Global Warming is a Myth, Rush Limbaugh said so!!!

i wonder if his meth head girlfriend who supports him knows that he repeatedly joined white supremacy and holocaust denial groups?

White supremacists and meth go together
along with trailer houses with junk cars in the front yard and lack of teeth

Who says global warming is a bad thing?
We are all growers right? Well go talk to the folks in greenland they are happy as pigs in crap, bumper crops!
I'm not a denier but our global temps are in constant states of flux and when i was a kid the earth was apparently
cooling, now its warming and it was exactly the same hysteria.
I think the popualtion or (over-population) is the problem, the climate change is just a symptom,l we should really stop
being so prolific and realise we live in a giant fishbowl and our resources are finite and once gone they cannot be dug up again.
global climate change is not the problem our success as a species is.
I'm just a damn sandshark, just a sandshaking all the time. I ain't never caught a minnow and I sure could use a dime.
Relax ! We are on a rock floating in space ! I tell myself that when I get worried about things

Actually, we are on a rock flying at tremendous speeds perched on the edge of flying off into the nothingness of space and crashing into a thermonuclear reactor and being incinerated...

What could possibly go wrong?
Actually, we are on a rock flying at tremendous speeds perched on the edge of flying off into the nothingness of space and crashing into a thermonuclear reactor and being incinerated...

What could possibly go wrong?

forest fires could cause global cooling. and we can't have that.
Actually, we are on a rock flying at tremendous speeds perched on the edge of flying off into the nothingness of space and crashing into a thermonuclear reactor and being incinerated...

What could possibly go wrong?

The moon is a risk, not the earth.
forest fires could cause global cooling. and we can't have that.

Forest fires attribute to the greenhouse effect.
In turn this causes the polar ice caps to melt.
Flooding the earth and blocking the sun.
Final result is an Ice Age.

On average, Earth has an Ice Age every 18,000 years. We are about 4,000 years past due.

So global warming = Natural cycle of Earth?

May not be 100% accurate but I'm pretty sure that's what our geology teacher taught 10 years ago.

Global Warming is step 1 to a global Ice Age.
Step 2 = Ice Caps Melt
Step 3 = Grab a really big Sweater

Here are my reputable sources, hahaha: