Why is Trump un reelectable?

Bernie and Biden are neck and neck in Michigan fighting for nomination. Polls show it a bit tipped in Biden's favor. MI being a Blue State where some locations are barely accessable will tell the story when votes are counted. Should know tomorrow. I think Trump could talk Biden down and that's my worry. A bigger worry is four more years of Trump.:wall:
It's OK, smokin, whatever opinion poll you want to believe is fine with me. It doesn't really matter what opinion polls say. In my opinion, running on a promise to take away the health care services people like in exchange for a vague promise, almost doubling of the national budget and zero plans to pay for it is a loser. I also am pretty certain his unfunded package of promises would be a gift to Republicans in the fall. Let's compare notes tomorrow and you can tell me how well that promise went over in Michigan. My guess is that Bernie will continue to collect his meager 25% of the vote with Biden taking almost all delegates in MI.

It boggles me that Sanders supporters hang onto the belief that people who say they are Independent voters and tend to be more conservative than Democrats will flock to Bernie when he can't even get more than a quarter of Democrats to vote for him. I would think that at some point, the facts against that belief would convince them otherwise but that doesn't seem to be happening. Sanders' false claim of "The Establishment is rigging the system" must have a strong effect.

My guesses are just that. You may laugh at me tomorrow if it turns out to be wrong. I'll laugh with you. We agree on most issues. I actually favor Sanders policies, I just don't think he'd make a good president, is a poor legislator and can't deliver on his promises. We most certainly agree on getting Trump out of office is the main objective. Also cutting into Republican control of the Senate. I'm guessing that is something you'd like to see too.
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Trump is the question indeed. Tr
I believe Joe is leading Bernie by 24 points in MI, Donald will be toast, the coronavirus will tank the economy, fuck the people and Donald too. Joe won't have to lift a finger against Donald, all the possible positions at the DOJ will be filled with people who want Donald's and Bill Barr's fucking heads on a stake. Donald has made too many enemies and his support will be in the 30's by election day. He, Bernie or Joe could be dead too by then, the coronavirus is gonna ravage the nation, in a month. One thing though, you'll get free health care out of it, though you might not want to use it!

Trump won with his speeches where he repeated "Make America Great Again" and people believed his bull. No doubt Biden might be the lesser of two evils but a man who can't write his own speech might have a problem. You can't talk Bernie down as he is a very prolific speaker. Take a look:
The Independent: In tonight's primaries, Michigan is the state that really matters — and Bernie Sanders likely knows it.
Trump is the question indeed. Tr

Trump won with his speeches where he repeated "Make America Great Again" and people believed his bull. No doubt Biden might be the lesser of two evils but a man who can't write his own speech might have a problem. You can't talk Bernie down as he is a very prolific speaker. Take a look:
The Independent: In tonight's primaries, Michigan is the state that really matters — and Bernie Sanders likely knows it.
Maybe Bernie should rely on speech writers. He's terrible at winning people over. You can go on cherry picking your information to agree with what you want. I'd just like to point out ahead of the polls closing that most credible sources are picking Biden to win by large margin. 538 is my go-to:

North Dakota14937
Democrats Abroad*136535

They aren't perfect but that 99% number is pretty much saying Biden is going to shellac Sanders in Michigan.
Trump is the question indeed. Tr

Trump won with his speeches where he repeated "Make America Great Again" and people believed his bull. No doubt Biden might be the lesser of two evils but a man who can't write his own speech might have a problem. You can't talk Bernie down as he is a very prolific speaker. Take a look:
The Independent: In tonight's primaries, Michigan is the state that really matters — and Bernie Sanders likely knows it.
We have had 4 years of a POTUS talking out of his ass for hours at a time. I am perfectly fine with one that will stick to the notes the vast majority of the time and doesn't feel the need to be on camera everyday.
Trump is the question indeed. Tr

Trump won with his speeches where he repeated "Make America Great Again" and people believed his bull. No doubt Biden might be the lesser of two evils but a man who can't write his own speech might have a problem. You can't talk Bernie down as he is a very prolific speaker. Take a look:
The Independent: In tonight's primaries, Michigan is the state that really matters — and Bernie Sanders likely knows it.
Maybe the debates will impress people with Bernie's verbal prowess , but little Joe has just about got the delegates sewn up... if Joe wins fair and square Bernie will endorse Joe and campaign for him and you should vote for him too, as should all those who support Bernie, I can't imagine many staying at home or voting for Trump.
Well I nailed the first part now I guess we will have to wait a bit to see the second part come to fruition.

It doesn’t take Nostradamus to see the end result when you have Biden and Sanders as the lefts best chance to beat Trump. I would love to see the Vegas odds on this election. It will be hilarious.
Yep, a lot of people will be laughing at Donald's humiliation, Joe will quickly beat him to death in the general election. The GOP senate is in trouble, so is Mitch too, it won't be a landslide, it'll be a bloodbath, the slaughter of the elephants
You guys have Biden Aids and himself as witnesses. This section of the site is pure comedy. It will be proven again in a year no doubt about that.

What happens in a year from now? The rest of the wall expected to blow over? You realize that you're never getting that tax rebate cheque for the wall from Mexico? Trump will add a few more huge shit stains on his legacy like the Impeachment?
Demand For Action From The White House As Coronavirus Fear Spreads | Deadline | MSNBC

The rising health crisis around the spread of coronavirus creates a political reckoning for President Trump who says the world was ‘blindsided’. Aired on 3/10/2020.
Some people are only now finding out that tRUmp is incapable of empathy, people dying means nothing to him.

A narcissistic, egotistical sociopath is incapable of empathy for others.
Well I nailed the first part now I guess we will have to wait a bit to see the second part come to fruition.

It doesn’t take Nostradamus to see the end result when you have Biden and Sanders as the lefts best chance to beat Trump. I would love to see the Vegas odds on this election. It will be hilarious.
Hey, Nostradamus,

have you ever heard of the word, hubris? We've been treated to a great deal of that by Sanders supporters. Democrats didn't want him for various reasons. Bernie was inept but he, and his 25% gave it all they had and flooded us with what turned out to be hot air. Funny how the more desperate they were, the more hot air they blew.

Reminds me a lot of your post. Trump's 40% will be formidable but it seems you have already realized the odds are stacked against you.

Sucks for your kind that the recession Trump was trying to time for after the election happened early.
Well I nailed the first part now I guess we will have to wait a bit to see the second part come to fruition.

It doesn’t take Nostradamus to see the end result when you have Biden and Sanders as the lefts best chance to beat Trump. I would love to see the Vegas odds on this election. It will be hilarious.
Auto fellatio!

The vegas odds are a tap of the keyboard away you simple fucking magat imbecile.

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Trump is the question indeed. Tr

Trump won with his speeches where he repeated "Make America Great Again" and people believed his bull. No doubt Biden might be the lesser of two evils but a man who can't write his own speech might have a problem. You can't talk Bernie down as he is a very prolific speaker. Take a look:
The Independent: In tonight's primaries, Michigan is the state that really matters — and Bernie Sanders likely knows it.
Should Bernie concede now, so that Biden can focus on the main objective?
Auto fellatio!

The vegas odds are a tap of the keyboard away you simple fucking magat imbecile.

View attachment 4501368
Gee, I thought your first post was a work of text-art.

But it was deleted. I guess that the auto-delete bot doesn't recognize art. Surely a human mod wouldn't do that. But I digress.

Trump has yet to pay for his crimes but the majority who thought he is guilty will have their day. Then we will have a nice heaping of seconds when his lawyers try the same tricks before a real judge.