Democrat in Rhode Island leads charge against marijuana


Well-Known Member
Dont you still need a medical card?
isnt there a plant count?
And finally wont time tell? I keep hearing growers complain about the drop in prices paid for their work
CA state supreme court ruled out plant counts, it's your need based upon your doctor's recommendation; our state constitution doesn't allow our elected officials to modify ballot initiatives. The med card is cheap, if you buy weed and would rather grow there is no real cost to offset compared to the savings of growing your own, if nothing else the card should encourage it since it gives an aspect of legitimacy to the idea of growing. Time may very well prove me wrong, but just because something can happen doesn't mean it will.


Well-Known Member
Baby boomers
We all know someone that smokes pot, smoked pot or smoked pot ourselves
The only thing left to fear is

The evil drug dealer. Selling weed to our kids shooting up shopping malls wearing pimp clothes

My plan involves getting rid of the dealer. and come on you know if someone who cannot grow needs weed they will find a way to get it

"your plan".



Well-Known Member
...self-confessed former Oxycontin addict."
Who the fuck is this asshole trying to convince? Patty boy should keep his fucking mouth shut since his drug of choice isn't even in the same universe as weed. I guess he's afraid of his kid turning out like him? Haha how'd prohibition work out for you? Another politician(nothing worse than a lib-rul drug warrior) with shit for brains.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
my weed? you seem to have me confused with someone who can grow.

if weed were openly grown and sold it would be worth a few dollars an ounce, as it should be. it would be just like everything else sold on an open market.

your "legal to grow illegal to sell" idea is silly. it's already illegal to sell and look how much is sold. :dunce:
Once upon a time every household had a "pot still" on the stove, making whiskey for the house. rum running, bootlegging and booze smuggling was not a problem, since who buys bootleg moonshine when they can make it on the stove, of if you cant get it done, you bake muffins and pop on by your neighbor's house and "share"

after a while a few skilled distillers and brewers made that their business and the people in the town would trade with them, and thus was born the Pub.

try and open up a brewing and distilling roadhouse today and youll be in prison before your first drop falls out of the condensing tube.
liquor is currently legal to possess, only somewhat legal to sell, and almost prohibited to manufacture. people who suggest "regulating it like booze and cigarettes" are fools.
that plan makes you just another customer to whichever monopoly locks up the market share first.
those few people who grow their own tobacco or distrill their own whiskey always live under the shadow of the accusation of "COMMERCE" which for the big money players is a fine thing, but for a small timer is actually a crime.

if weed could be grown without fear of johnny law kicking in your door, the problems of criminal enterprise, backdoor meth sales and mexican cartel dirtweed would not be an issue. people who wanted to grow it for themselves could and would, but those who either cannot or will not grow a plant or two on their patio SHOULD be able to buy it from the guy down the road who produces badass buds. as long as it's not a commercial market i got no problems. local growers growing local weed is awesome, but if Phillip Morris, ADM, or the Sinaloa Cartel get their foot in the door we will be drowning in dirt weed and small growers will become "bootleggers' for not paying the mordida to The Man for their privilege of growing a fucking flower.

If we take COMMERCE out of the equation by prohibiting sale and transportation it becomes a local issue rather than an national disgrace.


Well-Known Member
Once upon a time every household had a "pot still" on the stove, making whiskey for the house. rum running, bootlegging and booze smuggling was not a problem, since who buys bootleg moonshine when they can make it on the stove, of if you cant get it done, you bake muffins and pop on by your neighbor's house and "share"

after a while a few skilled distillers and brewers made that their business and the people in the town would trade with them, and thus was born the Pub.

try and open up a brewing and distilling roadhouse today and youll be in prison before your first drop falls out of the condensing tube.
liquor is currently legal to possess, only somewhat legal to sell, and almost prohibited to manufacture. people who suggest "regulating it like booze and cigarettes" are fools.
that plan makes you just another customer to whichever monopoly locks up the market share first.
those few people who grow their own tobacco or distrill their own whiskey always live under the shadow of the accusation of "COMMERCE" which for the big money players is a fine thing, but for a small timer is actually a crime.

if weed could be grown without fear of johnny law kicking in your door, the problems of criminal enterprise, backdoor meth sales and mexican cartel dirtweed would not be an issue. people who wanted to grow it for themselves could and would, but those who either cannot or will not grow a plant or two on their patio SHOULD be able to buy it from the guy down the road who produces badass buds. as long as it's not a commercial market i got no problems. local growers growing local weed is awesome, but if Phillip Morris, ADM, or the Sinaloa Cartel get their foot in the door we will be drowning in dirt weed and small growers will become "bootleggers' for not paying the mordida to The Man for their privilege of growing a fucking flower.

