(nice pics)
Hey bro looking good! Finally invested in a PC and think I'm going to try this tek out.
What's your opinion on using worm castings as a substrate? I have some laying around and thinking about using a 2:1:1 ratio of coir/castings/verm.
I've used castings many times. It works quite well, although they are tempermental when it comes to moisture, even a little too much results in slime and if you get them dry to start with you will have problems bringing them up to field moisture. If you are just starting out with it, try 2 parts castings, 1 part vermiculite and 1 part coir (the finest you can bet) this will help your moisture issues and still give you a nutrient rich substrate. When you get the hang of it, just use a little coarse vermiculite to hold the stuff together (like 6 to 1 castings to vermiculite). When you are using this stuff I highly recommend casing (of course Choempi and I disagree on this point, and of course he is most likely right when using his Tek - after all). If you do case, then make sure you run in total darkness and don't case until you have 100 percent colonization - no less, unless you want anoying but still massive border breaks.
thanks canndo, I only don't case with hpoo
So i did this but my substrate came out looking alot more wet than yours x.x
choempi, if I follow your instructions to the t would you recommend it as my first grow? Usually when I do a project such as this I start it with much more knowledge and it comes out exactly how it should. This I jumped into out of excitement and got lured into settling for pf-tek as opposed to jumping in on the bulk-mono-tek. My first cannabis grow was great but I had a lot of knowledge prior, now that I'm learning about fungi I found a new world of beauty! So much I didn't know or realize about the kingdom and I am now an addict ^_^
Well heres mine before i topped it off. I hope no contams
What size holes did you use?