Advanced civilizations.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
If your scared of your tiny reality getting changed for the better, than I suggest you dont watch this amazing documentary cracking the code of Egypt...Theres a reason why many architects, engineers, and MATHEMATICIANS (note the attention Im putting towards math) support this video and its findings... I guarantee no matter what way you choose to look at this documentary, your opinion on humanities past will change.

jessy koons

New Member
If your scared of your tiny reality getting changed for the better, than I suggest you dont watch this amazing documentary cracking the code of Egypt...Theres a reason why many architects, engineers, and MATHEMATICIANS (note the attention Im putting towards math) support this video and its findings... I guarantee no matter what way you choose to look at this documentary, your opinion on humanities past will change.
Before I watch this video I would like to hear more about this guarantee concerning my opinion on humanities please.


Well-Known Member
Sorry Chef 1 hour and forty-one minutes of proof is too much for me. You win I guess.
It wouldn't matter if you watched it or not. This is the same video he used for his 'evidence' that the speed of light is encoded in the pyramids. After watching the pertinent section, I found many faults with the information and the claims. However, Chef Turtledove would not actually answer the criticisms, instead he told me to watch the whole video, as if that would make any difference. He seems to think information overload is the best way to answer critics.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
It wouldn't matter if you watched it or not. This is the same video he used for his 'evidence' that the speed of light is encoded in the pyramids. After watching the pertinent section, I found many faults with the information and the claims. However, Chef Turtledove would not actually answer the criticisms, instead he told me to watch the whole video, as if that would make any difference. He seems to think information overload is the best way to answer critics.
You gave me a argument based on AVERAGE lengths of the pyramid. This video is more informational than your current knowledge of the pyramids. Im guessing you accept that the pyramids were built by a primitive civilization with no use of technology, and that their sole purpose was for tombs for big-headed dictating Egyptians right? Theres NO evidence supporting that at all, they see mummies and assume its sole purpose is for tombs... The presence of technology is undeniable, large perfect holes with grooves in them should clearly show some sort of technology was used. Not to mention the multi-ton blocks that we probably couldnt move in the amount of time they did. Also the Great pyramids position to North to such an accuracy that we would find it challenging to replicate. The eight section design of the great pyramid only becomes visible to the naked eye for like an hour to signify the solstices. And the presence of Pi and the Golden Number comes up WAY to often for it to be a coincidence. Yes yes, Im sure if you analyse a few objects you are bound to find Pi or the Golden Number but BOTH pop up way too many times in the architecture of these buildings. Also the Pyramidian (which is thought to be the top of one of the pyramids) is exactly ONE METER HIGH, but surely it must be an accident as well, right? It also explains how they knew how to measure time in seconds. Theres also more than a few mathematical facts about the pyramid that are almost as impressive as the presence of Pi and the Golden number. It also explains how they used Pi and the Golden Number to come up with their cubit... So a building that no architect or technology can replicate, that has Pi and the Golden Number built into the design too many times to count, thats positioned to north to such a degree that we would find it a challenge to do the same, a building composed of multi-ton blocks of different shape and size in order make it earthquake proof, such a building was built with a rock and chisel and man power? Gimme a break man! They interview a physicist multiple times in the video who is just as skeptical as you about these claims but at the end of the video you can clearly see he has no confidence in what he believed before the interview.
Judging by the fact that you have the oldest idolized picture, it must mean that you are the most out of touch of the super-critics. Watching such a video would probably be too much of a culture shock for you.


Ursus marijanus
The Egyptians had all sorts of technology. Simple and compound machines, surveying equipment, the best hydraulics on the planet. They smelted copper tools to dress the blocks. They used levers, ropes and rollers to move them onto and off of boats. That is technology. cn

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
The Egyptians had all sorts of technology. Simple and compound machines, surveying equipment, the best hydraulics on the planet. They smelted copper tools to dress the blocks. They used levers, ropes and rollers to move them onto and off of boats. That is technology. cn
C'mon man, you cant possibly believe that the great pyramid was build by that primitive technology. If OUR technology cant accomplish what they did, how can you justify that the pyramids were built with wood, rocks, and ropes? Its just plain silly.


Well-Known Member
Something tells me if there is a fourth hole, there is a good reason it's kept secret and I don't want access to it.


