What's For Dinner Tonight?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Only as sushi. Gently cooked, it's Part of This Complete Polar Bear. cn
That's what I use when I make Pho. I don't cook the meat. I just slice it really really thin and then pour hot boiling broth over the meat. Yum! But this cottage pie is a huge success. Everyone is loving it.


Ursus marijanus
I discovered when making shepherd pie, to only use the shepherds that put up a good fight. They're the healthy tasty ones. The rest get tossed back or put in the cubs' school lunches as a combination snack and HappyMeal toy. Same principle applies to Girl Scout cookies. Hmmm, I wonder if that thread is still alive. cn

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Graham crackers and betty crocker chocolate icing. I had a friend that used to eat those all the time. He made me try it once. Never again. I realized if I started I would never stop. But it was soooo good. :(

Total Head

Well-Known Member
tonight i got a steak and cheese from d'angelo's, who used to be famous for having the least gristle in their meat and they season their shit right.

tonight the thing was so full of gristle i got slapped in the face by it and twice big chunks of meat came out. i was so fucking pissed. if you're going to serve meat with that much gristle at least have the decency to chop it up better so i can chew the shit. and this was the "good" d'angelo's.

other than that it was really good, though. with peppers, onions, and mushrooms.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Put the corned beef in the crock pot last night with spices and enough water to cover the meat. Set on low and let cook all night. I added cabbage about an hour ago and in a couple of hours will start some roasted herb and olive oil rub potatoes with a spinach leaf and feta cheese salad topped with a raspberry vinaigrette. Happy Paddy's Day! :D