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  • Happy Sweetest Day baby I love you! Our babes are growing nicely!! Can't wait till we get our others :mrgreen:
    Thanks babe its b/c you are amazing and help me out and don't let me freak out to much and kill them lol
    hey buddy im still around :0)just staying busy thats all and i have a plant flowering outside right now :0)i hope it dont start geting cold soon its lookin nice :0)
    Hay your set up look's great Bro, I here ya working on being a grow master also hope to talk again Bro.
    hey bro, no bother at all. you're gonna have to wait till rollie logs on. I think he is on vacation or on a emergency or something. try to pm rollitup if you haven't allready. also pm'ing fdd2blk might help also...:peace:
    hey, got my messaging problem solved, but it's time to hunt - catch ya this evening Bud.
    Sounds like your busy. Why do you need a portable ac when fall is here? You think the new lights will heat up your room?

    Molases brings down your ph by several points. Like if I hit 6.9 I just add molases instead of ph down and get it to 6.5
    Molases 1 tbls per gallon per week or two in veg and 2 tbl per gallon in bloom (1/2 way in) and then after the flush I am going to do 4 Tbls per gallon. I want a heavier yeild this time.
    Yeah I say if they want it dryed and not cured, Ok. But for the most part I push my mids out first and try and get a 2 week cure.
    Have a great Day.
    Still haven't built a rig and even might go hydro for next grow but I remember you mentioned molasses a couple of times. I just bought some grenadine molasses for my girls that are flowering beautifully. How should I use i? Thanks Dude for all the pointers!
    That diesel grows fast and tall. I wanted to try some Sour D. Maybe next grow.
    Sounds like your set for your next grow. All new set ups and strains, Hmmm someone did well at harvest.... ;}
    Just saw the scrubber your looking at. Looks like it would work. I have mine blowing up the stairs so if there is a smell I am the first to know.
    Hey thats great, shopping for gear. Man I love new stuff.
    Can filter 33 is what I use, works great and will cover a 6x6x8 (no smell). Do your homework before going into store, buy what you need not what they suggest, and don't let them sucker you in to there House Products, ask for samples.
    Hey thanks man, today I turned 40, I am stoked. Have a great family and health.

    I harvested skunk #1 (last week, (crap)), Northern Lights (mids) and Violater Kush (Straight Kind) thats is good stuff, and last night the Diesel. Yeah we are set for awhile.
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