Why Do Progressives Feel They Are Entitled

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Well-Known Member
Obviously you have the decease called Liberalism. You are not alone unfortunately. A little history lesson.....Capitalism has made this country the richest most giving nation ever. Most of the free handouts are paid by wealthy people and corporations. This is reality: The top 10% of Americans pay 70% of federal income taxes and 50% of Americans pay no federal income taxes yet all you here is the liberals yell about equality. The liberals are like snake oil salesmen looking for someone to blame for their failed policies. The Nazis blamed the Jews while the liberals blame the wealthy in order to convince the weak minded to vote for them. Under liberalism, many middle class americans are going to pay more for O care. I recieved an operation last year that I waited 3 months to get. I have a friend in Canada who is 3 years and waiting for the same op with gov care. That is not compassion either.
Ah the good ole days


Well-Known Member
Really not much different it seems between the two the way you describe it. One notable distinction in the ideologies, is the lack of compassion exhibited by right as far as social plights are concerned, and the empathy for the less fortunate that is exhibited by the left. That is why liberals exist it seems, to counterbalance the self serving, self righteous attitudes of the conservatives. There has to be a balance between good and evil it seems, and that is where the libs come in, to offset evil. Peace
Yeah, liberals=good, conservatives=bad. Good that you think you're so much better than others. I've got news for you. Forcing others to contribute to causes you believe in doesn't make you the good guy, it make you a thief.


Well-Known Member
Really not much different it seems between the two the way you describe it. One notable distinction in the ideologies, is the lack of compassion exhibited by right as far as social plights are concerned, and the empathy for the less fortunate that is exhibited by the left. That is why liberals exist it seems, to counterbalance the self serving, self righteous attitudes of the conservatives. There has to be a balance between good and evil it seems, and that is where the libs come in, to offset evil. Peace
this is the liberal lie, that all conservatives are evil selfish bastards willing to throw grandma over the cliff, ...this is an example of the emotional hotbutton talking points i was referring to earlier.

and the progressive liberal's who are actually at the top of the food chain, like Obama, Clinton, Durbin, Reid, Pelosi, all of them, they all depend on the population believing that they are being oppressed in some way and that they, the righteous Democrat's, will go to Washington and fight for you, they will fight against the evil, selfish capitalist's so you will no longer be oppressed.

what history proves though is that, more often than not, it's the 'liberal' Democrat's who are the oppressor's, search 'Jim Crow laws' for an example, but they are very good at pointing fingers of blame, ...like the guy in the checkout line who farts and then looks disgustedly at you so everyone else in the line believes the lie that it was you who just shit your pants.



Well-Known Member
what history proves though is that, more often than not, it's the 'liberal' Democrat's who are the oppressor's, search 'Jim Crow laws' for an example, but they are very good at pointing fingers of blame, ...like the guy in the checkout line who farts and then looks disgustedly at you so everyone else in the line believes the lie that it was you who just shit your pants.

How are those that supported Jim Crow laws voting now?


Well-Known Member
When it comes to work they think they're always under paid.
They have a terrible work ethic.
Feel they no it all.
And are the first ones to file for unemployment, workers compensation and lawsuits.

If they feel so taken advantage of, why don't they ever start their own business?
i know you're used to having dinner bought and a few hundreds thrown at you..times have changed:wink:


Active Member
How are those that supported Jim Crow laws voting now?
The fact is the democrat platform was started by a slave owner. The party is just as racist now as ever, its just reverse racism and boy is it rampant. Sen Byrd was the most recent KKK democrat in congress. Now its minority racists in there.


Well-Known Member
Ah the good ole days
When you could be forced to work 60 hours a week for no overtime pay and on the weekends
When you could be fired and black balled from getting a job in the same city
no health insurance, no workers compensation

Work until you die on the job and if you are lucky you can get your kids out of school to work with you in the factory

Ah those golden years when employees could be worked to death


Well-Known Member
The fact is the democrat platform was started by a slave owner. The party is just as racist now as ever, its just reverse racism and boy is it rampant. Sen Byrd was the most recent KKK democrat in congress. Now its minority racists in there.

The party lines of the 1860s/1870s are not the party lines of today," she wrote to us. "Although the names stayed the same, the platforms of the two parties reversed each other in the mid-20th century, due in large part to white ‘Dixiecrats’ flight out of the Democratic Party and into the Republican Party after the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. By then, the Democratic Party had become the party of ‘reform,’ supporting a variety of ‘liberal’ causes, including civil rights, women’s rights, etc. whereas this had been the banner of the Republican Party in the nineteenth century." Elaine Frantz Parsons, an associate professor at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh said that most post-Civil War southern whites were Democrats who were unhappy with Republican policies on Reconstruction while large numbers of newly-freed slaves were Republicans.
"So it is not surprising that the Reconstruction era Klan would have been very largely Democrats attacking Republicans," Parsons said in an e-mail. "But this simply does not map well at all onto the party structure we know today. Among other things, the Republicans (during Reconstruction) were condemned as the party of big government and as wanting to centralize authority on the federal level."



