How about a Hawian Punch?!


Well-Known Member
Bev- nice lookin plants!

Bonz- i'm having trouble with the small clones esp. And i got the light prob solved by adding overlapping poly flaps and a rubber weatherstrip along bottom.

GoinGreen- I gave up on using the closet(especially the top shelf- I think maybe heat is congregating there?) Clones are at least surviving under the MH.

Update- I got a new 1000WMH(switchable ballast) with ports for venting air. I ran some insulated ductwork to it. It lowered the temp about a degree or two?! i was really expecting more for all the effort. LOL.

So now the temp is about 79(with a/c on and door open) and 81(with ac off and door open).. wtf am i suppose to do to be able to leave the door shut? I cant let anyone in my house for the next 6 mo?!




Well-Known Member
i went back and looked at some of your cuttings and i feel they are to big you need minimal green leaves so they will root quicker. i forgot whether or not you said you soak your rockwools in ph`d water over night before you use them?
i did a little photo thing on one of your pictures to show you where it should be cut. i`ll load in a minuite and post it


Well-Known Member
now that i figured out how to play with your pictures mabee next time your ready to cut take a picture and i`ll do this for ya and then just cut her.
when i cut mine they are only about 3 to 4 inches tall



Well-Known Member
Hey so what's wrong with 80 degrees? Granted the lower you get it the faster they grow, but I think 85 is the limit. My girls have been growing around 84 the whole grow and they seem to be fine. The parents of my girls grew outside in a not US climate where temps sometimes get over 100. Being a Hawaiian strain, I'd think that it'd be fine.

You know maybe this is a hard strain to clone (like Blueberry). Granted it's both of our first times but I went by the book and only 1 of my 21 clones rooted. I'm still not sure if it's gonna make it, it's gonna have to stay under 24/0 T5 lights for a little while while the main grow room is being used for flowering. As I'm sure you've noticed, we are growing kind of an uncommon strain and it doesn't seem like hardly any people have any experience growing this strain besides us. It certainly doesn't look like a bad choice though, I fully expect us to be smoking some grade A pot in a few months.

So back to your grow.

How many plants you have again? Have you started flowering yet? My plants are getting way tall and it's near the end of week three flowering. The Bushmaster curbed vertical growth for a while, then it started to resume, and this week they're growing like weeds. I will say though, now that the plants are flowering, some of the top colas are only 18" from my 1000W air-cooled HPS light and there are no signs of heat stress. If they don't grow much taller I might just let them be until I add the Gravity in a few weeks. Also it took 10 days for any of my plants to show sexes, and even 20 days into flowering one still hasn't shown, though I'm positive it's going to be a female. Keep me posted!


Well-Known Member
I dunno Bonz- I do have a couple that are cut that small and they dont seem to be growing roots any quicker. *shrugs*

Bev- sorry to hear you are having trouble cloning them too. I got 5 plants out of 12 seeds. And i am cutting up the plants to make clones(50 please!) But it is tkaing a WHILE. I guess i have to rely on your flowering ladies for solace ;).

I've moved all of mine in rockwool onto a heating blanket with towel on it to stay at 82F and I removed the air intake from my hood which reduced under light temp by another 3.5 degrees...But i've since moved the direct air off the clones. and I'm considering building a clone box. I keep rereading AlbFuckts roockwool clone post to figure out what i am missing.. he seems to say that these factors are important after clones are cut.

2)Root zone temp at 82.4-76F
3)Moist 20-25G per cube (PH 5.5-5.8 with 1.4ml/L H202) soaked in PH5 for 24hr prior to cutting.
4)Air temp 78-81 without constant wind to make temp fluctuate
5)CFLs(not HIDs) 18/24 hr a day.

I really don't wanna build a box, or get a ag mat/thermostat exhaust fan, blah blah blah. will have to spend $200 bucks on all that crap...*sigh* But i really wanna see the clones pop roots too.


Well-Known Member
wow i`ve never seen clones that big. i geusse it works for him. mine are small, i use peat pucks, i scrape the bottom of the sides gently, i use gel, then into clone dome. temps about 75 to 80, humidity a bit high sometimes 100% usualy about 75 or 80 %. no fan. i open them, 3 or 4 times a day for a bit and breath on yhem(co2) then cover up again. usualy within 7 to 10 days they sprout. the only ones i`ve had trouble with are my burmese and they said that they were easy to clone ? just keep looking for other peoples methods and give them, a try till you find one that works for you. every body is different.


Well-Known Member
yep that is what im finding everyone does there own way that works best. I just bought some peat pucks to try today. How do you prepare them? soak overnight etc? ph5? do you split the stems?


