why don't people have fur?


Well-Known Member
I don't blame you Fdd, he was trying to be helpful but I think a couple had an undertone of 'this is a stupid question'...

Some of us religious people believe man was created set apart from other animals. We obviously still share a common root- creationist or not, no one can deny we all have the same basic blueprint. Man is a pretty amazing creature in all he has perceived and created, but still has a couple of bugs and design flaws...

I think a short, smooth coat like light-type horse fur would be a good idea. Also, it's kind of boring we are one skin color all over. Flaunt it, you people with vitiligo. I like paint horses.
right now, "because God made us that way", would actually be an acceptable answer. ;)

i envy my cats. i wish my wife was covered in fur. i'd bury my face in her tummy. :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
there is not a single animal on this planet we can have a conversation with. why?

why could they give dolphins the ability to speak. it's not like they would take over or anything. they couldn't even hold a hammer. but why not let them have a voice?
Who knows. I see this is just a bit of fun wihtout actually looking for any serious answers. Why don't humans have wings and horns and claws and the speed of a leopard. Something tells me you're not actually going to learn the answers to life and the universe via this thread which seems to be what you're asking for :bigjoint:


Ursus marijanus
there is not a single animal on this planet we can have a conversation with. why?

why could they give dolphins the ability to speak. it's not like they would take over or anything. they couldn't even hold a hammer. but why not let them have a voice?
Because a conversation is a little story. it's our unique skill. So many animals have voices ... but they all say Now Now Now. cn


Active Member
QUOTE=fdd2blk;6692398]so as the most advanced species on the planet, we were never meant to leave the beach? :?

that makes even less "sense".

I never said that, another invention aside from clothes, could help us survive without them. Im just saying as with most things, there is an alterantive, whether socially practical or not. Like i said its the fuel debate, "we have clothes so we think we need them" i think you misunderstood my initial statement.


Well-Known Member
Who knows. I see this is just a bit of fun wihtout actually looking for any serious answers. Why don't humans have wings and horns and claws and the speed of a leopard. Something tells me you're not actually going to learn the answers to life and the universe via this thread which seems to be what you're asking for :bigjoint:
this is a very serious question.

"why, as the most advanced species on earth do we need an outside source to protect our bodies?"

offer a meaningful answer and i will address it accordingly. ;)


Well-Known Member
Just parrots, and all they do is repeat shit lol
Actually, I disagree, cheesecake. Many animals have complex emotions desires and communication systems. Many can grasp the concept of language and recall a lot more than we seem to think. Chimps have been taught sign language. Yes they learn by repeating actions and positive reinforcement, but so do humans. What shows they grasp 'language' is taking these 'words' and symbols attributed to a certain action and using it in other contexts to express themselves. I think if dolphins could talk, they would tell you how they felt if you asked and they had a word to describe their mood. Or at least tell you what they need at that point in time like if they were hungry, I think they would ask for a fish.

Sheep, pigs monkeys, dolphins... other animals- we don't give them enough credit.

But then again, I like to go and howl on walks through the woods...

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Actually, I disagree, cheesecake. Many animals have complex emotions desires and communication systems. Many can grasp the concept of language and recall a lot more than we seem to think. Chimps have been taught sign language. Yes they learn by repeating actions and positive reinforcement, but so do humans. What shows they grasp 'language' is taking these 'words' and symbols attributed to a certain action I think if dolphins could talk, they would tell you how they felt if you asked and they had a word to describe their mood. Or at least tell you what they need at that point in time like if they were hungry, I think they would ask for a fish.

Sheep, pigs monkeys, dolphins... other animals- we don't give them enough credit.

But then again, I like to go a howl on walks through the woods...
That is ture but...they dont talk...you gotta read their body language. Im pretty sure my one dogs calls me an asshole alot, but i cant read it all the way and he wont just come out and say it


Well-Known Member
QUOTE=fdd2blk;6692398]so as the most advanced species on the planet, we were never meant to leave the beach? :?

that makes even less "sense".

