Will Michigan go legal for recreational in November and will it matter

I have no exit poll data. Lol. But I’d love to know a website where early results are shown
Thanx :) I think everyone that's on this thread has been anxious about today. I sadly think it's going to become big business but it's a step in the right direction to decriminalize this plant.
Gonna have every schwagmeister in the hood peddling their chemically infested shitweed. As mentioned already, theres a gang of dispos on 8 mile selling $3 g's and I'm sure you get what you pay for (and this was before the vote today so imagine what will be rolling thru there if it passes). Theres no significant advancement of rights if it passes, but moreso just a legal demand of a % from the state along with an overabundance of doodoos flooding the state from the 250,000 new people that think they are the next Scarface. Great for the 21 yr old wanting to smoke a blunt and save some money for a couple brews later tonight. Not so cool if you legitimately need meds and dont have someone to rely on for getting those good quality pesticide free meds. MI is just a new spot for the investor parasites leaving CO to feed on next, and the state is going to make a cash grab while they can as well. Its become a symbiotic relationship between the two. Everyone is happy...except the ones who grow it and smoke it. I went to CO and got to experience the whole "Recreational" aspect of it as an out of stater. I was not impressed at all.
If you want to watch the polls and the percentages as they come in I went to mlive and just keep refreshing the page to see the updates. As of right now 17% of the precincts are in it's destroying, 56-44 for yes
Gonna have every schwagmeister in the hood peddling their chemically infested shitweed. As mentioned already, theres a gang of dispos on 8 mile selling $3 g's and I'm sure you get what you pay for (and this was before the vote today so imagine what will be rolling thru there if it passes). Theres no significant advancement of rights if it passes, but moreso just a legal demand of a % from the state along with an overabundance of doodoos flooding the state from the 250,000 new people that think they are the next Scarface. Great for the 21 yr old wanting to smoke a blunt and save some money for a couple brews later tonight. Not so cool if you legitimately need meds and dont have someone to rely on for getting those good quality pesticide free meds. MI is just a new spot for the investor parasites leaving CO to feed on next, and the state is going to make a cash grab while they can as well. Its become a symbiotic relationship between the two. Everyone is happy...except the ones who grow it and smoke it. I went to CO and got to experience the whole "Recreational" aspect of it as an out of stater. I was not impressed at all.
hahah $3 dollar garbage, it's probably all the untested buds that have to be sold before they close down or they're just making room for the tested, regulated garbage to replace it on the shelves.
One of the only licensed producers who has meds available is a company out of Cali in the city of Chesaning. I just read an article that The Healing Tree in Detroit bought 60+ lbs of like 5 strains from them
I got some $89 oz, got 2 different half's oz for $95 after tax.

Its not that fn bad, no its not somthing to brag about but the shit works.

I found stuff for $125 an oz and I thought it was just fine, maybe great--stuff that was $200 on sale for 125. Its all buds, not shake, even the $89 stuff. There is so much to look at, you gotta trust your nose and eyes. I always look and smell 4 or more jars if I'm getting the cheap stuff. Try not to get dried out stuff and no loose buds, gotta be tight, dense

If U get a vapor volcano, it help alot. I should get one, then even the shake they got for $30 an oz might even work, lol

U know prices might start going up once the demand really picks up, ugh
So with it looking like it's going to pass they have like 30 days to sign it right? Then another 10 day wait? So the latest would be mid December when anyone over 21 could carry around 2 oz?
Wow, I was thinking it be the summer or longer.

That be great if come Jan 1st or sooner, nobody could get busted with weed, long as they are 21. I can't see it happening that fast. First the R's gotta leave office, the current AG must be going nuts right now--maybe he move out of state, ha ha..he hates weed