Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I'm envious of you....I love VWs....I had a kharmann ghia once , I'm not sure I spelled it right but it had the split baby windows and all the bells and whistles....my friend had a bus with the louver windows too, I think that's what it's called anyway...

sometimes hard to focus when your totally baked!! LOL

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I just wanted to keep you all up on current events...

everymorning I go outside and I stress the branches of my topsy grow, every single branch.. supercropping and pinching all my plant growth. it is making a difference!! the thing with the topsy is that the base of your plant, which is the top, has the most noticeable growth.the bottom branches extend up and I bend them so they bypass the topsy container, it is nice and full at the top. the bottom, which is actually the top, grows and extends but curves upward in a way.....anyway, like I said, I been stressing the plant. the stress gives the branches "knuckles" and the stems come hella fat and the buds get way bigger and fatter too, I supercropped many of times before, I know the results. but the stronger stems will give added suppport when the plant starts putting out heavy colas......wouldn't want to come home one day and see my dogs all baked and my topsy all destroyed........on the ground

that wouldn't be good...

aloha my friends!!:leaf:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hey gang! going on an excursion today.......scenic pics making a comeback!!! make sure to come back this evening and check in now.....

I'll try and get some good stuff on film, you guys deserve it!!:clap:

views are still climbing and picking up steam and all responses have been positive..... thanks guys:hug:!!

on a side note, I wanted to tell you folks the history on my username,....
I figured that I am always learning, everyday. I will never stop learning, the day I do, is the day I need to step back and re-evaluate myself.

greenhorn means an inexperienced person, and there is nothing wrong with that...alll the fun is in learning right?! greenhorn sure thinks so....

keep it green gang and spread the message of love


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
aloha gang:hug:

enjoy the pictures......
remember fantasy island? this is the waterfall in the opening credits. Wailua falls. Wai= water, elua= two....... 2 falls

imagine if there was a guerilla garden somewhere down there....
*wink, wink* muwahahahaha:fire:

what's up with the choppers?? are they following me or something????!!!

peace gang:weed:



Well-Known Member
You live in paradise bro.
Frickin beautiful pics.
I watched fantasy island when i was a kid.
I hope that chopper pilots wife is getting banged by a stoner.lol


Well-Known Member
thats the most gorgeous flower, beautiful paradise in hawaii, you're very lucky. I like your attitude, if more people thought like you, the world would be a more loving place.

Peace to you too.:peace:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
thx for kind words gang!!

aloha wannabee, welcome and I appreciate you taking the time to check out my journal :) glad you enjoy it

you are so funny boss, who knows, I might be banging her allready!! LOL hahahha

j/k guys


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
:confused:Ummmmm, CJ, where the hell you at?? what, you went back and read the Obama thread and found out you don't like me anymore????

If it makes you feel any better, I didn't vote..

:weed: One LOve


New Member
Hey, nice pics dog. Hawaii, throw a rock and hit a scenic place....:clap:

Obama thread? Heck, I didn't vote either... :lol:

I don't care about your political slants....just base them on something solid. :wink:


Well-Known Member
I liked the explanation you gave about why you chose your name, and I feel that it is a great reason.
Well...this is what I call a "Boulder greenhorn" He is my oldest and was sleeping too close to me while I was outlining class notes..

The finger bite is from my pup...complete accident on his part, but lucky to still have my fingertip.

Rock on Dr.:fire:



Well-Known Member
:clap:Thanks man, he is the oldest of 3 pit's I own. All boys, Samson-3(the one in the pics above) Taz-2, and Griffin-1. Sometimes the house can be kinda crazy, but the entertainment these guys provide me everyday and the unconditional love makes up for all of it. If I ever make it to NorCal or somewhere with a ton of land I want to start a sanctuary for these guys.. too much bad press and ignorant owners. These guys are working dogs and need to be treated as such. They can't just be left in the house all day and expect them to be angels. don't mean to rant Dr. buy your such a good listener:bigjoint:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hey gang,.... I guess they are following me, just took these pics at my house:shock:

I'm on thier radar gang!! I feel soo flattered. I wonder if they think my plants look georgeous too:?:...if not, thier just a bunch of haters:spew:

they better get a closer look if that is the case:fire:

once again, welcome to Waldo's World!! enjoy the ride!!


