joining the military


Well-Known Member
Go Navy there is little chance you will get killed and the jobs you get, you use your brain.. Unless your a deck ape, then you use muscle and little brains.
I was a RM (Radio Man) when I was in.


Well-Known Member
Go Navy there is little chance you will get killed and the jobs you get, you use your brain.. Unless your a deck ape, then you use muscle and little brains.
I was a RM (Radio Man) when I was in.
or a navy corpsman, they're right along side the Marines....


Well-Known Member
The AirForce has their own community college which is the largest military college in the country. Their Jobs, technology and training is the most advanced and sophisticated. People in the airforce have potential to go on to NASA, area 51 and other top of the line technological research.

If your looking for a branch to apply yourself in instead of simply being a grunt for 4 years, I say go for the airforce. If they take you than you will be in Texas, but its just as much if not more freedom than the navy Where you will be in Virginia most likely. You get your weekends and as you improve your benefits and permissions and freetime also improve.

Go walk into an airforce recruiter, they wont be fucking drooling over you, promising you candy and guns like the other Branch recruiters. They tell you straight up everything you want to know. They dont NEED you as desperately as the rest.

My comment went right over ur head.... thx for the awesome explanation tho!:clap:


Active Member
Yeah, I'm not interested in being sent to a war zone and having to fucking sew people's arms back on and shit. Why do medical service corpsmen have to be subjected to such terms like "Pecker Checker" and "Dicksmith"? It's fucking hilarious, but come on. Any word on when the war's supposed to be over? I don't want to enlist and then McCain send us back to Iraq.


Active Member
Go Navy there is little chance you will get killed and the jobs you get, you use your brain.. Unless your a deck ape, then you use muscle and little brains.
I was a RM (Radio Man) when I was in.
Which job did you see most of the female enlistees doing? I bet there are a lot in the medical field


Well-Known Member
There are a lot of women in all fields in the Navy.
Many Gravitate toward Technical fields and the Medical fields.


Well-Known Member
Hah, the 'cruiters tricked me on the women. When I took my ASVAB, I noticed, like, a lot of the women taking the test were pretty damn hawt. I asked my recruiter, is this indicative of the military as a whole? He said, oh yeah! Well, okay, he wasn't far off, but what he neglected to mention is all the hawt ones were going into the Air Force and the Navy and all the brutish man-hands women were the ones joining the Army. Heh, tricky bastard, that recruiter.


Well-Known Member
I am thinking about joining the military. possibly army or navy reserves, depending on which MOS I can get, and who gives me the best deal. Any advice, suggestions? Anyone on here ever been in the military? What were your experiences?
I'm former US Army (Satellite Communications) and my son currently serves in the US Navy (Hull Technician/ Nondestructive Tester Radiographer). Whatever branch you serve in...I salute you.


Active Member
Thanks! oh, btw, am I being ripped-off if my recruiter says I can't enlist as an officer with a Bachelor's degree? I was told I'd enlist in the rank of E-4. That sound right?


Well-Known Member
A fellow resident of my city joined at the same time I did, and he had a Bachelor's Degree, and was an E-4, so that sounds right. It makes it easier to go the officer route if you already have the degree, but doesn't guarantee it unless it's a degree from a military academy.


Well-Known Member
My first 2 years was nothing but school. I was a computer tech so the school was very hard to get into.

The Navy need lots of people to scrape paint on the sides of ships but no one want to sign up for that so they sell you on a high end occupation and promise extra rank and pay if you take it.

What they don't tell you is that they only take the top 97% from the test scores. So just to get those schools you have to be in the top 3% in the nation. Once you qualify then you go on to your schools. Bootcamp is not an issue and only last 8 weeks. It's easy as shit if you keep your mouth shut and are in good shape.

My first Basic Electronic school dropped 30% of the class. I would say the class was about as hard as an average Math class in college. Most guys dropped because they partied instead of hitting the books.

My second school dropped another 30% of the students. School was twice as hard as the average college class. All we did was eat, sleep and study. Navy schools make college look like a walk in the park.

My final school was the hardest. We dropped 50%!!! These were smart mother fuckers too!!! You had to score 75% on your tests or you fail. You get one warning and then the next 74% you get on a test you're gone! Your in hard core lecture all day and then you have to learn how to use the equipment on your own at night. At this point everyone you're scored against is a fuckin genius too. They break the equipment, start the timer and feed you to the wolfs. If you don't find the problem as fast as everyone else who ever went through the school, you fail...

