why don't people have fur?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Oh, and you say we "need" clothing to survive. No we don't. As a naked human being we can endure the elements just fine, in exactly the same way as any other animal. We stick to our environment. Polar bears do not live in the desert just as camels do not live on the ice, so why would a human try and live in an inhospitable environment if we have hospitable ones we can live in instead. The species stick to what they are capable of. Other animals do exactly as a human would do if it got a bit cold and he was living in nature and not in your typical mind frame, and he would cover himself in leaves, or whatnot, like many animals do to survive winter.


Well-Known Member
Define advanced. We are mentally, and technically advanced as a result, but as an animal, we're a piece of skin and bone, we are not advanced in the sense that we can outrun the cold or jump great heights, if something really wants to eat us, hell, we can't even keep a snarling dog at bay. We have not evolved surival traits such as armour, and we have not devloped advanced hunting characteristics such as claws. Maybe the reason for this could be say that because we are mentally advanced, we have used our mental ability to the effect that certain requirements were no longer as necessary. Not many animals know how to create fire, when said fire then becomes part of life suhc as cooking, drying, protection, i'm no scientist when it comes to evolution but maybe we could have evolved to do wihtout fur due to our mental ability to create warmth in our own way when needed and not have it as a permenant feature and as such potentially an issue come the opposit seasons.

So have we evolved to do without, or have we realised what we are lacking and used our advanced mental status to compensate for these things? I dno't know many people from the caveman days i can ask i'm afraid, it's all rather plain speculation on a hopefully logical level :P
advanced in like, we build spaceships and shit. yet we need a jacket after dark.


Active Member
I have a theory.
We started out with no hair, therefore we were forced to think and create shelters for ourselves, which has evolved us into a smarter, more intelligent species. We never had to adapt to our environment, If we had to maybe we would have hair?
Im not necesarrily on board with "we never had fur", but it is definitley something to think about. Yet, the evolutionary ramifications of our species "never being covered in fur" are quite audacious. Very nice sir, very nice indeed.


Well-Known Member
your still not understanding. your mind says "dont be naked". Yet if you could take a pill or wear a watch that, depending on the environment, manipulated your blood flow, or warmed your body, that eliminates the need for clothing. The same principle applies to uv radiation, foot protection, wind burn all of it. Clothing is merely a practical protection from the environment. Any invention to meet the corresponding "protective" needs would suffice however. Just as a home can be powered by the sun rather than propane.
why weren't we born with this protection to begin with when most other species on the planet were?


Well-Known Member
This is kind of silly. He asks "what is the explanation for ....?" So, I give him the current anthropological explanation to his question, and he dismisses it. I thought he wanted to know the leading explanation to that question...so I gave it to him. Its not my oppinion, its the.scientific communities explanation. I didnt come up with it. If he wants more than an answer he should take it up with a thousand anthrpologists, its their statement...
i was looking for YOUR opinion actually.

i have google, thanks though. ;)

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
you're telling me you don't understand as you try to explain.

ego. ;)
Did I say I didnt understand? What I actually said is neither of us know all the details... Why are you so arguementative? Im just trying to help, you asked a question, I brought you an answer. Im not trying to publisize and give air time to my own theories, just trying to bring you an explanation. And its a very deep explanation. You should give it some time thinking on it. It could blow your mind....


Well-Known Member
Why do we have all that extra brain matter when we use maybe 10% of it at the most?
Hmmmmmmm, Maybe we were once 10 times smarter then we are now. I blame the one eyed hypnotist

as the most advanced species on this planet, why do we need to rely on an outside source to help regulate our body temperatures?

just wondering. :?


Active Member
advanced in like, we build spaceships and shit. yet we need a jacket after dark.
what if our physical evolutionary capacity is correlated with our spiritual evolutionary capacity? I dont mean Jesus Christ Church shit spirituality either. I mean primal human emotion in connection with the universe. The more our species understands the nature of the universe, reality, and nature itself, the more our physical bodies become self sufficient. With some deep engrained understanding. Just a thought.


Ursus marijanus
what if our physical evolutionary capacity is correlated with our spiritual evolutionary capacity? I dont mean Jesus Christ Church shit spirituality either. I mean primal human emotion in connection with the universe. The more our species understands the nature of the universe, reality, and nature itself, the more our physical bodies become self sufficient. With some deep engrained understanding. Just a thought.
The trouble with that is ... it's a form of Lamarckism, and that's been effectively disproven at every turn. cn

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
So you see we differ. I think that as an animal, we are one of the less advanced ones around, rather pathetic in fact. Our advanced nature is our mind, not our body. If one was arguing that the advancement is all encompassing, then yes, it could be argued that we should have better protection from the cold or such, but as it is, no, i only see us as advanced in terms of our minds, and due to what we have that other animals don't, we have the ability to create spaceships and i don't know, clothes.

Heck, i guess you could even argue in some manner that we are infact more advanced physically in our getting hot and cold, in that we have adapted to be able to enter all environments, as opposed to being limited to a certain temerature range or humidity or type of food such as a huge umber of animals out there, only living in certain conditions. We have lived through all, thanks to not having fur, but being able to rapidly adapt your situation to the climate at hand.


Well-Known Member
Did I say I didnt understand? What I actually said is neither of us know all the details... Why are you so arguementative? Im just trying to help, you asked a question, I brought you an answer. Im not trying to publisize and give air time to my own theories, just trying to bring you an explanation. And its a very deep explanation. You should give it some time thinking on it. It could blow your mind....
it is you who is arguing. i'm just asking for your opinion. you are trying to school me. i don't want to be schooled, i want to know your feelings.

i am fully capable of "researching facts". i am here seeking opinions. it a pot site. :eyesmoke:


Active Member
why weren't we born with this protection to begin with when most other species on the planet were?

Maybe since we "were created in Gods image" our evolutionary, intellectual, and technological capacity TO PROGRESS RAPIDLY exceeds that of other earthlings.