Advanced civilizations.


Well-Known Member
What painfully slow process! lol that video only further supports that that the pyramids were built with advanced technology, I cant believe you guys believe such nonsense... You skeptics are the most OBLIVIOUS people I ever met, but its best you stay that way I guess, for knowing the truth about things will only destroy the massive ego that you guys are driven by and it will have you questioning too many things and you just wouldnt know what to do.
'Moving the goalposts' is an informal logical fallacy in which previously agreed upon standards for deciding an argument are arbitrarily changed once they have been met. This is usually done by the "losing" side of an argument in a desperate bid to save face.

Claim: Couldn't be done by anything other than advanced technology

Counter: Demonstration of low-technology doing it

Response: That's not advanced technology!

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
'Moving the goalposts' is an informal logical fallacy in which previously agreed upon standards for deciding an argument are arbitrarily changed once they have been met. This is usually done by the "losing" side of an argument in a desperate bid to save face.

Claim: Couldn't be done by anything other than advanced technology

Counter: Demonstration of low-technology doing it

Response: That's not advanced technology!
Oh Heis, how you love twisting the words and the intent of my arguments in order to support your claims that I am stupid, but how else would you be able to achieve a false sense of superiority? That video doesnt prove anything, it proves that a man can move massive objects in a PAINFULLY SLOW amount of time. I seen this video on the discovery channel and I was not at all convinced, neither were these people in this video Im about to post. The poster of this video tried saying that this same technique of balancing stones on pebbles was used by Edward Leedskalnin to build his famous coral garden. Edward worked alone with no machinery and the biggest block in his garden weighed 60 thousand pounds. And the man weighed 100 pounds... Make note of the comments...


Well-Known Member
Oh Heis, how you love twisting the words and the intent of my arguments in order to support your claims that I am stupid, but how else would you be able to achieve a false sense of superiority? That video doesnt prove anything, it proves that a man can move massive objects in a PAINFULLY SLOW amount of time. I seen this video on the discovery and I was not at all convinced, neither were these people in this video Im about to post. The poster of this video tried saying that this same technique of balancing stones on pebbles was used by Edward Leedskalnin to build his famous coral garden. Edward worked alone with no machinery and the biggest block in his garden weighed 60 thousand pounds. And the man weighed 100 pounds... Make note of the comments...
I was under the impression that you were not reading more than the first sentences of my posts; a liberty I took with your post above.


Well-Known Member
You gave me a argument based on AVERAGE lengths of the pyramid.
When the sides of the pyramids are not equal, what else was I supposed to do? The whole argument was built around the difference in circumference of two circles created using the measurements of the base. Since it is not a perfect square it is impossible to create a circle that touches each corner, likewise with the inside circle. The margin of error is over a decimeter no matter how you decide to create the circles. That error gets compounded since you need to calculate two different circumferences of circles whose diameters vary by as much as 10cm. The resultant figure cannot be significantly precise since it can be a range of numbers, for example, 299.24 to 299.89. This number cannot be resolved to any accuracy past 3 digits, i.e. 299, making any claim that it is equal to the speed of light in m/s extremely sketchy since it's no more correct than the number 300 at that level of precision. Period, end of story. Unless you can demonstrate where I am in error, your dismissing of this analysis is merely hand waving. I have attempted to be fair and explain this in detail so that you can explain where I'm wrong but I'm beginning to think you can't even understand the math since your rebuttal so far has been nothing more than "nuh uh." If you think I'm being unfair to the claim, then show me instead of just try to insult me.
This video is more informational than your current knowledge of the pyramids. Im guessing you accept that the pyramids were built by a primitive civilization with no use of technology, and that their sole purpose was for tombs for big-headed dictating Egyptians right?
It doesn't matter why I think they were built. I need no such information to analyze the claim that was made in the video that only had to do with math and the speed of light. Here you are again, trying to shift to another topic because the one I am addressing is either too complex for you to understand or you realize you have no good way to counter the math.
Theres NO evidence supporting that at all, they see mummies and assume its sole purpose is for tombs...
Strawman. You are creating a position for your opponents and attacking that even though no one here has made such a claim. I personally believe that the pyramids were more than just tombs and so do most Egyptologists. Your use of the word primitive is very telling considering that most scholars understand the Egyptians were a very advanced culturally and technologically, for their time period. You seem to be the one that wants to paint the people with a broad brush of ignorance and backwards, not me.
The presence of technology is undeniable, large perfect holes with grooves in them should clearly show some sort of technology was used.
No one is denying technology. What we are denying is advanced technology that they should not have had access to.