So what was the Navy like after school?

Pretty fuckin cool actually. In Guam I worked nights. I surfed, scuba dived and windsurfed everyday. The place was paradise!

In Hawaii I lived on the beach and windsurfed and surfed everyday. At work I just sat around and worked on computers or read books. I'd average about 4 books a week. Ended up being some of the best years of my entire life. It was a windsurfers paradise. Giant waves, wind and warm water all paid for by the Navy!

In the Bay Area I snowboarded, mountain biked and windsurfed. Work was pretty much just sitting around waiting for something to break.

The good news is after you go through advanced electronics school in the Navy you are set for life and can get a job anywhere.

I saved money while I was in and used my G.I . Bill to help me through college. I also took classes while I was in the Navy. I ended up with a degree in Graphic Design.

Now I have my own business and make $150/hr. I've used my G.I. loan 4 times now to buy homes. I just got back from a paid photo shoot in Las Vegas eating lobster and crab on the clients tab.

All because of my training in the Navy...


Active Member
sounds like bullshit to me. too good to be true. unless, of course you're a genius. And most who join the military are certainly NOT in that intelligence bracket. But I don't think your lucrative return was because of your involvement with the Navy; it was probably because of your intelligence. Smart people tend to make it...but that Navy stamp on your resume probably doesn't hurt.


Well-Known Member
sounds like bullshit to me. too good to be true. unless, of course you're a genius. And most who join the military are certainly NOT in that intelligence bracket. But I don't think your lucrative return was because of your involvement with the Navy; it was probably because of your intelligence. Smart people tend to make it...but that Navy stamp on your resume probably doesn't hurt.
It's like they tell you...
You get out what you put in.

In the Navy I learned that I had no limits to how much pressure I could handle. You're constantly fed to the fire to the point that nothing can faze you. It sucks but at the same time it's good. You end up learning a lot about yourself. Some good and some bad.

But the Navy schools are different. There were 10 people in my last class and 4 teachers (6 grads). The Navy Teachers were older experienced techs that had already done field service. The military teachers are willing to do anything it takes to get you to pass if you are willing to work at it. They will stay there after school all night answering questions for you if that's what it takes. In the Navy everyone is "Shipmates". That word only means something to a squid but it is VERY powerful to any Navy man or woman. It's like beyond brother...(or sister)

A Shipmate is what you wish your brother was.

So anyway, my teachers and the other students were my shipmates. What would you be willing to do for your brother to get him through school? All the slackers where long gone so everyone was like in a learning frenzy, feeding off and helping each other. We all studied hard and partied even harder.

Some people can hang...most can't.

Collage was a joke compared to the advanced Navy schools. My professors knew nothing about computers and we would constantly fight over the fact that I used one and they didn't. I'm like..."Listen you idiots, no one is going to be doing this shit by hand in four years, you should be teaching all these kids how to use computers".(of course I didn't say it like that but you get my point:mrgreen:) Guess who was right!

I was putting up shit on the walls that those kooks had never dreamed of. Photoshop had just came out and I lived and breathed it. It was like heroin for me. What's wild is design is still that way for me 19 years later. Check out my 3D illustration that I did for an article I'm writing for High Times.

The old saying is true...Those that can, do...Those that can't, teach...

So what does everyone learn from the service?
5) Discipline
4) Respect
3) Experience
2) Teamwork

and most important...
1) Love. (not the gay kind:spew:)

More like "I love the fact that I'm not getting my head blown off because you got my back kind of love"

A lot of people miss out on a really great life because they listen to the wrong people. I fuckin loved the Navy! Air Force kicks ass just as much!

The Army...ehhhhh...... did I mention the Navy and Air force kicks ass.

Oh yea, I forgot the Marines. Go watch 300 300 (film - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) Now picture them with clothes and big guns...



Well-Known Member
If you have your degree already you can be commissioned as an officer and make alot more money, instead of enlisting and going to bootcamp, you would go to officer candidate school (OCS).

I was in the Marines from 2001 to 2005, You dont really sound like you would be interested in what Marines do for living lol, Marines hike up mountains, patrol miles with a 100lb pack, kill people and blow shit up. If you want a desk job join the air force or the navy, although in the Navy you get to travel and hit all the ports. (I had some good times with squids in Thailand, Singapore ect)


New Member
If you have your degree already you can be commissioned as an officer and make alot more money, instead of enlisting and going to bootcamp, you would go to officer candidate school (OCS).

