Where do you get some quality seeds?


Ursus marijanus
Many here use Attitude.

However, the more usual question is "where can I get seeds whose product has a certain (specified) quality?" Since i don't know what your needs, wants and capacities are, i can't give you anything beyond a perfunctory or vaguely smartassed answer. cn


Well-Known Member
Attitude is legit if you live in states or not ,never used any of the others mentioned!


Well-Known Member
I live in the US and have had great service from Hemp Depot in Canada. Super legit, very professional -- my last order came to me within a week I think. More often it takes about 15-20 days.


I just say "quality" cuz I no some websites scam ppl with saying they have a certain strain and are giving another. Im looking for some high quality strains and I wanna make sure Im buying from a reputable company so I dont screwed. So if u no any good websites I would be very grateful.


Well-Known Member
I spent around $500 bucks on my first buy from Attitude. A sexy brittish woman called me to confirm my order and the shipping. The second time I spent 80 bucks. I got no phone call.. but the seeds showed up both times, within two weeks of ordering. I had the same reservations you do and am very happy with Attitude. I would recommend checking out the seed companies available at attitude and choose the best from what they offer. And pay for the guaranteed shipping. I will say barney farm super lemon haze is not stable!! kind of a bummer. and I paid like 115 dollars for 10 seeds. You get all sorts of free seeds from them, so its fun to try other stuff you weren't expecting.