like. I found a solution though. Of course I can have one of my redneck relatives in Missouri ship a bottle up to me, but that's overly complicated and what if it breaks in transit? Why not just use 200 proof food grade Ethanol that is stronger and isn't illegal to buy or sell in my home state? https://www.laballey.com/products/b...roof-100-non-denatured-acs-usp-grade-tax-paid $70 for a gallon (128 ounces). Cheap compared to $28 + tax for a fifth (25.3 ounces) of 190 proof Everclear + shipping and packaging costs I would have to pay a relative to hook me up through USPS. It will take me years to burn through the whole gallon of ethanol, and at 200 proof it's as strong as god himself can make.
How is that with the ever clear? I have a bottle I was gonna use in my magic butter machine but decided to do honey last time.
You aren't saving a significant amount of money by growing your own supply? Jeez man I smoke nearly an ounce every 2 weeks. Even with friend prices that would cost me $180/ounce on the open market. That's almost $400/month. That's half a mortgage payment. Whether or not you are selling it to your registered patients or need the home grown savings you are indeed making money by growing your own.

Moving on to wasting medicine. How's that a good idea? You spend 3 months to grow an indoor crop spending a good amount of money on electricity on top of your labor, and you just throw money and medicine away? To each their own. PM me. I'll give you an address to send that trim to :)
400 half a mortgage where the hell do you live ?
Sucks about the price of Everclear some places...that fifth (750ml) here costs $16+tax.
You can get “boutique” 190-proof for $22/liter, if you care...another $6 for that last cup...if you’re the type
400 half a mortgage where the hell do you live ?
Michigan. I couldn't afford California. Refugee from Missouri. You get a lot for your money out here in the sticks. I laugh when I hear other people's absurd mortgage payments. I live on 3/4 acre. I have friends who pay twice as much and their neighbor is right next door. That's too close for me :)