I was in the Marines from 2001 to 2005, You dont really sound like you would be interested in what Marines do for living lol, Marines hike up mountains, patrol miles with a 100lb pack, kill people and blow shit up. If you want a desk job join the air force or the navy, although in the Navy you get to travel and hit all the ports. (I had some good times with squids in Thailand, Singapore ect)
Natrone, you forgot to tell her about incoming, the fun part of being a grunt. Never know which one has your number on it. they say it's the one you don't hear, DUH!


Well-Known Member
the only time i really truly enjoed the army was before i came BACK from iraq, before and during it was awesome, but i was in the first batch in 03.. it's different now, it sucks, if you love weed you'll hate the military, no freedom no choice, no rights, your not even a person, just your initial and last four.. i dont recommend it unless your on a crash course for disaster as is.. because the army turns men into alcohalics, and women either into hardcore lesbians that can do a million push ups or whores. its sad it sunds fucked but thats the most honest depiction to garrison life i can give, booze long hours of work that means nothing and indiscriminate meaningless drunken sex.. till you get knocked up and pin it on the nice one of the group.. married life it isnt as bad as single, you have freedom in your own home, and your family, but the army always comes first.


New Member
the only time i really truly enjoed the army was before i came BACK from iraq, before and during it was awesome, but i was in the first batch in 03.. it's different now, it sucks, if you love weed you'll hate the military, no freedom no choice, no rights, your not even a person, just your initial and last four.. i dont recommend it unless your on a crash course for disaster as is.. because the army turns men into alcohalics, and women either into hardcore lesbians that can do a million push ups or whores. its sad it sunds fucked but thats the most honest depiction to garrison life i can give, booze long hours of work that means nothing and indiscriminate meaningless drunken sex.. till you get knocked up and pin it on the nice one of the group.. married life it isnt as bad as single, you have freedom in your own home, and your family, but the army always comes first.
And that's all folks!


Well-Known Member
ahh so beautiful to see all you patriotic people willing to kill yourself so i can be here smoking weed all day. thanks but not for me. i look at the bigger picture myself, were all animals and were all the same type of animal, human animals. I dont need to kill my my own kind. why die in a manufactured war, no thanks. its not like were defending the country, theyre not attacking us, were 100x times bigger than they are, freedom is here to stay for us. were not fighting for freedom were fighting for no reason other than the government said we had to. they blew up 10,000 people in the wtc. HAHAHAH. how many thousand bombs a year we drop on there lands. what other country goes into another one, then hangs the leader on TV. why the US of course. I wish theyd do the same to us, come over here and just hang our leader and you know what, it would be fair, we did it to them. what if china decided our leader was a tyrant killing off other world leaders. they would be right. I hope they televise our leaders revenge also. the rest of the world should have said US what the fuck are you doing your not GODS you dont decide who leads a country and who doesnt. but we did. we went over there and hung there leader on TV, thats balls. thats greedy white american balls.. no thanks, being a pot smoking loser is fine for me Ill die like a real animal surviving every day life than go fight for glory of american television. do you think weve killed as many or more than they did. Ill bet weve killed 20x more than they have our guys. american revenge never ends I guess


Well-Known Member
ahh so beautiful to see all you patriotic people willing to kill yourself so i can be here smoking weed all day. and all else she wrote...
holy hell,during the invasion and the uprising late 04 in the south we killed more innocent people than anything else. the insurgents hide and open fire from among them.. we return it.. 500 people caught in a marketplace crossfire.. daily occurrence.. you come back no longer human no longer with the same sense of empathy, and you hate the very people you swore to protect. do this day i only associate with vets, or the unknowing soldiers of the war on drugs.. aka you people.. the rest of america can burn in concentration camps for all i care, make compost from them for my plants.

side note to bearo... we didn't need you to come on here and villify any cause, or to tell us why the army isn't your style, in all honesty unless you've already been down that road, if your on this site it shouldnt be your style.. this is simply gijane asking perspective on military from people who actually have something to offer. not that i dis agree with your views, especailly about the retarded cowboy in office, but untill your ready to take up arms in revolution, just sit down and shut the fuck up.. people just fucking talk no action, this is why america is so shitty. lets run our mouths from our soap boxes hevan forbid we get our hands dirty.. i want mine bloody