Yes, You can smoke your fan leaves.....


Well-Known Member
Leaves are full of bennies. Not the Japanese giant knotweed microbes, not the plastic bottle yogurt microbes. Not some tree microbes,but strain-specific Cannabis microbes. Their asses fit perfectly in the unassigned seating of the plants tissue that WILL be taken by some other microbe if every seat is not spoken for by the natives..


Well-Known Member
Funny story...when I was a teen, growing up in Compton, a couple friends of mine were walking home through another neighborhood and saw a 3 foot tall marijuana plant in someone’s yard, no buds on it. Those fuckers jumped the fence, pulled up the plant roots and all and put it in a garbage bag. They came to my house and we stripped all the leaves and put them on cookies sheets and put them in the oven to dry out. Made the whole house stink like leafy ass. We must of rolled 8-12 fat joints of dried leaves. We went on the side of my friends house and smoke joint after joint til we tapped out. Tasted like shit but got us high as fuck. So who ever said fan leaves had no THC was wrong or maybe it was some other cannabinoid, idk. Not an ideal way to get high but for some broke ass teenagers, it did the trick.


Well-Known Member
I was looking on the internet just the other day about Thai sticks, and see that people are using fan leaves as a wrapper to basically make a giant blunt... Was thinking of giving it a try... Also, yeah I once smoked that black resin crap that you clean out of your pipe, and wow that shit was nasty, but did get me high...


Well-Known Member
Regardless of what many say you can in fact smoke your fan leaves....This is of course depending on the potency of your plant itself and the stress it endures. You may be thinking whats he mean by stress? well as we all know wild cannabis does not grow its buds just for looks or just the convience of some stoners to smoke, Its a defense mechanism to fight against bugs and such. So when a plant is introduced to stress it then produces a thin layer of THC on its stems and even ITS LEAVES!!!!. Yes of course fan leaves to not contain the amount of THC to get you high off your ass but with the right proccess you would be surprised of the results.

During my grows ive always smoked the fan leaves and ive also tested the various ways to smoke them. Weather the leaves contain the most THC or is it the Stems? If you look on the underside of a fan leave you can see a shiny layer which is in fact a small layer of THC, Ether way if you properly dryed fan leaves making sure you of course cut off the stem so it doesent have a supply of water you can smoke it. One of the best methods ive found is this.

1. Dry them out until they are crspy, and i mean so that when you bend them the stem and all snaps. You dont want any moisture.

2. Put them in a grinder and grind them up then throw a good old dime or quarter in the grinder.

3. Get the "leaf Keef"

Ive found that this leaf keef is actually much more potent then just smoking the leaves(of course) This is by far your best way to get anything out of your leaves. I dont suggest male leaves although if you make the keef with them im sure they would still do a little something.

Anyways I hope you guys learn to love fan leaves and get the most out of your plants! Happy Smoking!!!

Holy shit... the ignorance in this post is astounding.


Well-Known Member
if your growing your own and have resorted to smoking fan leaves (or pipe resin) there is something wrong. Also I mean prices are fairly good for consumers now and even in red states you can find herb way easier than it used to be. I dunno but funny story when I first started growing back in the day my neighbors would clean my pipes for free just for the resin, then mix in fans leaves I was gonna toss out. They called it “hash” and seemed to really like it as often as they offered to clean my pipes. Worked out great for me (I hate cleaning pipes) but man I hope I never get to that point in life I’m bumming resin and leaf from my neighbor.


Well-Known Member
Feel free to post your proof that leaves in veg have more than minimal thc.

Average fan leaf in flower has less than 2% thc. That is already minimal, it wasn't born with 2% thc. A leaf in veg is going to be under 1%. Sure you can use it to make some weak concentrates, but as far as plucking a leaf off in veg, drying it and smoking it... waste of time.
I'm not saying that they don't have minimal thc. But grass clippings have NONE!


Well-Known Member
Why do you say that?
Dunno where to start...

Maybe with "thc"?
There is no coating or layer of thc on the fan leaves. However, trichomes do grow on spear leaves and on the some stems. Trichomes contain many things including thc.

So smoking fan leaves wont get you high unless there are trichomes on it. But what a harsh way to go.