If we take COMMERCE out of the equation by prohibiting sale and transportation it becomes a local issue rather than an national disgrace.
i can buy booze at every corner. i build wineries. people be brewing up millions of gallons of wine everyday. you're trippin'.


Well-Known Member
i can buy booze at every corner. i build wineries. people be brewing up millions of gallons of wine everyday. you're trippin'.
It's hard liquor that's hard to make legally. You can make beer and wine in your basement legally for personal use, in small quantities. However, running a still is a federal crime to this day if you don't have the proper paperwork and meet the other requirements.


Well-Known Member
if marijuana is ever legalized it will be openly sold. that is all i am trying to say. there really is no way around that fact.


Well-Known Member
if marijuana is ever legalized it will be openly sold. that is all i am trying to say. there really is no way around that fact.
No arguments there. As long as there is a person who will buy it, there will be someone who sells it. Though I do think we need to do something to keep criminal organizations out of it.


Well-Known Member
No arguments there. As long as there is a person who will buy it, there will be someone who sells it. Though I do think we need to do something to keep criminal organizations out of it.
legalizing it would pretty much solve that problem. it is only valuable to the criminal market because it is illegal. nobody out there is running underground avocado shipments. there are even some fine whiskeys out there. just because corporations take over doesn't mean the quality of the weed will go down. it will just be controlled by other people. and it will be a lot cheaper at that point, as well.


Well-Known Member
legalizing it would pretty much solve that problem. it is only valuable to the criminal market because it is illegal. nobody out there is running underground avocado shipments. there are even some fine whiskeys out there. just because corporations take over doesn't mean the quality of the weed will go down. it will just be controlled by other people. and it will be a lot cheaper at that point, as well.
Until every state slaps a vice tax on it, and the federal gov. taxes the crap out of it too. Then you have the same thing you already do in OR with chewing tobacco; a pouch of chew is about$5 in CA., the exact same pouch costs $10 in OR because of vice taxes. Then there's booze too; sure, you can buy a plastic handle of Canadian whisky for $15 dollars, but you'll still drop 10x that amount if you want a well aged and properly made 1/5th of Scotch. My concern is it will end up the same way; it will become effectively impossible to grow your own without huge overhead, and you'll be forced to smoke whatever strains Phlillip-Morris decides to actually grow that year. If it doesn't actually work out that way, that would be great. I just don't feel nearly as confident as you that big companies getting involved will be an improvement in and of itself.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
An email I received from the Marijuana Policy Project.

"Dear Desert Dude,

Do you think marijuana consumers should be subject to mandatory health screening and “marijuana education” programs? Or that they should be forced into treatment for an entire year?

These are two of the primary goals of Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM), a dangerous, new national anti-marijuana organization scheduled to launch on Wednesday.

The fact that they want to force all marijuana users into education or treatment is bad enough. But the hypocrisy involved in this effort is off the charts. The group’s chairman, former Congressman Patrick Kennedy, comes from a family that made a fortune selling alcohol – which is objectively far more harmful than marijuana!

Sign our petition today calling on Patrick Kennedy to drop out of SAM or explain why he believes people should be put in treatment simply for using marijuana, but not for using alcohol, a more harmful product that made his family incredibly wealthy.

We need to send a message that extremist anti-marijuana organizations like SAM are not the answer to marijuana prohibition. Rather, we should be regulating marijuana and treating it similarly to alcohol.

SAM is being launched at a press conference in Denver this Wednesday, so please sign the petition today, and make your voice part of the story. Then encourage others to sign by sharing it on Facebook and Twitter.

Thank you for helping get our message across,

Steve Fox
Director of State Policies
Marijuana Policy Project
Washington, D.C."


