What's For Dinner Tonight?

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
OOOOOHHHHHHHH i getcha now , who didn't read a post properly "clint did !!!"
I do my own smoked fish and it is the best eva , the key is to rub brown suger all over the fish b4 you smoke it !
My neig has a smoker he made out of an old ice cream truck.
All sorsta vents and shit but he can dial in a certain temp and smoke.
He quick smoked some fish in about an hour with higher temps.
Still some tasty fish.
He smokes all sorts of meat in it.


Well-Known Member
That's for you aw !


Well-Known Member
That one is for me !


Well-Known Member
See everyone does it !!!!!


Well-Known Member
Sick fucker... I'd rather eat stank old 5 days un showered pussy....
I'd rather octopus than smellypuss !!!!!

Thats perfect, i cant rep you for it though lmao! Too much rep to clint mesage still :):):)
Hahaha i get that mesage all the time with you guys :hug: I mean when i try to add to other peoples rep !!

oh man, at 2:33 that snake thats got him by the nose! Baaaaahahahahaaaa
Tell me that wouldn't hurt ? and they are highly poisonous still at that age !!!
He must be immune to the venom i guess .

That is funny in a away.
Just young men showing off.
Non of them said it tasted good.
Tru they said nothing about what it tasted like !
I guess that didn't have to , they know how good it is !!!!!


Well-Known Member
What's wrong with good ole hamburgers and French fries?

so sick of this fucking Nanny internet shit... I was going to show you guys the Nelson Technique to cleaning roughed grouse. But youtube won't let me post unless I verify I am 18 years old.....

Now now tell me , why should I at 45 years old be inconvenienced because some parent let ther kids surf the internet without a seatbelt and helmet.

Sorry for the rant, I am just sick of this fucking nanny shit.