Awsome Video Site


Well-Known Member
Ok, i was browsing the internet and this guy made an entire show series about growing marijuana on this site, if you go to it, scroll all the way down to the bottom of the site and start with the first video. (It will say Lances Garden) I think they are well made, he is pretty cool i like his work, and that lances garden is nice, he is a vet for sure. but he has fungus, but he is fixing it... OK HERE IS THE LINK RIGHT HERE ~~~~~~>LINK<~~~~~


Well-Known Member
I didnt see you say anything... Sry... but if you did... THANKS! This is a cool site. Sry... i really didnt see you say anything, i was probably somewhere else....


Well-Known Member
lol, probably, i think i was making hot dogs when i was in the chat room... lol, was probably baked... sry about it tho. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THEFLO!!! DONT FORGET IT!!!
