Diesel Ryder, 400 watt Ecolite, Plagron Batmix Cupboard Grow


Well-Known Member
nah man, I hate doing that, just dont liek making it harsh smoking weed, add me on msn if you have it cheetah, e-mail has been sent to you in private.

Peace amigo.


Well-Known Member
i think mdanzig is a member of riu he was the first to start breeding lowryder seeds. havent tried them i just got today Auto great white shark and auto white moscow from lowlife seeds


Well-Known Member
dude ur plants look really good congrats on ur last grow it seemed really DANK!!! i have some questions if you can help 1) ur last grow had much bushier plants and seemed to have bigger yield than this grow is it the strain or smthing else?? 2) i was told that 7litre pots would be enough yet i see u used 11 and then went to 22litre pots any info on this?? 3) molasses are found in the baking section??? what are molasses?? 4) did u not use nutes for this grow as u did for last grow?? 5) did you plant the seeds right into the hot soil?? didnt u add any low nute soil on top of pot for the seedling to grow in?? i heard that hot soil burns the tiny hairs on the roots hindering initial growth any info on this???
again dude congrats on the grow im subscribed!! i still am waiting for equipment to arrive and sow my babies i wish tomorrow otherwise monday!!!! if u want il keep u posted on progress!! i would really appreciate your help as im going for my first grow!!! cheers dude


Well-Known Member
Coolio dude,

There is no really any time limit on this grow as I have forgot to mark down which day each plant is on.

I had a few problems with my last grow, I had difficulties monitoring temperature, but I managed to sort them out.

This grow will have more of a yield. I used nutes on my last grow and the only thing I am feeding these plants this time around is molasses. Molasses is like raw sugar basically, looks like melted liquorish, smells like shit. It is really good for the plants as it pumps them full of energy, hence the sugar etc...

The reason I moved one of the plants into a 22litre pot was to see if the buds would get bigger, and they did, bigger the root space, bigger the buds, if all goes to plan that is.

The soil I am using has nutes in it already enough for one month, which is ideal for auto's, it is by the dutch makers Plagron, and its the Batmix variety, which is rich in bat guano, which the plants love, along with perlite, which is volcanic glass oxgen stuff, that plants also love.

Remember to keep it simple, dont over water, dont under water, dont re-pot until the roots are at the bottom of the pot sticking out, watch with nutes if you inted to use them, if used the wrong way it can cost you big time.

I start my seeds in a 1 litre pot, soon as root ball is nice and roots popping out the bottom, i transfer into 10 litre pots, to finish them, but now its going to be 22 litre pots, as the bud is a lot bigger and fatter.

Hope this all helps,

Keep lights on, 20 on, 4 off, until the seedlings get bigger then fuck them on to, 18 on, 6 off.

Room Temp 75f-80f dont let it go below or above this, while the lights are on, try keep the room nice and humid but with air getting in.



Well-Known Member
the difference in size and bushyness is because the last ones mainly showed there Indica traits, smaller, bushy etc.... With these ones it looks like mainly Sativa :) yummy


Well-Known Member
im sooo jealous dude!! im still waiting for the bastards to bring my equipment!!! i hope they bring it soon so i can start posting my progress!!! i want some great white shark babies soooo badly!!! keep it up dude respect!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

Here's an update on the bitches, check out the pics, the back 2 are nearly ready for the chop, the little blueberry ryder at the front is coming along nicely, and the 2 diesel ryders looking as white as snow couldn't be any better :), whats your thoughts? Santa's coming early :)




jay j

Active Member
Hi clockwork i think the auto's are here to stay. i am already convinced they are the next big thing. i wecome them with open arms for the ease required to produce some outstanding high quality and yields, and the plus been things are only going to get better. cannabis bud beans.com have a very good variety of fems and reg seeds. i never new there wear so menny strains avalable. and we all know that variety is the spice of life peace love and freedom to all jay j.


Well-Known Member
I dont understand why anyone would not like the auto's in the first place? If anyone manages to make a meangrean/lowryder, let me know, as I would love to get my hands on some seeds.




Junior Creatologist
Alot of people say that with the Lowryders or Lowlyfe seeds, your basically sacrificing quality for quicker grow time. I dont know if i totally agree with that, because alot of people swear by the autoflowering strains, and since i have no experience with them myself, i cant refute that personally. All i can say is that they look fuckin awesome, and ill have to try them out myself to take the real pepsi challenge, n find out whats what.

Im gonna pick up the Autoflowering Sharks Breath that the Attitude just got in stock. Probably do a run of those + the AK autos, n see whats what man.

Those plants look dank by the way man, im lovin how white that one is all the way to the right. Shes a beauty man. u better give up a smoke report :D

jay j

Active Member
Alot of people say that with the Lowryders or Lowlyfe seeds, your basically sacrificing quality for quicker grow time. I dont know if i totally agree with that, because alot of people swear by the autoflowering strains, and since i have no experience with them myself, i cant refute that personally. All i can say is that they look fuckin awesome, and ill have to try them out myself to take the real pepsi challenge, n find out whats what.

Im gonna pick up the Autoflowering Sharks Breath that the Attitude just got in stock. Probably do a run of those + the AK autos, n see whats what man.

Those plants look dank by the way man, im lovin how white that one is all the way to the right. Shes a beauty man. u better give up a smoke report :D
Hi k1ng my advice to you is believe the hipe auto's are the bizz, there are so menny chioces at ATTITUDE and even more at CANNABIS-BUD-BEANS.com proof is in the pudding peace love and freedom to all jay j.