Not to mention the multi-ton blocks that we probably couldnt move in the amount of time they did. Also the Great pyramids position to North to such an accuracy that we would find it challenging to replicate.
The fact that we can measure the error in arcminutes means we wouldn't have any real problem replicating and even besting their alignment.... significantly. However, true north was easily and routinely measured by ancient astronomers using the stars, and we know they paid a high level of attention to and worshiped the starx. True north can also be accuralely calculated with a stick in the ground and being able to measure circles and angles, just like a modern surveyor. This is not the mystery you make it out to be.
The eight section design of the great pyramid only becomes visible to the naked eye for like an hour to signify the solstices. And the presence of Pi and the Golden Number comes up WAY to often for it to be a coincidence. Yes yes, Im sure if you analyse a few objects you are bound to find Pi or the Golden Number but BOTH pop up way too many times in the architecture of these buildings.
More vague opinon. How many is too many? What if pi was intended to be represented? Read something from a real mathematician, like

There's good explanations for why phi is represented in some of the pyramids, both on purpose and accident.

Also the Pyramidian (which is thought to be the top of one of the pyramids) is exactly ONE METER HIGH, but surely it must be an accident as well, right?
So he missing pyramidion is 1 meter exactly? You're claims continue to get more outlandish. I would love to know how you calculate the height of something you can't measure....because IT'S MISSING!

It also explains how they knew how to measure time in seconds.
You will have to explain how you got to that conclusion from anything you just said. A day is not an abstract time period. However, dividing it up into 24 parts, each with 60 parts and each of those with 60, IS ARBITRARY and wasn't introduced as a time keeping method until fairly recently. How do you know they didn't divide the day into 10 equal segments or 100? Where's your proof our unit of time we call a second would have any meaning to a civilation living 5000 years ago or even an advanced race of ETs that would hardly know how we keep time in the 20th century?
So a building that no architect or technology can replicate,
Complete bullshit and a slap in the face of every architect and engineer alive today. Do you realize how massive and intricate the Large Hadron Collider is? Do you understand the tolerances for this machine is measured in micrometers? The Giza Pyramid had errors a magnitude of over a million times this?
that has Pi and the Golden Number built into the design too many times to count, thats positioned to north to such a degree that we would find it a challenge to do the same, a building composed of multi-ton blocks of different shape and size in order make it earthquake proof, such a building was built with a rock and chisel and man power? Gimme a break man!
No break will be given to unsupported blatherings.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Oh wow, here he goes again dissecting arguments and putting me in my place, right? You can put so much effort into responses that you take so much pride in but you cant take your time to watch the video and dissect the logic of that (not that you can dissect and "destroy" the facts that are in this video). I paid no attention to what you said but thanks for wasting your breath though, watch the video then I will see what you have to say about it.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Theres a reason its an hour and forty minutes long because it spends that time explaining the discoveries, you think the video is just claim after claim for almost two hours without backing any of it up? Oh the ignorance of you tag-team trio of out dated thinkers.


Well-Known Member
Oh wow, here he goes again dissecting arguments and putting me in my place, right? You can put so much effort into responses that you take so much pride in but you cant take your time to watch the video and dissect the logic of that (not that you can dissect and "destroy" the facts that are in this video). I paid no attention to what you said but thanks for wasting your breath though, watch the video then I will see what you have to say about it.
Translation: "Nuh uh"

Oh wow, here he goes again dissecting arguments and putting me in my place, right?
Oh wow, there he goes again looking at the things I said and thinking about it.

You can put so much effort into responses that you take so much pride in but you cant take your time to watch the video and dissect the logic of that
I only tried to explain it in my words for fun. Now that you have shown my words to be full of mistakes, I will pretend this is about the video again.

I paid no attention to what you said but thanks for wasting your breath though, watch the video then I will see what you have to say about it.
You are stupid for paying attention to what I said, I don't pay attention to anything you say. Now go pay attention to my video so we can see what you have to say.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Translation: "Nuh uh"

Oh wow, there he goes again looking at the things I said and thinking about it.

I only tried to explain it in my words for fun. Now that you have shown my words to be full of mistakes, I will pretend this is about the video again.

