Writing a Paper, Law Enficement on This Site

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Well-Known Member
I'm writing a paper on internet censorship for my computer ethics class. A topic that has come up in the paper is posting illegal activity online. The internet is generally considered public space, but when you need to log in it is considered private area correct? The forum rules prohibit anyone associated with the government from joining, but there is evidence of people growing marijuana here, even without logging in. Wouldn't that be enough evidence to get a warrant and try to obtain as much information from the site as possible? I assume the server is hosted and possibly managed outside of the United States, which makes it difficult for US law enforcement to do anything.

Any information anyone is willing to provide on this topic would be greatly appreciated!


Active Member
do a thread search for jacksonville ....there is a guy who tells a tale about this that I think will be helpful to you


Well-Known Member
The roll it up server is actually located in the U.S., but that could change overnight if needed. I'm sure law enforcement has seen the site and may even check up on it on a regular basis. The public has access to the forums, they just can't view pictures or write posts or replies.

I'm writing a paper on internet censorship for my computer ethics class. A topic that has come up in the paper is posting illegal activity online. The internet is generally considered public space, but when you need to log in it is considered private area correct? The forum rules prohibit anyone associated with the government from joining, but there is evidence of people growing marijuana here, even without logging in. Wouldn't that be enough evidence to get a warrant and try to obtain as much information from the site as possible? I assume the server is hosted and possibly managed outside of the United States, which makes it difficult for US law enforcement to do anything.

Any information anyone is willing to provide on this topic would be greatly appreciated!


bud bootlegger
this is still a very public forum as anyone can join at anytime.. so they say in the tos that you can't be associated with any government agency, like that is really going to stop someone from doing so.. just like they say you have to be 18 to join the site, we all know that there are plenty of people here that are below that age limit..
and another thing is, you don't need to be a registered member to come to the site and look around at the forums and see pretty much everything that members can see... all you have to do is google pretty much any topic related to growing, and riu is usually one of the first 3 links to show up in your search results.. click the link, and you're in...
as for people getting busted from riu, i don't think anyone has ever been busted just from what they post here on riu, but were already under survelence at the time, and after a bust, the popo may have come to this site for any additional evidence that could be used against the person in question..
and from what i have come to understand, posting pictures of growing weed in itself is not a crime.. it would be hard to prove that the pictures haven't simply been copyed and pasted from else where on the web and then claimed to be someone elses on here.. i'm sure we all know that this has just recently happened here on riu..


Undercover Mod
proof here we go.

Member by the name of StickyMango


Police Learn Identity Of 'Sticky Mango,' Arrest 21-Year-Old

POSTED: Thursday, November 12, 2009
UPDATED: 5:54 pm EST November 12, 2009

Jacksonville Sheriff's Office booking photo of Justin Bauder​

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- Police said it was the photos of marijuana plants he posted on the Internet that got him busted.

Justin Bauder, 21, of Jacksonville, was arrested Wednesday and charged with cultivation of marijuana, possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia and public nuisance.

Police said they got a tip that someone calling himself Sticky Mango had posted pictures on a Web site of the five marijuana plants he was growing. According to the police report, he also posted step-by-step instructions on how to construct an indoor grow room.

When officers learned that Sticky Mango was Bauder and searched his apartment, they said they found one marijuana plant growing in a closet, along with packaged marijuana, loose buds, a bong, a pipe and a scale.
The arrest report says Bauder admitted he had been growing the marijuana plants for about two months.
Copyright 2009 by News4Jax.com. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
sound slike he was an idiot to begin with we cant help those kind of people

Don't be dumb, Don't do things like...
Growing in your parent's house - BAD IDEA! Your parent's will lose there house, NOT YOU.

DO NOT tell anyone about your secret grow, It's for YOU.

Don't sell weed straight out of your front door, Due to the fact I've seen a retard doing that. So stupid...

Sticky Mango was obviously caught due to a snitch, And that's why I warned you DO NOT tell anyone about your grow.

Here's the news report...