I never said that, another invention aside from clothes, could help us survive without them. Im just saying as with most things, there is an alterantive, whether socially practical or not. Like i said its the fuel debate, "we have clothes so we think we need them" i think you misunderstood my initial statement.

keep telling yourself that it's not really 20 degrees outside. it's just your ego.

i get it. ;)

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
i reread you post and realize you were helping. by then i was afraid it had already been quoted so i let it ride. i understand your post now. ;)

i was just thinking, if we were truely "advanced", we'd at least have a nice coat of fur. even a light coat would help.

there is something about the human design that doesn't quite fit in with everything else around us.

why is there such a HUGE leap in intelligence between man and animal?
Some of us still do have fur. Like greeks, italians, and people from the baltics.

I think you are looking at too much all at once, combining too many factors to explain in this. You say horses are..... then why arent humans... Thats not one question, thats many many questions. That is 1) why did horses evolve the way they did 2) why did humans evolve the eay they did 3) how is it that these differences were contributed to by different environment. In each of those questions is a thousand questions. Also, you lump hundreds of thousands of years into one time period. Like, if the romans were so powerful, then why didnt ceasar defeat hitler?

A big factor for us is two legs. Long distance running. Lack of natural killing amendments like teeth claws or poison. Intelligence related with less hair. Sweat. SUB SAHARAN AFRICA. The animals we evolved alongside(sprinters, not long distance runners) these are all huge factors. Now to ask why a horse, which.evolved thousands of miles away under drastically different conditions is different, well thats self explanatory.

Just because you dont see the link doesnt mean it doesnt make sense, yojlu just truly dont understand all the details. And neither do I of course. Thats not meant to be a crack at you, just an observation. These things are far more complex than a dismissive immediate remark is justified in being made. Give credit where its due. People devote their lives to come up with ONE explanation, for you to dismiss their lifes study with 7 seconds of analysis doesnt exactly put you in such a good place to learn. And this is a thread with an intention of learning right? Not dismissal? I do see.a.question, which I thought was a question, not a challenge to prove. This info isnt mine, its professionals with far more knowledge and understanding in the area than you and I have.


Ursus marijanus
there are A LOT of things about humans that are "unique". it makes me wonder. :?
But imo there really aren't. We were destined for an evolutionary backwater and probable extinction with our "jack of all trades, master of none" body plan. The idea that someOne designed us is not one I can entertain seriously. I accept as fact that we just ... happened, and only because our thought processes somehow tipped from the great teeming chorus of Now Now Now to "Let me tell you about when..." did we start ACCUMULATING a culture of little survival tips, mixed with our animal perspective on a spooky dangerous active world. The former became nations and cities and libraries and Use Our Secure Server. This latter survives to this day as our instinct for animism.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Define advanced. We are mentally, and technically advanced as a result, but as an animal, we're a piece of skin and bone, we are not advanced in the sense that we can outrun the cold or jump great heights, if something really wants to eat us, hell, we can't even keep a snarling dog at bay. We have not evolved surival traits such as armour, and we have not devloped advanced hunting characteristics such as claws. Maybe the reason for this could be say that because we are mentally advanced, we have used our mental ability to the effect that certain requirements were no longer as necessary. Not many animals know how to create fire, when said fire then becomes part of life suhc as cooking, drying, protection, i'm no scientist when it comes to evolution but maybe we could have evolved to do wihtout fur due to our mental ability to create warmth in our own way when needed and not have it as a permenant feature and as such potentially an issue come the opposit seasons.

So have we evolved to do without, or have we realised what we are lacking and used our advanced mental status to compensate for these things? I dno't know many people from the caveman days i can ask i'm afraid, it's all rather plain speculation on a hopefully logical level :P

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Some of us still do have fur. Like greeks, italians, and people from the baltics.