You are stupid for paying attention to what I said, I don't pay attention to anything you say. Now go pay attention to my video so we can see what you have to say.
What mistakes in my words you fuckin idiot? lol everything I say is explained in the video! Wow, this is the same simple concept that you couldnt understand with the flower of life except you paid attention to that video. I cant believe you people take pride in your intelligence, I can only imagine the highly mounted egotistic world that you big headed oblivious know-it-alls live in and anyone who interferes with that world shall face the wrath! xD you SAD people.


Well-Known Member
What mistakes in my words you fuckin idiot? lol everything I say is explained in the video! Wow, this is the same simple concept that you couldnt understand with the flower of life except you paid attention to that video. I cant believe you people take pride in your intelligence, I can only imagine the highly mounted egotistic world that you big headed oblivious know-it-alls live in and anyone who interferes with that world shall face the wrath! xD you SAD people.
So you read past the first line? My posts haven't been written for your eyes for a while now.


Well-Known Member
Oh wow, here he goes again dissecting arguments and putting me in my place, right? You can put so much effort into responses that you take so much pride in but you cant take your time to watch the video and dissect the logic of that (not that you can dissect and "destroy" the facts that are in this video). I paid no attention to what you said but thanks for wasting your breath though, watch the video then I will see what you have to say about it.
I did watch the video. That's where they put forth this argument that I am dissecting. If you won't/aren't able to even defend this one small piece of the video, why should I bother pointing out other problems with other things they said? This video has so much bad information, I could write a book discussing it all piece-by-piece. You recognize that I put time and effort into explaining why I think they are full of shit, but you won't even extend the same courtesy to me in a rebuttal, explaining why I'm wrong and you sit there and wonder why people are acting this way towards you? This is my fourth attempt to explain what I think are egregious errors and so far you haven't done ANYTHING to actually answer me except to attempt ridicule and continue and then point back to the video and say, "watch moar..."
Now please discuss this particular point before I go to the next one that I found problematic. Show us all that you are capable of being someone that can have an adult discussion about a topic.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
I did watch the video. That's where they put forth this argument that I am dissecting. If you won't/aren't able to even defend this one small piece of the video, why should I bother pointing out other problems with other things they said? This video has so much bad information, I could write a book discussing it all piece-by-piece. You recognize that I put time and effort into explaining why I think they are full of shit, but you won't even extend the same courtesy to me in a rebuttal, explaining why I'm wrong and you sit there and wonder why people are acting this way towards you? This is my fourth attempt to explain what I think are egregious errors and so far you haven't done ANYTHING to actually answer me except to attempt ridicule and continue and then point back to the video and say, "watch moar..."
Now please discuss this particular point before I go to the next one that I found problematic. Show us all that you are capable of being someone that can have an adult discussion about a topic.
OH! I apologize, I thought you didnt watch the video. Then I guess I will read and reply to your previous argument but not till later today... If its not TOO much of a bother I'd very much like to hear your full opinion on the claims made in the video (from what you can remember) since I wont be replying till later today.


Well-Known Member
OH! I apologize, I thought you didnt watch the video. Then I guess I will read and reply to your previous argument but not till later today... If its not TOO much of a bother I'd very much like to hear your full opinion on the claims made in the video (from what you can remember) since I wont be replying till later today.
Oh, I can't fucking WAIT for your response. I sense many logical fallacies comin'. I'm not even going to turn on the TV, this will be priceless. Dazzle us...


Well-Known Member
What mistakes in my words you fuckin idiot? lol everything I say is explained in the video! Wow, this is the same simple concept that you couldnt understand with the flower of life except you paid attention to that video. I cant believe you people take pride in your intelligence, I can only imagine the highly mounted egotistic world that you big headed oblivious know-it-alls live in and anyone who interferes with that world shall face the wrath! xD you SAD people.
Dude, don't get mad. Just remember that your magical superhero friend can defy the laws of physics, that usually calms you...


Well-Known Member
OH! I apologize, I thought you didnt watch the video. Then I guess I will read and reply to your previous argument but not till later today... If its not TOO much of a bother I'd very much like to hear your full opinion on the claims made in the video (from what you can remember) since I wont be replying till later today.
Hey, Chief! It's getting late, my friend. I'm still looking forward to your response to MP, you stated you'd post it later today. Day's almost over, so I thought I'd shoot you a reminder...

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Hey, Chief! It's getting late, my friend. I'm still looking forward to your response to MP, you stated you'd post it later today. Day's almost over, so I thought I'd shoot you a reminder...
Calm down you, Goku is my priority as of now, just borrowed the eighth season and am pumped... Its not like YOU are going to be the one pointing out my faults anyways lol