Active Member
ya posting your illegal actions, wouldnt that make you more paranoid? for the people that dont have i.p.address cover-uppers or dunno how to use it, this would make more reason to be squirrelly.


Undercover Mod
sound slike he was an idiot to begin with we cant help those kind of people

Don't be dumb, Don't do things like...
Growing in your parent's house - BAD IDEA! Your parent's will lose there house, NOT YOU.

DO NOT tell anyone about your secret grow, It's for YOU.

Don't sell weed straight out of your front door, Due to the fact I've seen a retard doing that. So stupid...

Sticky Mango was obviously caught due to a snitch, And that's why I warned you DO NOT tell anyone about your grow.

Here's the news report...


Except he is a grown ass man and it was in his apartment.

Anyways the website and the pics were used as evidence against him w/ his I.P. address.

Don't think that this site won't comply with all U.S. laws and turn your ass over in a heart beat.


Active Member
proof here we go.

Member by the name of StickyMango


Police Learn Identity Of 'Sticky Mango,' Arrest 21-Year-Old

POSTED: Thursday, November 12, 2009
UPDATED: 5:54 pm EST November 12, 2009

Jacksonville Sheriff's Office booking photo of Justin Bauder​

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- Police said it was the photos of marijuana plants he posted on the Internet that got him busted.

Justin Bauder, 21, of Jacksonville, was arrested Wednesday and charged with cultivation of marijuana, possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia and public nuisance.

Police said they got a tip that someone calling himself Sticky Mango had posted pictures on a Web site of the five marijuana plants he was growing. According to the police report, he also posted step-by-step instructions on how to construct an indoor grow room.

When officers learned that Sticky Mango was Bauder and searched his apartment, they said they found one marijuana plant growing in a closet, along with packaged marijuana, loose buds, a bong, a pipe and a scale.
The arrest report says Bauder admitted he had been growing the marijuana plants for about two months.
Copyright 2009 by News4Jax.com. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

While you did show proof of someone getting busted from their pictures on here, they did say the police received a tip...so there was a snitch. Obviously if the police get a lead to a grow they aren't going to just ignore it, especially in non-med states.

[QUOTE="SICC";3688105]Your guys are missing one point, Sticky mango had his own web page where he openly stated that he grew marijuana that include pics of him and his plants in his apartment, the original thread about people getting busted on RIU had the link to it[/QUOTE]

I don't know if this is true as it was debated on the thread, but if it is true then there is another reason for him to get busted, he showed his identity AND his apartment. Sounds like to me the kid just got too comfortable posting online and probably talked too much about his grow, got him snitched on and busted.


bud bootlegger
yah, despite what that article says, i was here at the time of the whole sticky mango fiasko, and he didn't get busted because of his pix on the web, j.o.c. is correct, he was snitched on, and then the police in their investigation found his pictures on this site and added them to the evidence that they already had against him, not the other way around.. sticky has even come back after his bust and told us that he was indeed ratted out by someone that i think it was he sold to in the past if i remember correctly..
of course the popo would like you to believe that they caught him from the pictures on this site, instead of some pos rat that turned on him.. make paranoia run rampant and what have you, as it surely did for about a month or so after the sticky bust..


Undercover Mod
Just for posting pictures on here they could get you for conspiracy to cultivate and distribute cannabis, even if you don't have the plants at your place.


bud bootlegger
i have said it more times that i can remember now :joint:
If you are legal you will have nothing to fear.
now, this is where i disagree with you jesus, there are no legal growers of cannabis in these here united states of america.. maybe if you live outside of the us, yah, maybe you're a legal grower, but if not, there is no such thing as growing cannabis legally in the states.. not federally at least, and they would be the ones that you have to worry about..
now, this is where i disagree with you jesus, there are no legal growers of cannabis in these here united states of america.. maybe if you live outside of the us, yah, maybe you're a legal grower, but if not, there is no such thing as growing cannabis legally in the states.. not federally at least, and they would be the ones that you have to worry about..
my brother froma different mother OBAMA told the federallies to lay off the joc and let him grow in peace and serve those that he does...i herd 'em.
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