Well-Known Member
I'd have to guess root aphids.that's the stuff from lee valley, right? i've seen banana slugs longer than my middle finger crawling over that shit to get to my tomatoes. i'm thinking maybe the "shock" is relative to body size... an electrified fence'd probably stop a toddler way more effectively than an adult human, for instance.
i looooooooove lee valley though. such a treasure trove for plant geeks like us. i could not live life without "the world's kindest nailbrush".
fwiw, i personally have my doubts on whether you guys are dealing with actual fg's. don't take my word for it, the last time i had an issue with fg's diazinon was still legal for household use.![]()
i gotta tell you dubbzy, this one has me stumped. ^^this^^ suggests to me that they aren't fg's. fg larvae have black heads, pupate (as tan or brown pupae), and emerge as (black) gnats. i've wracked my brain and google imaged various larvae until i almost made myself sick [srsly-->fuck you google
for throwing in the odd random root weevil larvae among the flies and gnats. disgusting things. *hurl* ] and i have no suggestions for what they actually might be. i thought maybe "root aphid" but i'm pretty sure aphids don't have a wormy-looking larval stage.
i've shown your pic to one of my garden gurus who's a certified horticulturalist and we're going to consult her compendium of garden pests tonight because she's stumped too. she doesn't think they're fg's either.