Now buds... they are not a defense mechanism. They are a reproductive mechanism. Pollen from males stick to the trichs on the buds and pollinate them. Thats where the seeds grow, inside the calyx. Some also have suggested that trichs protect the flowers from uv light, but i dont think that is proven. What people have noticed is that uv light tends to help the plant produce more trichs.

Also, the thc in the trichs does not vary in potency depending on where they are on the plant. IE: trichs on stems or fan leaves have the same thc potency as on the flowers or buds.

Another misconception is that the the more trichs there are the more potency there is. Not true. Its like beer at 5% alcohol. You can drink one beer or 10... they are all the same potency at 5%.

Thats it for today. Google the rest.


Well-Known Member
There were no buds on that plant. THC isn't the only cannabinoid in a cannabis plant. So I guess me and my friends, all experienced smokers, imagined being high, imagined tapping out because we were so high. Whatever.


Well-Known Member
There were no buds on that plant. THC isn't the only cannabinoid in a cannabis plant. So I guess me and my friends, all experienced smokers, imagined being high, imagined tapping out because we were so high. Whatever.
Ya pretty much.


Well-Known Member
There were no buds on that plant. THC isn't the only cannabinoid in a cannabis plant. So I guess me and my friends, all experienced smokers, imagined being high, imagined tapping out because we were so high. Whatever.
Back in the day a common scam was oregano... People would fill a bag with it, pass it off to you get your money and roll out. I know idiots who would smoke the oregano and claim to be high. It is mental. Go stand in the middle of a large field, Take a deep, deep breath and hold it for 10 seconds, repeat 15x, see if you don't have a slight head change...

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Regardless of what many say you can in fact smoke your fan leaves....This is of course depending on the potency of your plant itself and the stress it endures. You may be thinking whats he mean by stress? well as we all know wild cannabis does not grow its buds just for looks or just the convience of some stoners to smoke, Its a defense mechanism to fight against bugs and such. So when a plant is introduced to stress it then produces a thin layer of THC on its stems and even ITS LEAVES!!!!. Yes of course fan leaves to not contain the amount of THC to get you high off your ass but with the right proccess you would be surprised of the results.

During my grows ive always smoked the fan leaves and ive also tested the various ways to smoke them. Weather the leaves contain the most THC or is it the Stems? If you look on the underside of a fan leave you can see a shiny layer which is in fact a small layer of THC, Ether way if you properly dryed fan leaves making sure you of course cut off the stem so it doesent have a supply of water you can smoke it. One of the best methods ive found is this.

1. Dry them out until they are crspy, and i mean so that when you bend them the stem and all snaps. You dont want any moisture.

2. Put them in a grinder and grind them up then throw a good old dime or quarter in the grinder.

3. Get the "leaf Keef"

Ive found that this leaf keef is actually much more potent then just smoking the leaves(of course) This is by far your best way to get anything out of your leaves. I dont suggest male leaves although if you make the keef with them im sure they would still do a little something.

Anyways I hope you guys learn to love fan leaves and get the most out of your plants! Happy Smoking!!!


Oh to be a teenager again!

Reminds me of this friends new "girl friend" he brought over once. Sitting on the deck and burning a rather fat joint.
She looked at it and began this long winded "lecture" on how I was "wasting" my weed.

She stated that I should be using a bong or at least a pipe as a joint is simply wasting weed. (She droned on, and on.)
She then brings up that I would be best served by vaping my weed in a vaporizer. Those are the most efficient ways..
"So why do you smoke joints?" She asked...

I look over at her and put my hand out to pass her the big ass, "weed wasting" joint joint and say, "I grow, therefor I can."
My friend just falls into a fit of laughter.....


Well-Known Member
Oh to be a teenager again!

Reminds me of this friends new "girl friend" he brought over once. Sitting on the deck and burning a rather fat joint.
She looked at it and began this long winded "lecture" on how I was "wasting" my weed.

She stated that I should be using a bong or at least a pipe as a joint is simply wasting weed. (She droned on, and on.)
She then brings up that I would be best served by vaping my weed in a vaporizer. Those are the most efficient ways..
"So why do you smoke joints?" She asked...

I look over at her and put my hand out to pass her the big ass, "weed wasting" joint joint and say, "I grow, therefor I can."
My friend just falls into a fit of laughter.....
Smoking a joint is one of my favorite ways to smoke pot.