Well-Known Member
Until every state slaps a vice tax on it, and the federal gov. taxes the crap out of it too. Then you have the same thing you already do in OR with chewing tobacco; a pouch of chew is about$5 in CA., the exact same pouch costs $10 in OR because of vice taxes. Then there's booze too; sure, you can buy a plastic handle of Canadian whisky for $15 dollars, but you'll still drop 10x that amount if you want a well aged and properly made 1/5th of Scotch. My concern is it will end up the same way; it will become effectively impossible to grow your own without huge overhead, and you'll be forced to smoke whatever strains Phlillip-Morris decides to actually grow that year. If it doesn't actually work out that way, that would be great. I just don't feel nearly as confident as you that big companies getting involved will be an improvement in and of itself.
pot is illegal already and people are growing shit tons of it. how could it get any worse?


Well-Known Member
pot is illegal already and people are growing shit tons of it. how could it get any worse?
By it being illegal to grow your own without the equivalent of the license to run a still. Then you're illegal if you can't afford the thousands for the permitting process and prep of the grow site. It would be even harder to legalize personal grows if corporations were growing it for you. Provided there was a provision for personal growers, I would be a little less nervous about it. As long as I can still grow my own if I don't like the commercial products without having the G-Men breathing down my neck for failure to have a $10,000 growers permit for 6 flowering plants.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
i can buy booze at every corner. i build wineries. people be brewing up millions of gallons of wine everyday. you're trippin'.
try making and selling wine from your home.

we shall see who is trippin.

the permits and licenses needed to open a commercial winery are a huge impediment to any would-be winemaker.

it is 100% unlawful to grow tobacco for commerce in california, in fact it is a felony. you cannot get a tobacco grower's permit or license, and you may NOT plant a feild with tobacco for any purpose other than personal use.
you can however buy tobacco in it's myriad forms at any corner store.

whats your point?
you think the federal state and local laws currently are doing a bang-up job protecting you from the evils of your neighbors growing tobacco, making wine and growing dope?

ideally if i grow better tobacco or dope, or make better wine, or brew better beer or distil better whiskey, or even bake better bread i should be able to engage in trade with my neighbors for my products, but it doesnt work that way any more.
our laws do a better job of keeping us on the hamster wheel than protecting us from violence and abuses. the only sure solution is to reframe what is and is not commerce, rather than banging our heads on the legal great wall of china that has turned us all into "Consumers" rather than citizens.

farmer's markets have been redefined by many local and state laws as "non-commerce" commerce,, with exemptions and loopholes, i propose we stop making excuses for farmer's markets and roadside fruitstands and instead demand ADM IGA and RJR Nabisco prove that their operations are worth permitting.

nobody should have to drop $250k to get permits for a corner grocery while walmart and safeway get the fees and taxes waived because they bribe the right politicians.
anyone who lives in the local community should be free to open a shop, set up a produce stand in their front yard, sell home grown tobacco, or turn their kitchen into the neighborhood bakery without paying a penny in local fees licenses or permits.
people from california should not have to pay any state fees to open a business, nor should they be taxed for retail commerce
american people should be able to open a business without having to clear it with the feds first, or ask permission of the congress
those form other towns, counties states and nations should have to pay massive fees for access to those markets

so if i wanted to open a corner grocery or a semiconductor factory in sacramento i should be free from local, county, state, and federal fees licenses permits and taxes for my commerce, but if i try to open another shop in las vegas i should have to pay nevada, the county, and the city whatever fees permits and taxes they deen appropriate for the privilege of access to their market since i would be displacing the local entrepreneurs with my carpetbaggery.

of course non-persons (corporate interests partnerships and other legally created entities) being as they live NOWHERE and have no rights or powers under the constitution are free to be taxed, licensed, fee'd and permitted till the wheels fall of.

you see where im goin right?

people have rights, and those rights are abriged infringed and destroyed by every scrap of law that gets laid on them, but non-person, legally created entities have no rights, yet they are empowered by the laws which punish us.

lets flip the script. drop the income tax on people, and eliminate the loopholes on taxes for corporations partnerships and LLC's.
eliminate the stifling regulations which have done nothing but prevent upstarts from competing with the big money operations
eliminate the laws which serve only to curtail our freedoms and force us to pay the taxes that punish us but benefit the plutocrats
eliminate the power of anyone who doesnt bleed when you cut them to influence our elections
charge non-persons and non-residents the fees permits and taxes, while letting those who live within the locality and actually have a pulse do their thing.


