who's "rules" ...ounce we shred the constitution??


Well-Known Member
but what about the rogue packs of bikers taking over poorly armed towns?
God you are so easy! Thanks again for making my point come into focus. (and busting up on FDR) Not after it starts, Sir Bucksalot, before, to be prepared.

Or think of any other idea where it would not be good to have less that all the bullets you can get.

If you let it be limited to handguns and other reasonable weapons and the bad guys bring AKs we have to depend on police presence to protect us.

Think about it. WHEN we do have a breakdown in civil order, and we already have, more than once, there is a very rowdy underbelly in cities that will have trouble feeding themselves. The inner Cities are already fragile with a just in time, 1 week at most, food supply.

So, if you can get out at all it will be on a motorcycle. Now you can say oh, not possible. Really?

Now, should the Hell's Angels head out into Idaho or Nevada? Or, (the dream of the 90s is alive in) Portland?

Or maybe just ambush the Law in Banks or Sandy? Not talking about if there is a rash of it and Congress finally does something.

No, it's if the Chinese are successful Tomorrow, in attacking our power grid. They keep trying you know.

If the grid crashes, not after it keeps crashing over and over, if there is no warning, and some armed and evil guys appear at intersections in a certain neighborhood in West Hills....how many bullets?

The phones don't work, the gird is fucked. All is the wildest rumor, the cops aren't around. You can't call them anyway. The religious zealots are not making thing better with these bonfires and screaming. New Orleans over the entire west coast. Bucky has a cellar full of good stuff he is set, he has his dog and an axe.

Don't you wish you had some bullets and an a AR, 40 of your armed buddies to set up a perimeter at the first sign of trouble?

If not, why not? You can depend on luck sure. It probably would not happen to you. But, it is what the Founders were thinking about, civil disorder. The idea that the police can protect us is not a faithful concept. And waiting until warning, never happens.

When that guy tried to come into my sweet old grandmothers house at night, instant civil disorder. She had to protect herself. We keep and bear arms, to regulate the chumps, that's why.


Well-Known Member
God you are so easy! Thanks again for making my point come into focus. (and busting up on FDR)
Not after it starts, ub, before, to be prepared.

Or think of any other idea where it would not be good to have less that all the bullets you can get.

If you let it be limited to handguns and other reasonable weapons and the bad guys bring AKs we have to depend on police presence to protect us.

Think about it. WHEN we do have a breakdown in civil order, and we already have, more than once, there is a very rowdy underbelly in cities that will have trouble feeding themselves. The inner Cities are already fragile with a just in time, 1 week at most, food supply.

So, if you can get out at all it will be on a motorcycle. Now you can say oh, not possible. Really?

Now, should the Hell's Angels head out into Idaho or Nevada? Or, (the dream of the 90s is alive in) Portland?

Or maybe just ambush the Law in Banks or Sandy? Not talking about if there is a rash of it and Congress finally does something.

No, it's if the Chinese are successful Tomorrow, in attacking our power grid. They keep trying you know.

If the grid crashes, not after it keeps crashing over and over, if there is no warning, and some armed and evil guys appear at intersections in a certain neighborhood in West Hills....how many bullets?

The phones don't work, the gird is fucked. All is the wildest rumor, the cops aren't around. You can't call them anyway. The religious zealots are not making thing better with these bonfires and screaming. New Orleans over the entire west coast. Bucky has a cellar full of good stuff he is set, he has his dog and an axe.

Don't you wish you had some bullets and an a AR, 40 of your armed buddies to set up a perimeter at the first sign of trouble?

If not, why not? You can depend on luck sure. It probably would not happen to you. But, it is what the Founders were thinking about, civil disorder. The idea that the police can protect us is not a faithful concept. And waiting unitl warning, never happens.

When that guy tried to come into my sweet old grandmothers house at night, instant civil disorder. She had to protect herself. We keep and bear arms. to regulate the chumps, that's why.
that shit is happening all the time.

so annoying.


Well-Known Member
Horseshit we have a whole market of little old ladies that do this shit for a hobby. Next you going to be spouting since maids do house work for money you don't need a W4 for cleaning your own fucking house. If you make over the amount the IRS specifies and you fail to claim it you are in fact breaking the law. You may not have a gun to you head per se but no one that wants to operate a legal business will hire anyone that doesn't sign a W4. Shit it's even illegal to hire a subcontractor without making sure he is following all the rules.
no worries, we can just trade chickens for health care.


Well-Known Member
As long as we are talking about guns in every thread...... Why aren't liberals going after hand guns? Over 90% of the crimes committed with guns are done with hand guns, yet they go after something that's used in less than 1%. I thought they were actually concerned with gun crimes, but it seems they are just trying to make a symbolic gesture. I'm not a fan of those.


Well-Known Member
As long as we are talking about guns in every thread...... Why aren't liberals going after hand guns? Over 90% of the crimes committed with guns are done with hand guns, yet they go after something that's used in less than 1%. I thought they were actually concerned with gun crimes, but it seems they are just trying to make a symbolic gesture. I'm not a fan of those.
Because like the *global warming issue*... Liberals feel good when we are doing something. It doesnt have to be something logical with a goal to help the problem, it just has to be *something*. Then they can sleep at night...


Well-Known Member
your senility is showing, old man.
I can still count bullets. You claim to know how may bullets are needed in every situation. You are fond of tossing the shit out...but you just can't answer. But, I still can eat the mouse nut...as numb as they are in this case.

See mice fight harder to keep there balls than numb-nuts. Why do think we call you that? Easy neutered.

How many bullets, tough guy?


Well-Known Member
Oh look

Another thread started by another republican about the death of the constitution and yet again it isn't quoted anywhere.


Well-Known Member
You know it's funny. Take the Swiss. But, it won't be easy. Every male of an age is already in a Militia unit.

They have their neighborhoods with a planned defense overlay. They practice bringing up and then clearing. They are required to know.

But, they don't shoot each other very much.


New Member
i'm sure plenty of farmhands are needed. stay and eat for free if you help out around the place.

or abscond to the woods.

or move somewhere else.

Those are all absolutely terrible suggestions.

LOL @ "lots of alternatives".

You could only name three, and they are all terrible.........................


Well-Known Member
Those are all absolutely terrible suggestions.

LOL @ "lots of alternatives".

You could only name three, and they are all terrible.........................
yeah, they are pretty terrible options.

i'd say the best option is to sign the W4, enjoy the greatest nation on earth, and stop being a whiny little bitch (not directed at you).


Ursus marijanus
yeah, they are pretty terrible options.

i'd say the best option is to sign the W4, enjoy the greatest nation on earth, and stop being a whiny little bitch (not directed at you).
I think the point is that you've equated "not at gunpoint" with "entirely voluntary" on this issue. I have never had the option to not sign the W-4 without immediate and severe consequences, notably not being hired. cn


Well-Known Member
I think the point is that you've equated "not at gunpoint" with "entirely voluntary" on this issue. I have never had the option to not sign the W-4 without immediate and severe consequences, notably not being hired. cn
sounds like a lot of other people who employ people chose to accept that system rather than chance it in somalia.

they didn't have to, no one forced them to start a business. they chose to.


Well-Known Member
We consent to be governed this way.....it can be changed, it can be stalled. Every generation throws a hero up the pop charts.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
sounds like a lot of other people who employ people chose to accept that system rather than chance it in somalia.

they didn't have to, no one forced them to start a business. they chose to.
Poor people chose not to get rich. So why should government give them FREE shit?

John Paul DeJoria and I both agree, you should go fuck yourself.