Active Member
Ah the good ole days
When you could be forced to work 60 hours a week for no overtime pay and on the weekends
When you could be fired and black balled from getting a job in the same city
no health insurance, no workers compensation

Work until you die on the job and if you are lucky you can get your kids out of school to work with you in the factory

Ah those golden years when employees could be worked to death

Both sides of my grandparents turned out well. They carried there own weight and lived a long healthy life. They struggled and worked hard and it wasnt easy but they had a happy home and food on the table.....I think you check just came in the mail. If its not to cold, you may want to walk out there and get it, or maybe a state services vehicle can pic you up and drive you to the end of your driveway.


Well-Known Member
Both sides of my grandparents turned out well. They carried there own weight and lived a long healthy life. They struggled and worked hard and it wasnt easy but they had a happy home and food on the table.....I think you check just came in the mail. If its not to cold, you may want to walk out there and get it, or maybe a state services vehicle can pic you up and drive you to the end of your driveway.

You made the list


Well-Known Member
Obviously you have the decease called Liberalism. You are not alone unfortunately. A little history lesson.....Capitalism has made this country the richest most giving nation ever. Most of the free handouts are paid by wealthy people and corporations. This is reality: The top 10% of Americans pay 70% of federal income taxes and 50% of Americans pay no federal income taxes yet all you here is the liberals yell about equality. The liberals are like snake oil salesmen looking for someone to blame for their failed policies. The Nazis blamed the Jews while the liberals blame the wealthy in order to convince the weak minded to vote for them. Under liberalism, many middle class americans are going to pay more for O care. I recieved an operation last year that I waited 3 months to get. I have a friend in Canada who is 3 years and waiting for the same op with gov care. That is not compassion either.
the issue is % of taxes to income ratio..fail re:dunce:lican puppet..fail


Well-Known Member
The party lines of the 1860s/1870s are not the party lines of today," she wrote to us. "Although the names stayed the same, the platforms of the two parties reversed each other in the mid-20th century, due in large part to white ‘Dixiecrats’ flight out of the Democratic Party and into the Republican Party after the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. By then, the Democratic Party had become the party of ‘reform,’ supporting a variety of ‘liberal’ causes, including civil rights, women’s rights, etc. whereas this had been the banner of the Republican Party in the nineteenth century." Elaine Frantz Parsons, an associate professor at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh said that most post-Civil War southern whites were Democrats who were unhappy with Republican policies on Reconstruction while large numbers of newly-freed slaves were Republicans. "So it is not surprising that the Reconstruction era Klan would have been very largely Democrats attacking Republicans," Parsons said in an e-mail. "But this simply does not map well at all onto the party structure we know today. Among other things, the Republicans (during Reconstruction) were condemned as the party of big government and as wanting to centralize authority on the federal level." http://www.politifact.com/virginia/statements/2013/jun/10/stephen-martin/state-sen-stephen-martin-says-democratic-party-cre/
The Democrats fought tooth and nail against the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Liar. The Klan wasn't known for attacking Republicans, they attacked Jews and Blacks.


Well-Known Member
The Democrats fought tooth and nail against the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Liar. The Klan wasn't known for attacking Republicans, they attacked Jews and Blacks.
the SOUTH fought tooth and nail against civil rights

And those southerners who were democrat became Republicans after 1964


Active Member
The real answer is a flat tax. You make 100.00/ day you pay 10.00 in taxes. You make 1,000,000.00 you pay 100,000.00. The problem is that is would make the majority of dem votes carry there weight and that is too american for socailists.


Well-Known Member
So the 0% taxes of the Democratic base means what?
All tax is not progressive. Most tax is not progressive. So, let us say, you are in a system with regressive tax structures. Fuel, Property Tax, almost all day to day items, clothes, materials, etc are not proportioned to what you earn. In fact, it sucks.

So, to have Honor as Americans, we give a progressive relief on Federal Income Tax. SO WHAT?


Well-Known Member
The real answer is a flat tax. You make 100.00/ day you pay 10.00 in taxes. You make 1,000,000.00 you pay 100,000.00. The problem is that is would make the majority of dem votes carry there weight and that is too american for socailists.
It will never work. The beauty of the tax code is Credit Incentive for Technology and all kinds of other goodness.

A flat tax kills investment.


Well-Known Member
the SOUTH fought tooth and nail against civil rights And those southerners who were democrat became Republicans after 1964
Gov. George Wallace and Senator Robert Byrd come to mind. Yeah, keep claiming the sins of your leaders were someone else's doing.
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