Well-Known Member
try making and selling wine from your home.

we shall see who is trippin.

the permits and licenses needed to open a commercial winery are a huge impediment to any would-be winemaker.

it is 100% unlawful to grow tobacco for commerce in california, in fact it is a felony. you cannot get a tobacco grower's permit or license, and you may NOT plant a feild with tobacco for any purpose other than personal use.
you can however buy tobacco in it's myriad forms at any corner store.

whats your point?
you think the federal state and local laws currently are doing a bang-up job protecting you from the evils of your neighbors growing tobacco, making wine and growing dope?

ideally if i grow better tobacco or dope, or make better wine, or brew better beer or distil better whiskey, or even bake better bread i should be able to engage in trade with my neighbors for my products, but it doesnt work that way any more.
our laws do a better job of keeping us on the hamster wheel than protecting us from violence and abuses. the only sure solution is to reframe what is and is not commerce, rather than banging our heads on the legal great wall of china that has turned us all into "Consumers" rather than citizens.

farmer's markets have been redefined by many local and state laws as "non-commerce" commerce,, with exemptions and loopholes, i propose we stop making excuses for farmer's markets and roadside fruitstands and instead demand ADM IGA and RJR Nabisco prove that their operations are worth permitting.

nobody should have to drop $250k to get permits for a corner grocery while walmart and safeway get the fees and taxes waived because they bribe the right politicians.
anyone who lives in the local community should be free to open a shop, set up a produce stand in their front yard, sell home grown tobacco, or turn their kitchen into the neighborhood bakery without paying a penny in local fees licenses or permits.
people from california should not have to pay any state fees to open a business, nor should they be taxed for retail commerce
american people should be able to open a business without having to clear it with the feds first, or ask permission of the congress
those form other towns, counties states and nations should have to pay massive fees for access to those markets

so if i wanted to open a corner grocery or a semiconductor factory in sacramento i should be free from local, county, state, and federal fees licenses permits and taxes for my commerce, but if i try to open another shop in las vegas i should have to pay nevada, the county, and the city whatever fees permits and taxes they deen appropriate for the privilege of access to their market since i would be displacing the local entrepreneurs with my carpetbaggery.

of course non-persons (corporate interests partnerships and other legally created entities) being as they live NOWHERE and have no rights or powers under the constitution are free to be taxed, licensed, fee'd and permitted till the wheels fall of.

you see where im goin right?

people have rights, and those rights are abriged infringed and destroyed by every scrap of law that gets laid on them, but non-person, legally created entities have no rights, yet they are empowered by the laws which punish us.

lets flip the script. drop the income tax on people, and eliminate the loopholes on taxes for corporations partnerships and LLC's.
eliminate the stifling regulations which have done nothing but prevent upstarts from competing with the big money operations
eliminate the laws which serve only to curtail our freedoms and force us to pay the taxes that punish us but benefit the plutocrats
eliminate the power of anyone who doesnt bleed when you cut them to influence our elections
charge non-persons and non-residents the fees permits and taxes, while letting those who live within the locality and actually have a pulse do their thing.
Wow, we pay a €350 company registration fee and apply to the revenue for a tax number.

Unless of course you wanna sell liquor, smokes or DVD's, then you pay for a license.

Why would you have to pay taxes just for your company to exist?

Ridiculous I say.


Well-Known Member
By it being illegal to grow your own without the equivalent of the license to run a still. Then you're illegal if you can't afford the thousands for the permitting process and prep of the grow site. It would be even harder to legalize personal grows if corporations were growing it for you. Provided there was a provision for personal growers, I would be a little less nervous about it. As long as I can still grow my own if I don't like the commercial products without having the G-Men breathing down my neck for failure to have a $10,000 growers permit for 6 flowering plants.
you do realize that right now marijuana is a schedule 1 drug? it can't get much worse than that.

people are growing it everywhere. they always have.