Ursus marijanus
C'mon man, you cant possibly believe that the great pyramid was build by that primitive technology. If OUR technology cant accomplish what they did, how can you justify that the pyramids were built with wood, rocks, and ropes? Its just plain silly.
I can believe it, and I do. The implied statement that we could not replicate a Great Pyramid with today's technology is so plainly false as to be laughable. I find it amusing that you, who despise skeptics, are now wearing the skeptic's hat. One thing I like about the scientific method is that it values consistency. Perhaps that explains why you don't like it ... avoiding internal contradictions can be so confining. ;) cn

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
I can believe it, and I do. The implied statement that we could not replicate a Great Pyramid with today's technology is so plainly false as to be laughable. I find it amusing that you, who despise skeptics, are now wearing the skeptic's hat. One thing I like about the scientific method is that it values consistency. Perhaps that explains why you don't like it ... avoiding internal contradictions can be so confining. ;) cn
Its not hard to be skeptical of such ridiculous claims that the pyramids were built with such primitive technology... Whats laughable is that you accept that the pyramids were built with such basic tools... There has never been an architect that said they could replicate the pyramids, infact, one of the best architects in the world admits that it simply cant be done even with the collective effort of the best architects in the world. That architect is in this documentary... Rocks, wood, and rope... Gimme a fuckn break xD


Ursus marijanus
Its not hard to be skeptical of such ridiculous claims that the pyramids were built with such primitive technology... Whats laughable is that you accept that the pyramids were build with such basic tools... There has never been an architect that said they could replicate the pyramids, infact, one of the best architects in the world admits that it simply cant be done even with the collective effort of the best architects in the world. That architect is in this documentary... Rocks, wood, and rope... Gimme a fuckn break xD
Oh come now. Do I really need to repost the video of the guy (one man nunassisted) who build a Stonehenge replica out of ten-tonblocks he made himself and positioned using simple tools and techniques? Google it if you are interested.

As for your bold claim that not one architect has ever said etc., I call BS. I notice your hedge about using "the best architects in the world". As the labor force? That's like expecting bankers to be gold miners! What was the name of this architect?

Any semi-competent architect, supplied with a quarry, a site, and enough money could build a perfect replica of the Great Pyramid in a year or less. Diamond saws and Diesel construction equipment are wonderful force multipliers. They would make a job that was possible with a national effort 4500 years ago ... downright easy today. cn



Well-Known Member
I can believe it, and I do. The implied statement that we could not replicate a Great Pyramid with today's technology is so plainly false as to be laughable. I find it amusing that you, who despise skeptics, are now wearing the skeptic's hat. One thing I like about the scientific method is that it values consistency. Perhaps that explains why you don't like it ... avoiding internal contradictions can be so confining. ;) cn

"It has been argued that scientists have a huge advantage in debates because we have the facts on our side. Well, so we do, but that's not an advantage at all. Rather, it's a limitation. The pseudoscientist has an unlimited supply of sources and claims and validations. He can say whatever he wants." - Brian Dunning

Chef not only makes up facts as he sees fit, he takes it a step further by making up the rules as well. His evidence counts, yours is stupid. Sometime's common sense is valid, other times it's mainstream. Ignorance is preferable to knowledge, unless it is knowledge he feels like pointing to. He appeals to authority while accusing others of icon worship. He acts like a douche while crying indignation. He pretends to say wise things while he shits in his hand and rubs it into his hair.

Chef is not here for conversation or the exchange of ideas, he is here to play.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Oh come now. Do I really need to repost the video of the guy (one man nunassisted) who build a Stonehenge replica out of ten-tonblocks he made himself and positioned using simple tools and techniques? Google it if you are interested.

As for your bold claim that not one architect has ever said etc., I call BS. I notice your hedge about using "the best architects in the world". As the labor force? That's like expecting bankers to be gold miners! What was the name of this architect?

Any semi-competent architect, supplied with a quarry, a site, and enough money could build a perfect replica of the Great Pyramid in a year or less. Diamond saws and Diesel construction equipment are wonderful force multipliers. They would make a job that was possible with a national effort 4500 years ago ... downright easy today. cn

You do realize your not proving anything wrong till you watch the documentary right?

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
"It has been argued that scientists have a huge advantage in debates because we have the facts on our side. Well, so we do, but that's not an advantage at all. Rather, it's a limitation. The pseudoscientist has an unlimited supply of sources and claims and validations. He can say whatever he wants." - Brian Dunning

Chef not only makes up facts as he sees fit, he takes it a step further by making up the rules as well. His evidence counts, yours is stupid. Sometime's common sense is valid, other times it's mainstream. Ignorance is preferable to knowledge, unless it is knowledge he feels like pointing to. He appeals to authority while accusing others of icon worship. He acts like a douche while crying indignation. He pretends to say smart things while he shits in his hand and rubs it into his hair.

Chef is not here for conversation or the exchange of ideas, he is here to play.
CN- Sweet fuckin video, ive never seen that, that is amazing!

Heis- Well fuckin said.


Ursus marijanus
You do realize [you're] not proving anything wrong ['til] you watch the documentary[;] right?
Another uninformative deflection from the flightless one. Why am I not surprised? cn

<edit> Typo in my previous post should read "unassisted". Although the image of him snapping a whip over a labor team in black&white is amusing.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
What painfully slow process! lol that video only further supports that that the pyramids were built with advanced technology, I cant believe you guys believe such nonsense... You skeptics are the most OBLIVIOUS people I ever met, but its best you stay that way I guess, for knowing the truth about things will only destroy the massive ego that you guys are driven by and it will have you questioning too many things and you just wouldnt know what to do.