What type of kid were you?


Well-Known Member
Shy, quiet, drug addicted.

Then came jr high which I didn't finish.
I became a complete asshole
and I've been there ever since.


Well-Known Member
As a very young child, you could say I was a tortured soul.

As I grew up and started going to school, I became quiet and aloof, bad-boy.


Well-Known Member
Careful what you ask for mija. They tell me it's "therapeutic" to talk about my early childhood... But then I get those PMs when I do, asking me to stop...


Well-Known Member
he reped me and my rep went from 0- like full r****** in one go
Cuz rep means everything....
Born in 93 in cali moved to Washington in 04. Lived with my mom single parent dad was never around mom got pregnant in high school. As a kid I was always the person who could talk with anyone and make new friends right then... I was never that much into sports but still played. Never really had real friends though like a best friend I guess... as ive gotten older I feel like I had a good childhood



Well-Known Member
Born in a manger,....on the wrong side of the tracks. Mom breastfed me til I was 9, years. Probably why dad left when I was 2. Shortly after he left, mom made me breast feed in the nude and she would fondle me. We moved into a trailer where we shared a bed. There was always strange men coming and going, but always coming. Mom made sure I knew I was her favorite "little man". There was one guy who liked to push me down when mom wasn't watching; once he put a cigarette out on my head and said he would kill my mom if I told. I would finish alcoholic drinks left behind when the bedroom door closed. In grade school I had a teacher with a huge rack and I kept asking her for some "milk". CPS got involved I was put into foster care for a bit. That happened a few times while mom "figured things out". Mom started mouthing it by 8 and we were having sex by 10. I was a really good athlete but mom always coddled me and kept me from participating in team sports. Well, this isn't a novel, and I've probably said too much already. I'll cover jr high later.


Well-Known Member
I was a normal kid I guess. Cutting school, smoking weed, dropping acid, finger-banging chicks. That's normal right?


Well-Known Member
Pretty much a badass through in through! Don't know about the rest of you pussies! Started finger banging adult women at 9! Sold pot cookies for breakfast on the school bus at 12! Sold my Prozac (fuck that shit) at 13, started smoking meth out of a light bulb, joined a trailer crew and got the whole trailer park addicted to Gel cap LSD. Then I turned 14


Well-Known Member
Pretty much a badass through in through! Don't know about the rest of you pussies! Started finger banging adult women at 9! Sold pot cookies for breakfast on the school bus at 12! Sold my Prozac (fuck that shit) at 13, started smoking meth out of a light bulb, joined a trailer crew and got the whole trailer park addicted to Gel cap LSD. Then I turned 14



Well-Known Member
Middle child, only boy, very active, talkative. I never shut up, played hard, hated school but passed so mom wouldnt beat my ass. Lego lover, still am. Hotwheels, bikes and skateboards. Hated reading regular books but read encyclopedias for fun. Perverted as hell, i too was playin with the girls at a very young age. Respectful to all adults, disrespectful as hell to my peers. I was a shit talkin lil dude. Not violent but never backed down and ocd as hell. My mom says i was the only kid she ever knew that never had to be told.to clean up. So that was me say 12 and younger. 12 and up, shit, how much time we got?


Well-Known Member
At 13, these two things changed my life


at 14, mom threw me out for good.


Well-Known Member
From the time I was 9 until the time I was 13 I was interviewed every year by University students. I was a good kid, inherently compassionate, my father relayed a story that when I was 3 we watched The Elephant Man and I asked him "Why are they being mean to that man Daddy?" Though the violence that was around me led me to be good at it later in life. I was a little high strung but very polite.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I was in advanced classes until I got a really bad bout of depression in 8th grade. Prob coulda been a senator or something.


Being the new kid all the time and being smarter than the majority of classmates does not = happiness.


bud bootlegger
At 13, these two things changed my life


at 14, mom threw me out for good.
like, and pretty much the same for me, minus mom throwing me out of course cuz i'm not trying to be a bad ass. :D


Well-Known Member
mexican and white i didnt fit in with anybody
stood to myself
average student somewhat a troublemaker
shy and i rode bmx and constantly had earphones


Well-Known Member
I was expelled from Kindergarten, I kid you not.

And it got worse from there...always in trouble for everything.