The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2


King Tut
so the rights of the unborn fetus trump the rights of the already living, united states citizen?

"There HAS to be a criminal penalty for the person that’s committing that crime. And I think that is the abortionist." - ron paul, 11/28/2007

darn facts.
Perspective and personal responsibility for a second.

The born had their right to their bodies and the choice of whether or not they should commit and act that could possibly end in pregnancy and a child. Once they exercise the right to have intercourse they are responsible for the consequences. And they now have a moral obligation to nurture that life to the best of their ability imo. Therefore they have no right to terminate that life.

If one catches AIDS, syphillis, the clap, etc what does he do? Goes to the doctor and starts treating his disease. But a baby is not a disease.A burden? Most definitely. A hardship? Can be. Easy? Never. But it is not a disease to be "treated" and forgotten. It is the result of two adults choosing to commit an act that very well could have unintended consequences. The mentality of "Oh, it wasn't my fault, it was an accident." doesn't hold water when you're knowingly taking a risk that involves a human being and life. If you drink & drive it's called Manslaughter at best and Murder at worst.


King Tut
not if your property is 'open to the public' and those rules deny members of the public service due to the color of their skin or their religion etc.

sounds like an insult to me.
The point being that i should have the right to decide whether it is open to the general public or not and continue to conduct my business as i see fit.

As for the perceived insult, it was merely an observation based on the entirety of your post history. More like a neg rep than an insult imo.


Well-Known Member
ok realistically you can't open up next to can go about two blocks that rules you out..and you would be surprise just how many Mexicans would be happy to have a place that only they could wash..Now I'm sure quite a few blacks would be upset, but hey I'm black so they would still come and ask me why as they do their wash and I will just tell them so bullshit about white folks and you keep thinking you know people when I see and deal with these people evey damn day ( almost )...
People are people, you are going to find some asshats along the way but for the most part people do not back businesses with exclusionary policies.

I'll bite, why do I have to open up 2 blocks away?


Well-Known Member
Not off-topic but being used as a common sense example of why i should be allowed to set my rules on my property. Should've known that common sense wouldn't be conducive to you. Should've explained myself better. Sorry.
well you used a pretty weak example because showing your underwear is something you can change by simple pulling up your pants..kinda hard to change your gender or skin tone just to go in a store..and don't be sorry just take your time before you think to reply


Well-Known Member
People are people, you are going to find some asshats along the way but for the most part people do not back businesses with exclusionary policies.

I'll bite, why do I have to open up 2 blocks away?
you still missing the point... I should not have the right to do it!!!! ...

you have to still follow certain sewer points/routes to open such business due to the water usage and chemicals....right now thats about two blocks away at my best location

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
People are people, you are going to find some asshats along the way but for the most part people do not back businesses with exclusionary policies.
Unless they are offering a superior products/services or lower price. If the KKK started selling pounds of top shelf indoor for $1000 per pack, people would buy them.


Well-Known Member
Dude you can deny service to someone showing underwear, or being rude...stick with the facts please...Ron Paul thinks I should even have the right to base it on skin tone, religion, gender etc...which is clearly wrong..If you want to do business ( commerce) in this country you will play by the rules..or you can leave
Since you dont know the rules when are you leaving? Want to sell the washerita?

It is clearly immoral for a business to do so but it is well within their rights. Since when does government or anyone get to not only tell someone what is good for their business and gets to fine/steal from me as well? So much for freedom. It is wrong for the government to use force and make you run YOUR business how THEY see fit.
You do not have the right to tell me how to run my business UNLESS it infringes on others rights. YOU have no right to MY private business. YOU should never be able to force ME to work for someone I don't want to. What's next? Are going to force me to work in your washerita? How much further are tyrants like you willing to go to rob me of my freedoms for the "perceived" benefit of others.


Well-Known Member
Unless they are offering a superior products/services or lower price. If the KKK started selling pounds of top shelf indoor for $1000 per pack, people would buy them.
I'm sure a few would but once they were exposed less and less people would buy from them. People boycott businesses. Also if they sell it that low won't others follow? And wont the lower price benefit the people?
Plus you have to factor in the profit. If they arent making a profit they'll go broke. If they are making a profit whatever they are doing others will follow. That is what a free market does.


King Tut
well you used a pretty weak example because showing your underwear is something you can change by simple pulling up your pants..kinda hard to change your gender or skin tone just to go in a store..and don't be sorry just take your time before you think to reply
i was trying to simplify for ease of debate and obviously failed. Would this serve as a better example:

In my town, it is a common belief/perception/true based on my 37 years of observation that because of culture and habits there are a lot more Hispanic parents that control their children to what i consider an acceptable public level of behavior. Not that they(the kids) do anything much different than white kids or black kids or any other kids. It is the fact that their parents choose to take them out into public, hype them up on candy, get all sticky and dirty, scream and throw fits when they want a candy or ice cream or soda or ad nauseaum. They can curse, shout, push, and be otherwise rude and obnoxious. Is it a Hispanic thing? That's what i've been told by my Hispanic friends that DO properly raise their children.

It would be suicide to open up a business in my town that excluded Hispanics, financially and quite possibly literally. But i still say that i should retain the right to do so if i so wish.

Does that more accurately address the issue? Because if not i'll try again. And again. And again.
The more we debate the better i get at countering all these faux-points.


Well-Known Member
Since you dont know the rules when are you leaving? Want to sell the washerita?

