Cali's Kush Journal..19 Clones/2000 Watts.


Well-Known Member
hey cali.. let me ask u somethin.. ive been slowly giving my plants nutes more frequently to fight off the yellowing leaves.. which worked.. but ive been worrying about salt build up. . how often should i flush ? today i came home and 2 of my 6 were quite droopy so i just used them as guinea pigs and flushed them with about a gallon and a half of tap water each.. that was just about 2 hours ago and they already are looking better.. ( i think they were just drooping because they were thirsty, but just last night they were nice and perky and today they were REAL down )


Well-Known Member
UR THE MAN CALI! i love ur threads! always make me happy!...check out my grow in my sig. my babys r in day 11 flowering..any advice will help! also using fox farm nutes.i got some budswel that i heard works really well after the 3rd week of flowering..i think i might have to try that out!


Well-Known Member
what ya got to trade?????? lol...j/ can come by and puff some of this hash with me..:hump:

yea right, im on the other side....hahahaha

my girl doesnt want to move to cali, i keep trying to talk her into it!!!! or the west coast or something.... i mean imma always love the just tryin move. aint tryna be here all my life!

ill catch you on my vacation...haha or when i visit my brother/friend


Well-Known Member
Yeah Cali is the shit. The state too. I know someone else asked and you didn't reply: how big were they about when you flowered and how big do you expect them to get. I heard flower at 16-18 inches tall. Thanks man, I don't want to overgrow my room,


Well-Known Member
Pictures to come in a few minutes...I have to say this. General Hydroponics Flora Nova is by far the most effective nutrients I've ever used. It is amazing how much they will take...every single leaf is green and you dont want to see how much I use. I have only been flowering for 11 days and the bud sites have already formed on all the strains except the og kush...I love this hobby..:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
This is some stuff I got from the hydro store for's a flower booster...from Humboldt County. Haven't used it yet but I think I'll try it out on 5 of the plants and see how they do..



Well-Known Member
here is the little hydro set up in action...upgrades needed and coming soon..but all the clones are still alive..


Well-Known Member
These plants are 32 days old...yes thats right...32 days ago they were still just a branch on a mother plant....this growth is freaking crazy...