I think you are looking at too much all at once, combining too many factors to explain in this. You say horses are..... then why arent humans... Thats not one question, thats many many questions. That is 1) why did horses evolve the way they did 2) why did humans evolve the eay they did 3) how is it that these differences were contributed to by different environment. In each of those questions is a thousand questions. Also, you lump hundreds of thousands of years into one time period. Like, if the romans were so powerful, then why didnt ceasar defeat hitler?

A big factor for us is two legs. Long distance running. Lack of natural killing amendments like teeth claws or poison. Intelligence related with less hair. Sweat. SUB SAHARAN AFRICA. The animals we evolved alongside(sprinters, not long distance runners) these are all huge factors. Now to ask why a horse, which.evolved thousands of miles away under drastically different conditions is different, well thats self explanatory.

Just because you dont see the link doesnt mean it doesnt make sense, yojlu just truly dont understand all the details. And neither do I of course. Thats not meant to be a crack at you, just an observation. These things are far more complex than a dismissive immediate remark is justified in being made. Give credit where its due. People devote their lives to come up with ONE explanation, for you to dismiss their lifes study with 7 seconds of analysis doesnt exactly put you in such a good place to learn. And this is a thread with an intention of learning right? Not dismissal? I do see.a.question, which I thought was a question, not a challenge to prove. This info isnt mine, its professionals with far more knowledge and understanding in the area than you and I have.
dude ive seen a Samolian that coulda passed for Yeti....all people have the fur gene


Active Member
keep telling yourself that it's not really 20 degrees outside. it's just your ego.

i get it. ;)

your still not understanding. your mind says "dont be naked". Yet if you could take a pill or wear a watch that, depending on the environment, manipulated your blood flow, or warmed your body, that eliminates the need for clothing. The same principle applies to uv radiation, foot protection, wind burn all of it. Clothing is merely a practical protection from the environment. Any invention to meet the corresponding "protective" needs would suffice however. Just as a home can be powered by the sun rather than propane.
I have a theory.
We started out with no hair, therefore we were forced to think and create shelters for ourselves, which has evolved us into a smarter, more intelligent species. We never had to adapt to our environment, If we had to maybe we would have hair?


Well-Known Member
Some of us still do have fur. Like greeks, italians, and people from the baltics.

I think you are looking at too much all at once, combining too many factors to explain in this. You say horses are..... then why arent humans... Thats not one question, thats many many questions. That is 1) why did horses evolve the way they did 2) why did humans evolve the eay they did 3) how is it that these differences were contributed to by different environment. In each of those questions is a thousand questions. Also, you lump hundreds of thousands of years into one time period. Like, if the romans were so powerful, then why didnt ceasar defeat hitler?

A big factor for us is two legs. Long distance running. Lack of natural killing amendments like teeth claws or poison. Intelligence related with less hair. Sweat. SUB SAHARAN AFRICA. The animals we evolved alongside(sprinters, not long distance runners) these are all huge factors. Now to ask why a horse, which.evolved thousands of miles away under drastically different conditions is different, well thats self explanatory.

Just because you dont see the link doesnt mean it doesnt make sense, yojlu just truly dont understand all the details. And neither do I of course. Thats not meant to be a crack at you, just an observation. These things are far more complex than a dismissive immediate remark is justified in being made. Give credit where its due. People devote their lives to come up with ONE explanation, for you to dismiss their lifes study with 7 seconds of analysis doesnt exactly put you in such a good place to learn. And this is a thread with an intention of learning right? Not dismissal? I do see.a.question, which I thought was a question, not a challenge to prove. This info isnt mine, its professionals with far more knowledge and understanding in the area than you and I have.
you're telling me you don't understand as you try to explain.

ego. ;)

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
This is kind of silly. He asks "what is the explanation for ....?" So, I give him the current anthropological explanation to his question, and he dismisses it. I thought he wanted to know the leading explanation to that question...so I gave it to him. Its not my oppinion, its the.scientific communities explanation. I didnt come up with it. If he wants more than an answer he should take it up with a thousand anthrpologists, its their statement...