Well-Known Member
I like that Michigan will lead the way for limits, but the whole regulate 'marihuana' like alcohol thing is a canard. There aren't limits on how much alcohol I can posses for one thing.
Not true. Here in CO there are no limits on how much weight you can possess in your residence.Whatever you can grow legally, you can keep legally. (thank was a banner year)
Now going out and about is have us beat there, I believe. It's a z here that's OK in yer car/etc....not 2.5z like is proposed there....with more allowed if it's in a locked box.
Be aware CO....once they see that 4-6 guys are sharing a house...and everyone has 12...they will likely rethink/change the limits (under the guise of "Public Safety" and without a vote of the People) or the mix of "Grow houses" and "neighborhoods" will clash as it did here. You know >someone< will pitch a bitch...
But good for you folks...sorta. No worries about LEO.....but no market no mo' to speak of. Prices will they have crazy lows. If yer cash croppin...enjoy it...and plan for the future...cus the bottom is gonna fall out soon...real soon. Been there...done that. Back to personal growing (albeit major weight and I don't abide by their counts cus they fucked with them)...LOL....and growing for fun.... yup.
be safe all