Now that is just WRONG!! I was under the impession the best thing to quell the burn is actually 'bread'. Is there any truth to that? Drinking basically just spreads the sting from what I know.
yup it was bloody hard work. The paramedics were out back waiting for the losers giving out Lucozade dextrose tabs to chew which works incredibly well to nutralise the mouth burn. Then a pint of milk to ease the gut burn.
as I thanked him he said he'd be over there if needed. I just said I doubt there's more you can do but call me a daft get. He just laughed said aye and fed me.more sugar tabs. Fun day out.
honestly i dunno how that lass next to me wasn't suffering. well i do there was loads of bits of chilli still in her sick bucket. I made her finish them haha
that was just afore i bowed out. I could have gone further but the the two guys at the end were seasoned vets. they kept matching each other without even a grimace.
I keep getting messages asking me to do it for ME challenge now. i feel I should as I did it for a laugh, at least raising some money would have been a benefit to someone. I just replied saying my head says i should but my arse says nooooooooo.
You Nutter Don. I did a chilli eating contest (just raw chilli) once and ill never do anything like it ever again
Mum just got back from a parish fête with a car full of books to take to charity. Just found a fantastic book of 200 BBQ recipes off on my 1 week of jollies for the year tomorrow afternoon. Time for some fun