Diesel Ryder, 400 watt Ecolite, Plagron Batmix Cupboard Grow


Well-Known Member
The set up I have just now is the same as last time, minus the grow room, as I felt the grow room was hindering things, so back to the magic cupboard again.

The strains you see flourishing just now are Diesel Ryder again, note from 11 seeds I had 1 male, the rest were all bitches. I have some mdanzigs bluestreak on the go as well, but they are not in the picture.

The biggest plant you can see is in a 22 litre pot and is steaming ahead healthy in flowering along with its shorter counterpart. Same meduim used again, Plagron Batmix, Light, 400 watt Eco, the room has that nice I could chill out in here and drink some nice cool lemonade feel about it, and the temp is between 76f and 78f :)




Well-Known Member
dam man all ur shit looks nice. great work on everything. ima have to start followin along now. to bad i came in to late for that first grow. but im here now for any updated grows. keep it up and stay high


Well-Known Member
Hi there; while I am not a pro like Cheetah is ;) I would say those babies are ready for the big day. Have you been flushing?


Well-Known Member
ya man, i think the time has come ! u need to flush fo two weeks before the chop chop(watering the plant wit jus water)


Well-Known Member
Sorry Dude,

Uni shit has been having my away from the cyber world. Yeah she is chopped now, never used nutes on that one at all, just molasses and water and she turned out like that, pretty chuffed.

She's drying in the cupboard just now, day 3 of drying process. I'll be trimming the bigger branches off and starting to lay them out for the final drying process, then ill fire them into the air tight containers.

Looks like a half ounce or just over hopefully. Nice Xmas present :)

Cheers again guys,

hope your all well,

Cheetah ur the man.


Well-Known Member
Just need the 20 litre pot D-Ryder beast to finish now and my other 3 D-Ryder, 10 litre pots, and my 10 litre pot Blueberry ryder, which I am really looking forward to trying.