It is clearly immoral for a business to do so but it is well within their rights. Since when does government or anyone get to not only tell someone what is good for their business and gets to fine/steal from me as well? So much for freedom. It is wrong for the government to use force and make you run YOUR business how THEY see fit.
You do not have the right to tell me how to run my business UNLESS it infringes on others rights. YOU have no right to MY private business. YOU should never be able to force ME to work for someone I don't want to. What's next? Are going to force me to work in your washerita? How much further are tyrants like you willing to go to rob me of my freedoms for the "perceived" benefit of others.
Why would I leave I'm happy with the law as it is ..You and Ron Paul whats to see it changed...Hell no I don't want to sell..easiest money I ever made in my life..start up was a bitch but now easy profits....your business is not "private" if its open to the general public...again maybe you need to look into a Club or Organization then you can have all the private your little freedom loving heart wants.


Well-Known Member
you still missing the point... I should not have the right to do it!!!! ...
If you open a business that discriminates people/society, not government, should rise up against them.

You dont know what a right is. That is why YOU miss the point. Quit making up what a right is. It is already defined. This is the same mentality that denied interracial marriages in the past. Laws written by people who want to manage others lives. I even bet some of those against interracial marriage truly believed they were doing best for all races. Quit treading on my rights. oh that's right you dont know what a right is. :mrgreen:

you have to still follow certain sewer points/routes to open such business due to the water usage and chemicals....right now thats about two blocks away at my best location
thx for the explanation


Well-Known Member
Why would I leave I'm happy with the law as it is ..You and Ron Paul whats to see it changed...Hell no I don't want to sell..easiest money I ever made in my life..start up was a bitch but now easy profits....your business is not "private" if its open to the general public...again maybe you need to look into a Club or Organization then you can have all the private your little freedom loving heart wants.
sigh.... public means government controlled, private is controlled by you
just because the door is open doesn't mean its public lol

Glad you mentioned a pain to start up. I bet there were tons of regulations. I know of a Senator who used to vote for regulations. When he retired he had to shut down his business because of regulations.


Well-Known Member
That's fine, but I don't see why discrimination is necessary there.
Exactly its not necessary and people should protest it, not have the government use force. Society does not grow by force and coercion. Just look at the ridiculous pot laws. Some of the people here are using the same argument to stop it as you do. They think its wrong but even though it isn't ursuping others rights pot should be illegal.


Well-Known Member
i was trying to simplify for ease of debate and obviously failed. Would this serve as a better example:

In my town, it is a common belief/perception/true based on my 37 years of observation that because of culture and habits there are a lot more Hispanic parents that control their children to what i consider an acceptable public level of behavior. Not that they(the kids) do anything much different than white kids or black kids or any other kids. It is the fact that their parents choose to take them out into public, hype them up on candy, get all sticky and dirty, scream and throw fits when they want a candy or ice cream or soda or ad nauseaum. They can curse, shout, push, and be otherwise rude and obnoxious. Is it a Hispanic thing? That's what i've been told by my Hispanic friends that DO properly raise their children.

It would be suicide to open up a business in my town that excluded Hispanics, financially and quite possibly literally. But i still say that i should retain the right to do so if i so wish.

Does that more accurately address the issue? Because if not i'll try again. And again. And again.
The more we debate the better i get at countering all these faux-points.
so are you saying only Hispanic kids act out in public ????? [youtube]uHp8CsFRQMM[/youtube] come on kids are kids...nope another bad example ...I see now by your conversation you pretty young and naive not saying that as a jab , but its the truth...Mexicans children are no worst then spoiled little white kids..or rotten little black are kids..and for the record you have the right to not allow anyone in your store who is disruptive again something you can change can't change being Mexican...ok you can try again..but this time take your time


King Tut
so are you saying only Hispanic kids act out in public ????? [youtube]uHp8CsFRQMM[/youtube] come on kids are kids...nope another bad example ...I see now by your conversation you pretty young and naive not saying that as a jab , but its the truth...Mexicans children are no worst then spoiled little white kids..or rotten little black are kids..and for the record you have the right to not allow anyone in your store who is disruptive again something you can change can't change being Mexican...ok you can try again..but this time take your time
LOL! Didn't i say it wasn't only Hispanic kids? What an incredible post london. You ask me to think before posting and then you obviously didn't even comprehend written words. i stated specifically that it wasn't just Hispanic kids but that in my area it is my observation and that of many of my Hispanic friends that there is a difference in culture and therefore a difference in behavior.

Straw Man
Misrepresenting a persons argument in such a way it would be easy to refute. Beating up the straw man.
"Of course evolution isn't true. No one has ever seen a reptile turn into a bird."
"Liberals just want a big nanny state."


Well-Known Member
so are you saying only Hispanic kids act out in public ????? come on kids are kids...nope another bad example ...I see now by your conversation you pretty young and naive not saying that as a jab , but its the truth...Mexicans children are no worst then spoiled little white kids..or rotten little black are kids..and for the record you have the right to not allow anyone in your store who is disruptive again something you can change can't change being Mexican...ok you can try again..but this time take your time
I think a generalization of mexicans being more family oriented is correct. Once they become become Americans it falls apart. :mrgreen:
It has to do with income. We've seen tons of stories about how the rugrats in families have to work extremely hard on farms picking fruit and veggies during the summer to get by. Without the kids help the poor families don't make it.

Once people come to America the family values is thrown out the window by government. Government can look after you now, not the family. So instead of working together as a family and growing through that hard work, government gives out the monthly dole for not working.

Why work for 1000 month when you can sit around for 800 and work on the side. Of course you will never move up the chain and get a promotion since there is very little incentive to hire a non worker. You've hit your earning ceiling. And people wonder why poor stay poor. We make it to easy for them.


Well-Known Member
We must stop these bastards. call fox news, cnbc, msnbc, cnn. Make them cover this damn story!
Russia today is covering, pretty sad russia based media is more honest and factual than the lame stream shit.
