How about a Hawian Punch?!


Well-Known Member
wow i just found one of my plants with a root on it---and as it happens another that had fallen out and died with a couple roots. It seems the winner so far is 3 inch clone in 100% perlite!...

Also I placed the newest cutting outside today under a rubbermaid container from 10 am until 11:30 am. and when i went out side to get them the temp read 125F ... and i dont think they liked that very much....

but honestly to see a root on my little three incher-= is all i need to keep on ;) it can only get easier from here right :D

WATER = tap water given 24 hrs breathing time. I might like to goto RO one day. But i am definately trying to keep it simple---i've got too much money and too many moving parts in this already...


Well-Known Member
yaa i LOVE fast food-- especially those soggy McDonalds Fries!!! Mmmm

i might check for your RO when im in the store- looks more like a 25 thing...

Anyway I am seeing roots in three cuttings. i tore a rockwool cube aparts. and they are just the very begginnings. (no where near the 10 roots perside of cube in pics) but I went ahead and moved them to soil... I cant understand why not start them in soil to begin with????

ahh well. things will move along now. and hopefully i will see many many many more. asap


Well-Known Member
Yeah, i agree with bonz try soil.

I like rockwell though it holds a good amount of water and makes your clone/seedling mobile.


Well-Known Member
ALright all RIGHT. GOod results today. I found that a number of clones in rockwool and the perlite have sprouted roots.....

I'm not sure if this is because I have been adding superthrive to their water, or because i have been foliar feeding at night, or spraying their roots 2-3 times a day, or turning on heating pad intermitently??? BUT i DO KNOW that I have 18 plants showing roots... each of those are in soil now and i am waiting for the remainder to come along.

I dunno about this perlite/vermiculite. anyone use this stuff? it looks REALLY thick for roots to grow through. sOOO dense.. imma give i t another day or two before i move them to perlite.

Whew* wipes forehead. what a relief that i finally have some roots- now the end is more in sight. Now i just need to be patient and get them all to flower :) so i am halfway there I think...?



Well-Known Member
i think the biggest problem i have remaining is that my ventilation system is shot. I was using an attic exhaust fan in a box- and when I hooked up this new light with vents on it. the fan died within a day and would not come back on?? So ya I need a new fan. to cover 14x10x8= 1320CF.... zzzZzzz I am trying to hold back on spending $200 bucks at my grow store for a fan--- But i dunnno what else to do honestly.... leave the door open for the next 3 months?lol


Active Member
wow 3 months to veg seems like a long time. I'm usually done veging and flowering with in 90 days of getting roots. There is a speedier way peoples....get crackinbongsmilie


Active Member
1000 hps will do fine in your 8X10 room as long as you can get some air in and air out. If u feel it will be too hot, get a "super 600" hps with floor fans. Ive been at it 10 years and have tried different arrangements. Good luck


Well-Known Member
yep it has been ALMOST 3 months from seed. I've turned 10 seeds into 5 plants. and 5 plants into 26 plants and various clones. There is still a ways to go with flowering I'm sure. I hope to be ready for the ASAP.


Well-Known Member
Ok so i got a new exhaust fan today. 750CFM -so the room should exhaust in 2 minutes...

Goin Green- i am going to try out this mister clean to improve my water. Does it remove chlorine too? what kind of hose did you add to the end of it? Im so sick of running out of water...etc. :)

i need to get a timer running so i can sleep some times... :P Unfortunately when i tried it with my old ballast it burnt the timer op pretty bad... I'm not sure if this was a problem with ballast or electric system, in home. has anyone has this happen or use another type of timer?



Well-Known Member
1000 hps will do fine in your 8X10 room as long as you can get some air in and air out. If u feel it will be too hot, get a "super 600" hps with floor fans. Ive been at it 10 years and have tried different arrangements. Good luck
1000 watt light only covers a 5x5 erea


Well-Known Member
herbie the cheepest way to get good water is like i do. get a plastic tank and a fish tank filter to fit that size and just run the wter through it. mine runs 24/7 and keeps my water perfect every time.
you have to get a better quality timer. mine cost me about 30 bucks, i can run 2 lights from it. also you have to consider every other electrical appliance that runs on that circuit, like house lights or appliances. keep the wires short to, long wire causes heat.
i dont quite understand you venting lines in the pic. that hose at the bottom is that sucking or blowing, is the fan hooked up to were i see the hose exit on the top left?


Well-Known Member
Ok so i got a new exhaust fan today. 750CFM -so the room should exhaust in 2 minutes...