Well-Known Member
try making and selling wine from your home.

we shall see who is trippin.

the permits and licenses needed to open a commercial winery are a huge impediment to any would-be winemaker.

it is 100% unlawful to grow tobacco for commerce in california, in fact it is a felony. you cannot get a tobacco grower's permit or license, and you may NOT plant a feild with tobacco for any purpose other than personal use.
you can however buy tobacco in it's myriad forms at any corner store.

whats your point?
you think the federal state and local laws currently are doing a bang-up job protecting you from the evils of your neighbors growing tobacco, making wine and growing dope?

ideally if i grow better tobacco or dope, or make better wine, or brew better beer or distil better whiskey, or even bake better bread i should be able to engage in trade with my neighbors for my products, but it doesnt work that way any more.
our laws do a better job of keeping us on the hamster wheel than protecting us from violence and abuses. the only sure solution is to reframe what is and is not commerce, rather than banging our heads on the legal great wall of china that has turned us all into "Consumers" rather than citizens.

farmer's markets have been redefined by many local and state laws as "non-commerce" commerce,, with exemptions and loopholes, i propose we stop making excuses for farmer's markets and roadside fruitstands and instead demand ADM IGA and RJR Nabisco prove that their operations are worth permitting.

nobody should have to drop $250k to get permits for a corner grocery while walmart and safeway get the fees and taxes waived because they bribe the right politicians.
anyone who lives in the local community should be free to open a shop, set up a produce stand in their front yard, sell home grown tobacco, or turn their kitchen into the neighborhood bakery without paying a penny in local fees licenses or permits.
people from california should not have to pay any state fees to open a business, nor should they be taxed for retail commerce
american people should be able to open a business without having to clear it with the feds first, or ask permission of the congress
those form other towns, counties states and nations should have to pay massive fees for access to those markets

so if i wanted to open a corner grocery or a semiconductor factory in sacramento i should be free from local, county, state, and federal fees licenses permits and taxes for my commerce, but if i try to open another shop in las vegas i should have to pay nevada, the county, and the city whatever fees permits and taxes they deen appropriate for the privilege of access to their market since i would be displacing the local entrepreneurs with my carpetbaggery.

of course non-persons (corporate interests partnerships and other legally created entities) being as they live NOWHERE and have no rights or powers under the constitution are free to be taxed, licensed, fee'd and permitted till the wheels fall of.

you see where im goin right?

people have rights, and those rights are abriged infringed and destroyed by every scrap of law that gets laid on them, but non-person, legally created entities have no rights, yet they are empowered by the laws which punish us.

lets flip the script. drop the income tax on people, and eliminate the loopholes on taxes for corporations partnerships and LLC's.
eliminate the stifling regulations which have done nothing but prevent upstarts from competing with the big money operations
eliminate the laws which serve only to curtail our freedoms and force us to pay the taxes that punish us but benefit the plutocrats
eliminate the power of anyone who doesnt bleed when you cut them to influence our elections
charge non-persons and non-residents the fees permits and taxes, while letting those who live within the locality and actually have a pulse do their thing.
i know A LOT of people who have personal vineyards and sell their grapes to bigger wineries.

why should pot be any different than any other product already available on an open market? people seem to want special privileges simply because it's pot.


Well-Known Member
you do realize that right now marijuana is a schedule 1 drug? it can't get much worse than that.

people are growing it everywhere. they always have.
Lots of people growing it
some are even going to federal prison because of it.

How about we let people do personal grows for themselves?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
i know A LOT of people who have personal vineyards and sell their grapes to bigger wineries.

why should pot be any different than any other product already available on an open market? people seem to want special privileges simply because it's pot.
you can grow and sell grapes all you like, but once it is fermented, you can only sell it with special permits.

you cannot make it for commercial purposes (to sell) without even more permits

you cant even retail other people's hooch without permits.

liquor, tobacco weed and anything else the douchenozzels declare to be a "drug" must pass through their spanking machine of regulations, taxes fees, permits' licenses and re-regulations before you see a dime in profit, thus the guys with the money already can ensure that nobody competes.


Well-Known Member
you can grow and sell grapes all you like, but once it is fermented, you can only sell it with special permits.

you cannot make it for commercial purposes (to sell) without even more permits

you cant even retail other people's hooch without permits.

liquor, tobacco weed and anything else the douchenozzels declare to be a "drug" must pass through their spanking machine of regulations, taxes fees, permits' licenses and re-regulations before you see a dime in profit, thus the guys with the money already can ensure that nobody competes.

so why should pot get a free pass?