Lamb- Oh so good! Haven't thought of it in shepards pie. Used ground moose and moose sausage. Onions, garlic and potatoes from the garden. A simple gravy to bind it all. Mushrooms and corn from the market. Must've been a dozen people warming up, resting, enjoying libations and re-heating dinner for themselves and trick or treaters. It was a wonderful night. Scared some kids shitless! My fun.Did you use Lamb? I had cottage pie (with beef). I love that shit.
Ahh- quite a food selection from the North!tonight is either salmon,moose or some caribou. I'm kinda spent on beef lately
Lamb- Oh so good! Haven't thought of it in shepards pie. Used ground moose and moose sausage. Onions, garlic and potatoes from the garden. A simple gravy to bind it all. Mushrooms and corn from the market. Must've been a dozen people warming up, resting, enjoying libations and re-heating dinner for themselves and trick or treaters. It was a wonderful night. Scared some kids shitless! My fun.
Happy Halloween! I like the sound of cottage pie- more refined. I really liked it in school and now make it to my tastes and like it still. Moose- ungulate pie? IDK either but it's such good comfort food. Just browsed a little of your halloween thread, nice. I had a blast entertaining/visiting and scaring the bejesus out of the trick or treaters. Love the smell of pumpkin heated by a candle. Brings me way back to childhood.I think (I could be wrong) that when the dish is made with beef it's Cottage Pie. When it's made with lamb then it's Cottage Pie. I scared the hell out of several of my nephews with a wolf mask. They screamed like little girlies. I have ammo for the next six months.
Thanks Stanley.
How long does it take to grow full size tilapia?
All depends how much you feed them. Mine got fairly plump in 6 months and I didn't feed them as much as I should have. I think a year and they would have been monsters.
I have wanted to try a good curry - link?Chana Saag Masala over Curry Coconut Tofu Paneer Rice. Any Indian lovers?
I have wanted to try a good curry - link?