Goin Green- i am going to try out this mister clean to improve my water. Does it remove chlorine too? what kind of hose did you add to the end of it? Im so sick of running out of water...etc. :)

i need to get a timer running so i can sleep some times... :P Unfortunately when i tried it with my old ballast it burnt the timer op pretty bad... I'm not sure if this was a problem with ballast or electric system, in home. has anyone has this happen or use another type of timer?

Man herbie now that i look back its crazy to see how far along you have came! i know at times it seems like a everyday hassle but trust me in the end you'll be very satisfied!bongsmilie

This is how i set mine up im not for sure on the excate size bro i think 1/4 inch!O and no on the chlorine but remember most tap water has chloramine which will not evaporate! Check this out seamaiden has helped me a lot and is very knowledgeable!

Because almost all water municipalities have moved away from chlorine and to chloramine, allowing the water to sit out is no longer effective. Chloramine is a compound comprised of chlorine and ammonia, it is very stable and does not present the same health hazards as straight chlorine. I only know of one municipality that uses chlorine only (where I used to live), and I wouldn't be surprised if they've been mandated to switch.

In any event, as such, chloramine requires another chemical to break the bond. It's a perfectly safe chemical, and how you decide to acquire and use it is up to you. It's sodium thiosulfate (a.k.a. aquarium water dechlorinator). If you buy it premade it's ready to go. If you want to be able to dechlorinate pretty much for the rest of your life, Google sodium thiosulfate (I always add 'best price'), buy the bucket of dry S.T., then mix to a 1% aqueous solution and use.

Rainwater is usually perfectly safe to use, but it is dependent upon where you live, as not all air quality is equal.

Get yourself that sodium thiosulfate, and you'll be golden.
O and Herbie hear is some more info on the MR Clean!

If you live in an area with high calcium water, or just bad water to begin with and you are looking to get your ppm down to a reasonable level. I bring you....THE MR. CLEAN AUTO DRY CAR WASH. Ok so seriously, you are asking me grave, what the hell does this have to do with me and my hard water. Well I read about this on some other forums and thought I could help a few people out here with it. The starter filter that comes with it does about 30 gallons, and the real filters do about 3 times as much so each filter filters about 100 gallons at the price of 6.50 a filter thats about 6 and a half cent s a gallon for water thats 20 ppm. You can tear apart the actual gun and turn it into a nice wall unit, it's very small and portable. You need a garden hose or garden hose attachment to put it on your sink. Ace is the only local place I found that carries em, but who knows do a lil reasearch and find yourself one, at the price ratio of most 200 dollar R/o units you can get a small home unit for 30 bucks, it takes it about an hour to fill up a 35 gallon rez. If you have any questions lemme know. Obviously you don't use the soap.


Well-Known Member
herbie the cheepest way to get good water is like i do. get a plastic tank and a fish tank filter to fit that size and just run the wter through it. mine runs 24/7 and keeps my water perfect every time.
you have to get a better quality timer. mine cost me about 30 bucks, i can run 2 lights from it. also you have to consider every other electrical appliance that runs on that circuit, like house lights or appliances. keep the wires short to, long wire causes heat.
i dont quite understand you venting lines in the pic. that hose at the bottom is that sucking or blowing, is the fan hooked up to were i see the hose exit on the top left?
ok ill get a better timer. as far as venting goes. I have a hommade carbon filter on one end of the light and the fan is pulling air through it and exhausting out the window. The hose i have coming in low is attached to the A/c vent in the ceiling- i'm just delivering it closer to the plants to keep em cool.

Gion green- Its definately been a journey- and yes lately its getting to be ALOT of work- more than i expected anyway. I am trying to get to a stage where i can automate as much as possible b/c my time is getting very limited. If anyone has anyideas on autmating watering... please chime in!(i am still taking each plant to the sink and saturating with water-which wasnt so bad with 5 ---but 49!!ugh lol)

Also i need to make a house for my mothers becuase i want to goto 12/12 ASAP and get it moving-so i can see what the reward is going to be like. :) I want to use the closet but didnt have veyr much luck in there with the clones- i killed a bunch in it- so i am looking for any ideas there too. I have a bathroom exhaust fan and i thought if i put one at top goint out and another at bottom going in it would satisfy their air needs. and then i have 2 cfls to use for light-

If i could just take this through Nov 1 to healthy harvest I think it will be smooth sailing after that. Plus maybe some fun with hydro? THanks again for all the advice everyone. This is definately a group effort in my opinion.