Well-Known Member
no you dont soak em. right before you`re ready to cut put them in a bowl of ph`d water untill they swell up. make sure the opening is up, then wrap your hand around it like you would hold a microphone, and gently squeeze out the excess water. make your cut and keep the cut end in water right away. when your ready scrape the sides of bottom of stemm about 1 to 1.5 centemeters up, gently just take the outer skin off a bit so gell penetrates better and easier for rutes to pop. once you`ve scraped ( optional though) then dip in gel or powder, and into puck right away. make sure it`s in there solid. you want to be fairly quick with new cutting out in the air so the air wont have a chance to get into stem and screw you up. if it`s a hard clone strain or the leaves are kind of large i cut them off half way. you dont need afan for them unless it`s to hot. check them often, when you see the outer mesh of the pucks turning whiter like it`s pulling away from the peat inside is when you water them just squirt the top and sides of pucks, a couple sqruirts is all they need. i dont foliar them because lite is on 24 hour and have seen burn from light. foliar should only be done at night, it block the pores in the leaves. ( salt build up )

and no i dont split stems. he probably does that because he makes them so big he needs to so it will root properly.
ph water at about 6.3 to 6.8. soil ph level
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Well-Known Member
i have some pic`s of my clone dome set up to see how they look kind off. i go find and post it


Well-Known Member
top pic is my dresser and the room on the left side is for my clones there is just an intake hole at the bottom and one at the top so just the heat and pressure from that vent the room. they are under a dome so you dont need to vent just open the dome a few times a day to vent.
same pic the room on the right is my mini veg cup room. it is vented in the top left corner there by a 80 cfm bathroom fan.
the middle pic is another clone/veg room for over flow. it is also vented with a 80 cfm bath fan.
the doors are closed usualy, no light leaks. ompletely sealed and carbon filters on the back of fan port


Well-Known Member
cool setup Bonz. and it clones everytime? how do you get your humidity so high- itf you are not misting/foliar feeding?
How do you think using a rubbermaid dome will affect mine(it has a frosting to it and not completely clear?
How do you time when you open the dome?
is there a vent on top of your dome?


Well-Known Member
of my latest cuttings.

I cut the rest of my plants WAAay back. I'm practically starting over here. trying some in peat pucks and others in 50/50 vermiculite/perlite mix. and another with some soil. i will have roots damn-it.



Well-Known Member
it seems to work every time for me. just hit my design righ for the humidity, the dome realy helps. i wouldn`t use the frosted, you will loose light. i dont time my opening of top, just when i think of it sometimes i miss a day but no big deal. there are 2 vents on top that i can open or close.


Well-Known Member
Have you ever seen a clone bubbler?

Just a rubbermaid container with tapwater and air stones keeping the stock submerged and roots appear 5 days! ive used one for house plant vines but never for marry but the guy who should me uses his for marry.

He has a thread on hear but i know you want like 50 clones, so sorry if this doesnt help but just keep it!

Maybe just concentrate on a couple of clones and once you get it down then go balls to the wall, ya know?

Cloning is very complex so learning and experimenting is a must!

Im in school for botany and in my experience before i learned how plants grow and use energy i sucked at growing, now that ive learned some basics everything is going great, by no means am i where i want to be but all the reading has really helped me!

What kind of water are you using? tap? If your using tap waht is the ppm/ph?

Note: Most tap water has not only chlorine but chlorimine which sitting out wont destory the chorine will evap but not chlorimine.

Go back to basics and i wouldnt use H202 its a very harsh chemical go with some STP super plant tonic
Stp is full of microrganisums that eat all the bad bacteria and every since ive added i use 1/4 of the amount of nutes from the bottled instructions.

Think of STP is probiotics for your body. Great stuff and all organic

Be organic your body mind and plants will be way happier.


Well-Known Member
i`m not dissagreing on the water but i have always just used tap water for my youngins and have never had an issue. i have always been told the little guys dont need to be fancy


Well-Known Member
Water with a high ph and ppm is no good!

I dont know his water but if its like mine out of tap he will need to filter especially if he wants to have a good crop! But like i said the guy who should me the bubble dwc clone system he used his tap water with no problems! so maybe herbie will be ok with tap but really why would you want to feed your plants garbage i mean look its like eating fast food in a sence trash in trash out.

Check this out i use this and beleive me its not fancy only 8 bucks! LOL
International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - DIY Reverse Osmosis - For Scale Grower - Cheap, Portable, & Effective

This guy tore his apart which makes it unuseabe for its purpose so i just added a hose to the end spout and it works both ways!


Well-Known Member
if there is no roots yet there is no way for the plant to drink the shity water so that is why it wont afect the plant is the way it was explained to me. the roots grow from what is in the soil not so much the water, it does release the nutes in the soil though. i may have been missimformed but it has always worked for me but mabee not every body